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April 9, 2020

Something Very Nasty Is Ahead If We Keep Going In This Direction As Doctor Warns Of 'Coronavirus 2nd Wave' Ahead Like The Spanish Flu Of 100 Years Ago That Killed With A Vengeance

- 'Orwellian America' Is Now Unfolding As One Man Warns: 'We Haven't Seen Anything Yet'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While estimates of the number of deaths from Covid-19 have dropped from 82,000 to 60,000 and the 'peak death date' moved forward to April 12th according to forecasters at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, and other health officials and political leaders around the nation echoing similar beliefs that the number of newly reported coronavirus cases are beginning to level off, now is definitely not the time to let our guard down. As we hear from one medical doctor and read in two recent alerts from Steve Quayle's website, one from 'Rick' who reported upon his recent experience at WalMart that bordered upon Orwellian,"We haven't seen anything yet".

With 'Rick' reporting that warnings were being broadcast over the intercom system about people loitering both inside and outside of the store and "some guy with a clipboard had people lined up like cattle in a squeeze chute, barking orders at them (he wasn't pleasant) and maintaining social distancing", 'Rick' compared that experience at his local WalMart with prior experiences of his at the Czechoslovak-East German border as well as at the East German-Polish border, hinting that if America keeps going in this direction, something very nasty lays ahead.

And with Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger and other globalists now pushing 'twin pandemix' in 2020 with mandatory vaccinations possibly dead ahead and now globalists even pushing 'snatch and grabs' of unvaccinated childrenreminding us more and more of some Orwellian-future state run by 'government terrorists' rather than a 'free America', remember that Democrats/globalists have been pushing out the 'family unit' for some time now, hoping to usher in 'community parenting' and if you want to know what that might look like, look no further than what globalists are proposing now, the outright kidnapping of America's children.

The second alert over at Steve's website was even more dire than the 1st. Titled "ARE YOU READY FOR THE MILITARY TO DECIDE WHAT GROCERIES YOU CAN BUY AND EAT?", that alert painted a picture of life turning into what now would seem to be an 'alternative reality'should our ever-so-fragile supply chain break down with us already now seeing cracks within it. That 2nd alert from 'Science Guy'went through an extended description of the US supply chain and why it can become incredibly vulnerable and as we'd reported on ANP on April 7th within this linked story, leaked documents from government agencies are already reporting potentially major shortages soon ahead of things like eggs, meat, milk and other necessities.

And with the globalists long pushing a 'depopulation agenda' that is still called 'conspiracy theory' by the mainstream media but can be seen in their 'artwork' such as the Georgia Guidestones with it's '#1 Commandment' being 'maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature', the globalists don't tell us they'd need to 'cull'over 7 billion to reach that number. So we'll be taking a look within this story at some very dire signs ahead including the trucking industry now falling off the cliff, and remember, the trucking industry is the 'lifeblood of America' that keeps most of America steadily flowing.

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The graphic above comes to us from the BlueStones Supply Chain in the UK and can be seen larger here. Showing us just how quickly things would come grinding to a total halt should the truckers stop trucking, the lifeblood of our nation potentially put in harms way due to the spread of covid-19 and the very nature of their work, as one Veteran truck driving recently said, "Everything just changed so drastically" while describing the total chaos that coronavirus has brought to the trucking industry.

Yet as he pointed out as we also hear in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, while there was a huge surge in demand for food and supplies at the beginning of this outbreak in America, the trucking business has since fallen off the cliff as Forbes recently reported, one trucking company recently laid off 1/5 of their employees and we've heard from ANP readers of other truckers also losing their jobs. From this Yahoo Finance story.:

As people across the U.S. shelter in place to contain the novel coronavirus, the nations truck drivers continue to traverse the country, transporting goods but the landscape theyre experiencing is radically different post-virus.

Everything just changed so drastically where we're showing up to facilities and they're checking our temperature, truck driver Josh Rickards told Yahoo Finances On The Move this week. Rickards, whos been driving a big rig for 15 years, said hes never seen anything like what hes witnessed during the coronavirus pandemic.

