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August 20, 2024

As We Are Creeping Up On What Appears To Be Absolutely Creepy Elections, A Look At Some Weird Concerns That May Make You Think Twice; Or At The Very Least, To Actually Think

By Alan Barton -All News Pipeline

As we are creeping up on what appears to be absolutely creepy elections, lets look at some varied and some weird concerns that may make you think twice; or at the very least, to actually think. As things are NOT as they may seem at first glance nor as they have hitherto been, this exercise in What-Ifs is more than purely academic or even speculative conjecture; rather, they are things that I find sufficiently interesting and appropriate to the question of what this column is about to piece some of them together along with some ideas on what may be and more importantly, why they may be.

As I sit here starting this one up it is Monday the 19th and the democrat (aka, American Communist) party convention is just beginning to spew forth the hype and evil jive that they are so famous for. But we must wait for Thursday for the real intents of the controllers of this farcical propaganda extravaganza to be determined and witnessed, just as it was at the Republican one last month. The primary concern is to see just who the forces select to be the official puppet for the New World Order to present as a candidate for the most powerful elected office in the world. Or, rather, Selected for office as we have not had truly free elections since Herbert Hoover was installed as the Council on Foreign Relations first official puppet as determined by the order of presidents as has been shown in the 2 Ezdras prophecy and the book The President Makers by Don Fotheringham (whom I actually knew within a business setting since about the mid 1970s). Yeh, I seem to think you are tired of me mentioning that stuff, but it is crucial to understanding what is going on around us as we sink ever lower into total war on not only our nation and persons but our very existence by those Satanic forces. One chilling thing to keep in mind is thatthe CFR is the founding source of power for the WEF the one (CFR) is American and the other (WEF) is the international subsidiary of the other. All evil secret societies are interrelated and even though there is some infighting, they are all run by Satan himself, so they are all working on the same goal total world control.

Yuval Noah Harari said that the election of Trump would be the death blow to the WEF quest to rule the world. This is but one small voice that insists they (meaning the NWO monkeys) will NEVER allow Trump to assume leadership of this once great nation ever again. He is but one voice of many doing so, and I do believe them. They will NEVER allow him to take power again, and that shows how big a threat he is to their dreams of absolute power. He (Harari) also said that this will be the very last election that they will allow to be held in the USA, and by extension we can see that if it does not go their way, there will not be another President that they will allow to take office, only their selected puppet. His actual quote is the next presidential election could be the last democratic election in US history. Are you connecting this with the Ezdras prophecy that the next two feathers (presidents) will not actually take office? They will think to do so, but will not. Things are falling into place rapidly it appears. This brings up the question that I have mentioned a number of times and that is Biden is not supposed to fill his time in office and what that may entail. As a side note, I consider Harari prime material to be the actual Anti-Christ along with a few other candidates; more on that a bit later. This also means that whoever wins the Democrat convention will not take office, whether that is the witch infesting the veeps office or another candidate to be installed this week, it matters not. But that witch seems to be taking office as the last feather on the eagles wings, which will be a short lived run.

As I pondered that question, a number of ideas swept past my mind and I am not so sure that he is not already eliminated from actually being the President. Yes, I know he has in actuality never been as he is just serving as a puppet, but even the course supposition that he fills that role is also perhaps negated and that allows for the proof that Ezdras is a correct Prophecy is then confirmed. Nixon and JFK were the first two that did not fill their time in office, and Trump was the third because he did not fill the second term that he was actually elected to do as the evil bastards running

things stole the election by massive voter fraud, and God knew it 2500 years ago as testified by the Prophet Ezra. Although Biden may yet leave that office either via gurney and ambulance or he may be legally removed because of whatever works, like medical for incompetence or legal as a criminal enterprise he and his family run to defraud the USA. That is still to be determined, but the third option is what has been lingering in my thoughts lately.

And that option is perhaps a bit nebulous at the moment, but I cannot dismiss it outright. Consider that he has had quite a very real coup imposed upon him arguably by Pelosi, Obama and the DNC that forced him to resign from his role as an active candidate to be replaced by a drunkard, a confirmed idiot and morally loose communist that acts more like a Bammer wannabe even though she is supposed to be the Vice President. It appears very real that he not only lost that position but also lost the control (what little he may have actually had anyway) that a President is entitled to have. Thus effectively neutering him as CIC and therefore eliminating him as THE president in power, fulfilling the prophecy that he would serve a shorter time than Trump did in the process. Am I stretching things or do you also see that it may be the link we need to confirm that prophecy this early? And that is to not even mention that he has NOT been seen publicly since he was flown out in a medical emergency from Las Vegas his clones have been seen, but not the Biden mafia boss himself as I went over a short time ago.

