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April 15, 2024
One Day Closer To Nuclear Armageddon - DC Has Been Preparing For A 'Bolt Out Of The Blue' AKA An Unexpected Nuclear Strike On The Pentagon Since The End Of WWII
We've discussed the possibility of nuclear war stemming from the Russia/Ukraine conflict, and we have mentioned the likelihood that the middle east, as volatile as it is, would bring about World War III, but recent events, have brought us a step closer to that scenario.
Rather than using proxies, like Hamas and Hezbollah, Iran directly launched approximately 300 drones and missiles at Israel, in a rather large escalation of tit for tat attacks, always using proxies. Whether it is attacks by Israel against Hezbollah or Hamas, or the two Iran-backed groups attacking Israel, a direct attack at Israel by Iran, or vice versa, is a huge escalation.
Now let me be clear, this piece is not an invitation to rant and rage against Muslims or Jews in the comment section, but rather about the increased chances of nuclear war being ignited, which would automatically bring about a hot, boots on the ground type World War III.
It is still my opinion that with all the nations already taking part in sanctions against Russia, and other acts of war, we are in the beginning stages of WWIII already.
With all that out of the way, we have noticed some serious reports warning what a nuclear war would truly look like.
The information within the Daily Mail piece was garnered from new classified documents, put into a book, from interviews with "presidential advisers, cabinet members, nuclear weapons engineers, scientists, soldiers, airmen, special operators, Secret Service, emergency management experts, intelligence analysts, civil servants and others who have worked on these macabre scenarios over decades."
The scenario that is gamed begins with a "bolt out of the blue," meaning a nuclear strike that was unexpected, and the first target in their scenario is the Pentagon.
This strike on DC initiates the beginning of an Armageddon-like nuclear war that will almost certainly follow. There is no such thing as a small nuclear war, is an oft repeated phrase in Washington.
Some key points from the DM article listed below.
A one megaton thermonuclear weapon detonation begins with a flash of light and heat so tremendous it is impossible for the human mind to comprehend. One hundred and eighty million degrees Fahrenheit is four or five times hotter than the temperature at the center the Sun.
Travelling at the speed of light, the radiating heat from the fireball ignites everything flammable several miles in every direction.
Those incinerated are spared the horror that begins to be inflicted on the one to two million people gravely injured but not yet dead.
More than a million people are dead or dying and fewer than two minutes have passed since detonation. Now the inferno begins.
Those who somehow manage to escape death from the blast, shockwave and firestorm, suddenly realize an insidious truth about nuclear war that they are entirely on their own.
How does the US government know so many nuclear effects-related facts, while the general public remains blind?
The answer is as grotesque as the questions themselves because, for all these years, since the end of the Second World War, the US government has been preparing for, and rehearsing plans for, a General Nuclear War.
The DM piece is much lengthier, describing every even from the moment the nuclear bomb hits the Pentagon, and well worth the read. By the end, two billion have died.
We all know that if the U.S. gets hit first, we will retaliate, so the same amount of death and destruction will also occur on the other end of the hit.
The point here is that last bullet point above, the insidious truth about nuclear war is in the aftermath, no one is coming to help, survivors are on their own, and what they have, is all they will have to live on.
(ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)
Non-preppers, those that buy enough food for the week for them and/or their families, and have no extras stocked up, will likely starve soon after, unless they live close to a prepper who is willing to share. Due to OP SEC (Operations/Operational Security), many preppers do not advertise what they have or how much of it they have, so unless a non-prepper is a very close friend, they probably won't know who can help.
There goes millions more, dead, from just that one hit. Whether a nation stops at just the one hit against the U.S., is anyone's guess.
So, what we ask ourselves, and are asking those reading this to do the same, is if a nuke dropped today, do you have enough to survive until you can grow/scavenge/barter more?
If not, there are links at the bottom of this piece for freeze dried foods, for those that want to add to their stocks, or even to just restock that which has been used, or to increase your preps.
Some suggestions below:
1) If you are not already growing your own food indoors, start now. An all outside garden can be seen by neighbors, and anyone that cares to look, so animals won't be a gardeners only problem.
2) Weapons. Weather guns, and please, if so, have appropriate safety training. For those that are uncomfortable with guns, personal defense items, whether knives, hatchets, mace, or tasers. Anything to protect yourself and your stocks.
3) Water. Seriously there is only so much water one can store at their home, so rain barrels to collect your own, and filters/tablets in case you use lake/river water. Note: Have stocks of water on hand, before an attack, for the first few weeks.
6) If you have a basement, set it up as a shelter, and if you do not, then hunt your area for a building that either has a basement and/or has rooms with no windows.
7) Ham or shortwave radios. A ham radio can communicate and a shortwave radio you can listen with.
As said earlier in this piece, links to freeze dried foods, and generators, will be at the very bottom of this article.
The bottom line here is one video, titled "Terrifying simulation reveals how apocalyptic Iran vs Israel war would quickly go nuclear," originally at The Sun, but as that could not be embedded, we found it elsewhere.
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