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May 6, 2022

Why You'll Be Dead Soon After The Grid Goes Down If You Relied On Bitcoin And Other Crypto And Didn't Prep - Crypto's Purpose Is To Usher In A Cashless Society And The Mark Of The Beast

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

While reading some random news articles it occurred to me that both left and right, both conservative and liberal, both rich and poor tout cyber currencies and the great need for us to move over to them. Although I knew already that generically at least, they are just electronic representations of money and operate much like your credit or debit card works. Some stories also mentioned that they are still just fiat currencies and worth nothing, others said perhaps not so. Money itself is a relatively simple thing, and Merriam-Webster has as its first definition something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment which also concerns wealth reckoned in terms of money and that is still a bit short of what I learned over many decades of life and experience but will suffice for this discussion. We will use the terms measure of value and a medium of exchange as that is the primary idea of money.

In other words, to put it into terms of the day to day actual experience, it is the exchanged value of your daily labors expressed in a form or medium that can be readily exchanged for the necessities of life. Go to work, pay for your home, provide food and so forth. Although I will not go into what can make that exchange viable by what backs up the agreed upon value such as gold, we should at least identify the other term I used above and that is Fiat money. Again turning to M-W dictionary, we see that fiat money is money (such as paper currency) not convertible into coin or specie of equivalent value which gives us our first hint at what Wikipedia says is a type of currency that is not backed by any commodity such as gold or silver, and typically declared by adecreefrom the government to belegal tender. That is very meaningful if looked at in the most fundamental terms; when people in the beginning lived off of what they could produce, an exchange of your labors to grow potatoes was agreed upon as what your neighbors labor took to grow chickens and eggs. So many potatoes for so many eggs and so many chickens for so many measures of wheat or so many urns of milk. Money is a representation of those trade values expressed in something like bits of gold or the weight of some precious stone. That is what is called commodity money and has intrinsic value. This one nugget of silver is worth so many bushels of oats and that can be traded fairly and stored until needed unlike that basket of peaches which will go rotten far too soon. All well and good and is the way I learned of the value of money by my hard work and raising a family off of my labors.

Fiat money is rendering the value of your hard work as of no value whatsoever. Our current dollar is fiat currency and has been for a long time now as we are not linking its value to the value of gold anymore or even petroleum as the new Bretton Woods system is implemented as explained in the linked ANP story. So will digital currency have any intrinsic value? No, they are by design and by definition fiat currency. The term Fiat means an authoritative or arbitrary orderdecree.dictate or in other words, as my mother used to explain when I pushed her, because I said so. And that was always the final terms. Fiat currency is not now nor has ever been worth a damned thing, it is worthless, and always will be worthless. Speaking of digital currencies such as Bitcoin or other crypto currency, an article on Investment Firms titled What is digital currency states that the question turns to how do these currencies keep and gain value without running into failure.. its value relies completely on supply and demand[and] commercial banks issue digital currency to their customers..physical legal tender is just turned into virtual currency. In other words, the digital money or crypto currency has value because they said so and for no other reason. The first video below covers a basic understanding of crypto currencies using Bitcoin as an example.

An interesting dichotomy then exists; Bitcoin . was created to combat the centralization of power though banks.. Since there is no intermediary, users have the ultimate control over their money and all virtual transactions are completed immediately. This effectiveness is an attractive feature in the busy world of today.It will only be a matter of time until central banks directly issue digital currency to the public. Got that? What was created to stop central banks power over money is what will give them the power over money. This state of affairs could not have been created by anyone other than those central banks and is devious in the extreme. Nations all over the globe are putting digital currencies into place and the US is planning to be among them with the proposal that the Federal Reserve (NOT a federal agency but a consortium of private bankers) proposing to create a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) where the currency has no physical form, only as bits in a computer. As this proposal is that the Federal Reserve issued crypto coins would be supported by the value of the US Dollar (which has no real value to begin with) and is intended to be very stable, not jumping around with the stock market or other causes of volatility as the paper form of fiat money is. Conflicting claims aside, using Bitcoin as an example that is one tall order that I foresee as a total wet dream. And digital money exists only in electronic form, it is floating around on the cloud, it exists only as long as there is no power interruption and no one has derived your ID and passwords (as does your normal bank account anyway). A good EMP strike and you lose it all assuming the backup systems also fail with that EMP strike. One could call it shadow money drifting around the ether of zero real substance and have a fairly good description of it.

(ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we'rerunning a fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

With that basic understanding, lets now turn to what is actually happening with digital/crypto currencies. A British site called Screen Rant tells how a teenager stole over $36 million in crypto using a SIM swap trick. The way this worked is that the teenager arrested for the multi-million dollar heist employed a SIM-swapping trick. SIM-swapping involves transferring the victim's phone number to the fraudster's SIM card, allowing the latter to intercept two-factor authentication (2FA) codes and gain access to the victims accounts. As we live in a world where smart phones are used for almost everything, when a scammer can convince a change to the victims phone service to a phone in the hucksters possession or ported from an original carrier to a new one, he then has access to everything you have on your cell-phone. This seems very similar to how card skimmers on gas pumps or cashiers card readers steal your card number, or how home mortgage fraudsters can steal the ownership of your home and sell it with no way of recovering your investment. So if you suddenly are not able to make calls or send texts, or you receive unwarranted alerts that your SIM has been activated for use on another device, or you cannot log into your bank account then you can be fairly certain that your SIM card has been swapped to anothers device, you have effectively been robbed blind. Most methods used to prevent your identity from being stolen work to protect yourself from SIM swappers, so please read up on and practice those safeguards.

There are many crypto scams like Pump and dump scams are those where a group of people promotes a new crypto token to inflate its price. When the price reaches a high peak they dump massive amounts of their coins causing the price to collapse. Phishing scams use fake emails or fake sites to try tohack users to strip them blind. Ponzi or pyramid schemes involve recruiting people and paying off gains to others. ICO scams, Rug Pulls, and Exit Scams are unique to the crypto world. In these styles of scams, a new crypto coin or new project is promoted but either abandoned immediately after launch or may never even see the light of day.

High commission sites, non-transferable wallets, fake wallets, and promotion of volatiles without warnings are otherclassic crypto scams. Day trading and short trades, with automatic stop loss and take gain options, are almost never a good idea in crypto. This from another Screen Rant article found here. Do not believe the advertising, crypto currencies are NOT safe and secure but are MORE vulnerable to a large variety of methods to destroy your wealth.

Some forms of digital currencies use what is called Block Chain, where each transaction leads back to a set of keys and whoever owns that set of keys owns the amount of currency associated with those keys. Transactions are added to a Ledger that is common to all users, and are often added to that ledger in blocks all at once. Data mining is the term used when these blocks are added to the ledger sequentially by miners and is then a chain of blocks and is how many work, including Bitcoin. It is like a decentralized bank ledger and those Miners get paid for completing those transactions by adding a bit of coin to their own accounts. Those mining systems are heavy users of computer graphics cards as mining processors and is the major reason that those high end graphics cards are so expensive and in short supply at the present time. This dispersed ledger system is supposed to be one reason why crypto is considered safe and also why many central banks and governments do not like them because it can pass by many sources of income for them as well as hiding extra or illegal purchases.

Crypto is supposedly more green (although the power generated for it to exist and to function is much higher than normal coinage and therefore is NOT green) and BlackRocks Larry Fink said recently that the The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades which is a total lie. From Zero Hedge a few days ago, Fink (what an appropriate name for him) said the Ukrainian conflict has the"potential impact on accelerating digital currencies. The war will prompt countries to re-evaluate their currency dependencies."He spoke aboutcentral bank digital currencies(CBDC) and how they "can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption." Again, Fink is following WEF's script of implementing new forms of digital currency that will mean governments will have more control over the people. He also made it very clear that the conflict in Ukrainian is being used as an accelerator to reorganize the global economy as the old world order crumbles and a multipolar world emerges. Supply chains will be onshored or moved closer to home, and the WEF's agenda of a green new world, more corporate surveillance, and trackable money are inevitable this decade.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why all of those stories claiming that the New World Order is failing are absolutely wrong; on the contrary, all of their plans are coming along magnificently. It may have put an end to the past few decades of globalization (as he stated) and Fink is the head asset manager of over $10 Trillion and oversees more money than the US Fed also said that Russia's invasion of Ukraine would fundamentally reshape the world economy and drive up inflation as supply chains are reconfigured. That war has nothing to do with what the MSM cries real tears about, and is nothing but a major push into the Illuminatis enslavement of the whole world. That NATO is pushing too near Russia, that the Ukraine is a fascist dictatorship, that the US is blowing its military resources on huge stockpiles abandoned in Afghanistan and giving the rest to the forces in Eastern Europe and others while production has all but ceased and it will take years to build any restocking supplies, let alone the FACT that our military is being decimated by the C19 death shots and the driving out of any actual Christians and conservatives and anyone that does not toe the line of perverts first and transsexuals above competency are being removed from service. But that is a rant for another time; we need to focus on how crypto currencies are the NWO future and how the coming World Central Bank is already forming the final chapter in economic independence. The third video below has a brief overview of the looming debt defaults.

Financial markets are collapsing and it seems no one wants to say that truth, so what is the next step in the Great Reset? Vince Quill wrote in a We Love Trump article that While decentralized cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have the power to set us free through giving individuals the ability to mint money, develop communities, and decentralize governmentthere are nefarious forces at work..Namely the statists and globalists who wish to issueCBDCs.CBDCs are distinct from decentralized cryptocurrencies in that theyre issued by governments, which nullifies all the benefits distributed ledger technology uses as a selling point in the first place.