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So just who will take over running the top position in this nation? According to the prophecy, the first of the three eagle heads will and will die in his bed with great pain. What will he die from we might ask? We do not know but will live a very short life. Remember how soon these events must take place; the elections are in November and the time to swear in the next one will be in next January. Perhaps from disease, perhaps from war injuries (civil or otherwise), perhaps from accident (planned or unplanned) or perhaps from some other malady; we do not know at this point but will find out soon enough. The next one is his replacement and is the second eagle head. He will be away sooner than the first and will be murdered by the third eagle head who will also be murdered in office. Please note that they are NOT elected but take power to themselves. This all seems to indicate massiveturmoil and strife in the USA as well as a high likelihood of major war whether internal or external to the heartland. I suspect both as one will lead to the other. There is more info in this prophecy, but this is also where the books of Daniel especially and others like Revelation, Isaiah and so forth come into play. They speak a lot of the last eagle heads successor the Anti-Christ himself. Think how near this all is and if we live through the next handful of years we may be able to see just who that is.

Many opinions of who these three eagle heads are have been pronounced, but I do not believe they are institutions of one sort or another themselves as most people seem to think but are actual individual peoples. Yes, members of the CFR are top in my listing, but do not leave out military chiefs, intelligence agency chiefs, other politicians that are members of any of those groups and so on. Think people of great power and massive egos on major power trips like Alex Soros, Bill Gates, maybe a top Rockefeller or Mars or Larry Fink or Burns or military man like Austin or Brown. The field is wide open and I do not know who actually runs things among those types of people, but you can also come up with many individuals that have that kind of power. Maybe if things are not too broken we may be able to find out. The primary point to remember is just how close this all is to our immediate future. The Rockefellers aim is to take full control over the whole world as total dictators and are well on their way to doing so; do not discount them being in one or a few of these positions. They are the originators of the current One World Order system and are directly involved in groups like the Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, WEF and more along with primary founders of the CFR. A purely Satanic evil family that along with the CIA are the authors of the Deagel Report that says the population of the USA will be all but wiped out by next year. Deagle was a director of the Rockefeller foundation, they are very close. When they say so, they mean it and are well on their way to doing so.

As I mentioned, it is the last one that is of primary concern. And that is the anti-Christ. He may not appear to be so initially, but he will rein about 3 to 3 and a half years in the USA and then go international and rule the whole world. It is this part that makes me wonder if the USA will not be destroyed as such (at least until he leaves us to go overseas rule and wage war on Israel) because it appears as if he is able to strongman the world to do his bidding. Maybe it is at this time that our nation will be destroyed. We know that our religious institutions will be for sure. I m not even sure he will be an American, but it seems he would likely be or at least seemingly so in order to take such great power to himself. Again, think the possibility of Harari or Alex Soros or even some religious leader looking for more power.

Prince Emanuel Filiberto of Savoy the Prince of Venice an international private banker who is the primary owner of the Venetian Mafia and a major architect and financier of propagandists and liars. Prince Emanuel worked for SYZ private bank in Geneva, Switzerland and he resides in France. Prince Emanuel specializes in blasphemy and he wants to take over the world and be declared god. There are a number of people that would like to be named as god, and he is not alone. The Jesuit Pope Francis is of absolute evil. He said that Klaus Schwab is more holy than Jesus Christ, and that he has the correct version of religion. As anAgenda Contributorat the WEF in Davos, Pope Francis is fluent in blasphemy and is actively working to destroy Christianity from the inside.

The WEF has been granted authorization by the pope to rewrite the Holy Bible, according to a WEF insider who reveals the pope wants the new fact-checked version of the Bible to be far more political, with a central place for the primacy of nature and far less about Jesus.

Remember a year or two ago I did a column on the new world religion is to be led by the Pope and will incorporate a massively modified Catholic style of Christianity, Islam and other world religions into one comprehensive religion. At least that is the plan, and it is that also where the anti-Christ will lead from as near as I can figure things out. Please watch the last video below for a more comprehensive treatise on this absolute evil. A very frightening 13.5 minute overview that cannot be missed and then realize that the end of things is happening in many various studies and not just randomly. Things are really coming to a head in so many different ways and systems that it cannot be ignored at the risk of death and damnation to those who are not aware of reality.

America will be greatly diminished, but will rise as the worlds leading nation after Christ returns, and that is very near. Just for fun, using rounded numbers to not get involved in the deep discussions of exactly what and where and the like, lets assume Christ was born in 1 BC or BCE which I interpret and one day (year) Before Christs Era rather than the official terminology, and that was 4,000 years total of Earth life since the fall of Adam. Then assume the next two thousand years brings us up to today. That means Christ died and arose again in 34 CE (Current Era, but I prefer Christs Era) and that the two thousand years ends and we can expect Him by 2034 CE. Not a thorough examination and calculation, but a rounded number guess as where we are. And I really do not think I am very far off and that is why I say perhaps in the next ten years or so Christ returns in power and glory. Perhaps I will not be alive to see it, but in the Spirit body I sure hope I do.

This concludes my brief overview of the 2 Ezdras 11 and 12 Eagle Prophecy started a few columns ago. I hope you learned something important to your life. Maybe I will get a chance to do updates and commentaries to reinforce or to change or revise this idea, we will see.

Until then, God Bless -

Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation Forecast
This is a very good quick overview of the farce of our recent elections, and covers the evil of child sex trafficking as well. Please note that they are related, directly so.
This one is a must watch to understand the anti-Christ better. The 112th Pope will be the last one according to some old prophecy they claim and is of absolute evil (The False Prophet) as we can see clearly with the one in office now.

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