He owns a fleet of three trucks and described how panic buying of items like toilet paper looked like from his perspective, as customers wiped out supermarket shelves seemingly overnight. I've seen on the news people rushing to buy toilet paper. And in the area that I was in at the time, as I was watching that, I was watching load counts spike, and it was just, overnight, thousands and thousands and thousands of loads, he said.

And the next morning my phone was getting phone calls off the hook from brokers. Can you cover this load? Can you cover this load? Can you cover this load? And it was just out of nowhere. It was like chaos on our side of the fence.

But much like the rest of the country, all of that has now grinded to a halt.

During the initial phase of the pandemic, Rickards said he was working non-stop as businesses fought to keep the supply chain wheels spinning. But thats all changed. As of last Friday, Rickards said, his business has fallen off a cliff much like the rest of the country.

As this started to unfold and job losses were happening and people were becoming unemployed, even some friends and family of my own have been calling me and, you know, asking, hey, do you have any work?

But even a tight labor market cant convince the drivers who lease under his authority to take a job that requires them to travel to New York City the epicenter of the virus in the U.S.

I mean, no one really wants to go there. Everyone's afraid of going there and being in a position where they actually contract the virus themselves.

Yet as Susan Duclos had warned within this March 19th ANP story titled "Get Used To Empty Shelves - Coronavirus Affecting The Trucking Industry: When The Trucks Stop Moving, So Does The Lifeblood Of America", most Americans are completely and totally dependent upon the trucking industry whether they know it or not. And with up to 60% of Americans likely unable to cover basic necessities within a month or so because of this lockdown, those who've 'prepped' will be way ahead of the rest, some of whom are already experiencing very difficult times.

As we'd also reported within this April 7th ANP story, with food banks now warning they might be running out of food, a near-record number of Americans now without a job, food lines already stretching miles and miles in places such as Florida and Pennsylvania and now warnings of coronavirus at least doubling the number of people going hungry around the world, as Modern Survival Blog reported in this new story, severe food shortages could be ahead in America within a matter of weeks if we stay on the track we're now on.

And with 'the masses' absolutely needing food to just survive and any kind of a long-term supply chain collapse leading to absolute chaos and turmoil within America and across the world, should things continue to break down rather than being 'remedied', something akin to a 'Mad Max world' may await America in the days ahead with this covid-19 accomplishing all of the globalists sinister objectives and on a 'fast-track'.

And while we've been hoping that the current 'lockdown' would bring us a shortening of how long this pandemic will last, as one medical doctor recently reported, echoing 'Rick's' warning published at Steve Quayle's website, we likely haven't seen anything yet. Dr. Janis Orlowski warns that what we're witnessing right now will likely be repeated again in November or December, just like the Spanish flu of 1918 - 1919 which came back with a deadly vengeance though believed 'eradicated'. From this Politico story.:

As the United States faces down the dual crises of the Covid-19 pandemic and a widespread shortage of medical supplies and equipment, Dr. Janis Orlowski is working 13-15 hours a day trying to mitigate the damage.

As the chief health care officer of the Association of American Medical Colleges, she talks with senior government officials daily. She listens to the concerns of some of the biggest hospitals in the country the shortages of masks and ventilators and ICU beds and doctors and nurses. And shes sober-minded about the weeks and months ahead.

I believe that we're going to return to a semi-normal life at the end of May Memorial Day, Dr. Orlowski said in an interview for a special coronavirus-focused episode of POLITICOs Women Rule podcast.

But the other thing that I would say is that we have to prepare ourselves to go through a similar exercise in the fall, in the late fall. If you take a look at the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, and if you take a look at how coronavirus is acting, this is not just the winter and spring of 2020. Probably late November, by December, we are going to go through this again."

In the 1st video below we hear from one trucker who warns that the trucking industry is now falling off the cliff due to coronavirus lockdowns while the 2nd video below from the Texas Media Foundry Transportation Video Division is called "Always Rollin': Truckers & The Supply Chain". In the 3rd video below, Tucker Carlson talks with us about the World Health Organization's 'snatch and grab' plans for children while in the 4th and final video below, Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes joins Infowars to warn that 'medical martial law' is just as dangerous as 'traditional martial law'. And with the very real potential of children being kidnapped out of American's homes, stolen away from their parents by people like Bill Gates who think they know better than the rest of us, Barnes warns that America, the US Constitution and freedom are in grave danger.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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