Dr. Pippa Malmgren (an American economist who has served as economic advisor to Pres. Bush and her father Harald Mamgren as senior aide to JFK, LBJ, Dick Nixon, and Gerry Ford) said at the World Government Summit this March (29-30 in Dubai) What underpins aworld order is always the financial system. I was very privileged. My father was an adviser to Nixon when they came off the gold standard in 71. And so, I was brought up with a kind of inside view of how very important the financial structure is to absolutely everything else.

And what were seeing in the world today, I think, is we are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and Ill say this boldly, were about toabandon the traditional system of money and accounting andintroduce a new one. And the new one. The new accounting is what we call blockchain.

It means digital, it means having a almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over whats going on. It also raises huge dangers in terms of the balance of power between states and citizens.

In my opinion, were going to need a digital constitution of human rights if were going to have digital money. But also this new money will be sovereign in nature. Most people think that digital money is crypto, and private. But what I see our superpowers introducing digital currency, the Chinese were the first the US is on the brink, I think of moving in the same direction the Europeans have committed to that as well.

And the question is, will that new system of digital money and digital accounting accommodate the competing needs of the citizens of all these locations, so that every human being has a chance to have a better life? Because thats the only measure of whether a world order really serves! (link to two minute video of her saying this)

That is the new Financial World Order being uncovered. One portion of the One World Government and supported by the One World Religion and requires a digital identity in order to give you an arbitrary value rating to society, a Fabian idea that rates your value to society just as the communist Chinese social credit system does, which is the precursor to the whole world being slaved to it. Please note that this is NOT a conspiracy theory but is in fact what they have been outwardly implementing and bragging that they are doing. As The American Thinker said of it, The Biden Administration is considering the implementation of digital money. Any transition to digital money poses a challenge to liberty. .there is danger in the tyrannical use of digital money to complement any already existing social scoring system. Individuals have the right to keep secrets. Governments dont.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said that the Ukraine war, as per plan, will fundamentally alter global economic trade, finance and the political order as reported by Reuters in the Money section of U.S.News. Russia's invasion of Ukraine will affect the entire global economy by slowing growth and jacking up inflation, and could fundamentally reshape the global economic order in the longer term. the war is boosting prices for food and energy, fuelling inflation and eroding the value of incomes, while disrupting trade, supply chains and remittances in countries neighbouring Ukraine and as they reported, the IMF is the financial control mechanism for western government. And it is controlled by the International Central Banks more commonly known as the Rothschilds families banking systems even though the US Treasury Department says they are an organization of 189 member countries that works to foster globalmonetarycooperation, secure financial stability, facilitateinternationaltrade, and promote high employment and sustainable economic growth. It appears to me to be nothing less than the Illuminati, specifically the heads of the world wide Church of Lucifer tightening control over anything and everything they can prior to the final wrap-up hoping somehow they can escape what is coming to them. Note the key phrase of sustainable economic growth which is cover for the new green deal or the absolute control that Agenda 2030 demands.

Lew Rockwell said that their models have confirmed that Bidens sanctions against all Russians have undeniably destroyed the global economy unfortunately precisely on time from its birth in 1950. Our capital flow models have confirmed that there has been an unprecedented cash outflow from China following Bidens sanctions. Not only are we witnessing a withdrawal of Western capital from China realizing that the US has no interest in peace and China will be next, but we are also looking at collapsing confidence in globalization continuing from here on out. And as they further report that those sanctions are not going to cause any regime change but instead are bringing the entire world to destruction which some argue is all part of their plan to enable the world toBUILD BACK BETTERwhich necessitates the destruction of the current energy system and reduction of population to make Bill Gates sleep easy at night. So the next season ofBUILD BACK BETTERmay be the climax. And they do not mean some off handed dirty joke, but the end of any world government BUT THEIR OWN. His final words on the effects this is bringing are the ones that we have been saying for a long time now; It pains me to have to even write this today. But clearly, those who understand where this is going is to World War III and make no mistake about it this isINTENTIONAL! (reprinted from Armstrong Economics)

Although the final version of the worlds crypto currencies likely will not follow Bitcoins format, it will still be a completely fiat system with absolutely nothing to be based on except the elitists ego and evil. It is, however, guaranteed to mandate total acceptance to even obtain food, shelter and any other systems required to sustain life as John told us in Revelation 13:15-17;

15And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Whether this mark to be a part of this new world banks electronic currency is in the form of an imbedded chip, a tattoo on your hand or forehead, an app on your cell-phone or just finger print scanning or facial recognition among other options, it is all the same. You are branded as a slave with a unique identity code and cannot be considered a Free Man ever again.

Lets end todays opinion column with the last video below, one by Jim Richards speaking about the worst financial market crash as a result of this planned Russia/Ukraine war that is designed to do exactly what it is doing, to destroy the worlds economies so badly that the World Banks designed for fiat (fake) electronic crypto currency will dominate and destroy all others for the benefit of the few elitists that worship at the feet of Lucifer. That would render us all slaves to those masters and I, for one, absolutely refuse to comply, refuse to play nice with them, refuse to buckle under their purely satanic evil.

Until next time, God Bless.

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