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July 20, 2022

Whether Directly Or Indirectly Through The United Nations, Democrats And RINO's Are Taking Part In High Treason Against America - Here Is The Proof They Don't Want You To Know!

By Alan Barton All News Pipeline

I am going to assume that you already know something about the United Nations and its history and the US involvement, and most likely that you already know that it is NOT the kind weird uncle sort of interloper that tends to say things that the real America is supposed to be and stands for. In other words, not the current aberration we live in that pretends to be the Real America, but the radical leftist nightmare that precludes those things we love and we are currently living inside of. We actually began this story last time and I did warn you that it is continuing, so what we have gone over regarding the destruction of irrational use of language and the massive lies and deceptions that they promote and the peaceful civilized society and Liberty that they preclude are served up here as they are directly related. First I think it would be best if I showed the linkages between language distortion or even destruction and the United Nations.

I brought up the idea that the UN is a communist revolutionary conspiracy using things like Sustainable Development and other misnamed concepts to push the New World Orders Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 and other Great Reset functions. I also linked the worlds socialist or outright communist systems to the UN and all of these things are directly related. Enough of that, you can go back and read the original for more linkage ideas. Perhaps a brief look at the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto and its relationship to the UN might be helpful at this point. So lets start with the WEF and Karl Schwab (YES they are directly involved as well along with many other secret societies that we have been covering since the early part of this year) with his you will own nothing and you will like it statement that was made famous because of the insanity and shock value it created. Number one in the CM (Communist Manifesto) is the Abolition of Private Property which related directly with the U.N. Habitat program that has a vision of a better quality of life for all in an urbanizing world and works with partners to build inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and communities. UN-Habitat promotes urbanization as a positive transformative force for people and communities, reducing inequality, discrimination and poverty.

Please note all of the Newspeak terms in that statement (highlighted in red so you can be sure to note them), and we are just beginning. All of those terms have secondary or even tertiary meanings that tell the real intentions of the UN and the New World Order it represents such as inclusive which means you cannot decide for yourself who your neighbors or friends MUST be. Build means you will do it no matter your own preferences as all of your wealth will be used to do it. Safe means something totally different than not having your life threatened as it really means safe for the criminal element to survive without too much harassment, but especially safe for the top Luciferians running the show. Resilient means you will learn to live in whatever we prescribe for you and you will accept it or else. Please note the fact that they want to eliminate suburban and private ownership of land and create urbanization and communities; I see that as high density high rise hovels for the masses (those few remaining after the great kill off) while the Elites live in their private mansions all over the world. We could go on giving interpretations but you get the idea. In the USA we see that implemented by local and state tax laws especially property taxes, eminent domain laws, building codes and land use and so on.

Next is number two in the CM, the Heavy Progressive income tax and the U.N. is implementing that through the UN IMF works to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity (prosperity for whom?) while here at home it is funneled through the IRS and the Federal Reserve banking systems which are, not surprisingly, also directly controlled by the Central Bankers also known as the Rothschilds family. The IMF, International Monetary Fund, was drawn up in the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference (which we have discussed previously) also called the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference and it became an official entity under U.N. direction in 1947. Isnt it amazing how close everything is tied together when you go looking for more information? Between those taxes just mentioned and inflation, we are being driven into the ground without any real recourse but to learn to live with it or riot and likely die in the aftermath of that scenario by the actions of treasonous troops to put down the riots and insurrection against the United Nations. A part of that is included in the Commy-Festo (I just coined that term for simplicity sake) is number three and that is the elimination of all rights of inheritance which our Congress is trying to do right now in revising the tax codes. They follow that up with number four which is the Confiscation of all Property (of emigrants and rebels) which is covered by the U.N. It seems to me that is being implemented through the IRS, DOJ, the DHS and other agencies already.

Number five is making a World Bank which as mentioned above, is the IMF running through the Central Banks and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) which is owned by those Central Banks and IMF and BIS are both identified as Bretton Woods institutions. On their homepage, they are a New Tool in the fight against Climate Change (and) provide country-Specific roadmaps to a green, resilient and inclusive future. They, of course, claim they are responding to overlapping global crises with lots of (mostly American tax payers) money and the Heads of the Food and Agriculture Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group, World Food Programme, and World Trade Organization issued a joint statement calling for urgent action to address the global food security crisis. Oh boy, we are saved! They also see climate action as fundamental to alleviating poverty and boosting shared prosperity in a sustainable way a mission that is at the core of the World Bank Groups development mandate. Of course John Kerry is right in the middle of all that and as United States first Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and the first-ever Principal to sit on the National Security Council entirely dedicated to climate change as Biden directs him to sit on every climate council around the world to fight climate change. I am still trying to figure out what the national Security Council has to do with the fake climate change scam.

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Notice how it appears as if all of those scripts were written according to a well conceived plan of unifying the language and the use of terms that are easily tweaked to give a false impression that soothes the troubled masses yet at the same time conveys the truth that it is all a communist revolution, a world-wide communist revolution? We could go on with the remaining items in the Commy-Festo but there are other places I wish to traverse and I think we have proven our point about what is connecting all of these groups to what is happening in our nation and the world at large right now. We are under a UN organized communist takeover under the guise of an ill formed democrat party majority crapping our collective pants for us. Basically, the UN is an intergovernmental organization supposedly for the purpose of maintaining international peace and is the worlds largest international organization with so many arms winding around seemingly every aspect of life on this planet.

Some of the key treaties that put the USA under virtual slavery to the UN would include the 1945 International Organization Immunities Act where congress relinquished every public office over to the U.N. and the right to dictate what laws will be international and the right to tax the states. Although the Senate and the Congress attempted to rescind that act, and that treaty is unconstitutional because they bypassed the Constitutions amend process, it is not successful because we are still involved up to our necks with the U.N. There is a huge difference between the US Constitution and the UN Charter because first, we are ratified by assemblies of the People while the UN is approved only by appointed foreign government agents and never submitted to the American People for a vote, or legislators or any conventions to ratify and that is absolutely illegal and our treaties a therefore illegitimate and unenforceable. The Constitution says our basic rights are given by God and CANNOT be overruled. The UN (and democrat party) says rights are granted by government and can be cancelled by government action according to the UNs Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). God gives and it remains, government gives and takes it away at their whim. Although listed as a core principle and covenant you cannot have any faith that it will continue as it is already obliterated by their actions around the world. But then, so our own government is destroying what God said we are inalienably endowed with and that is under direction from the UN through the democrat party. See where all of this is going now?

We have the Second Amendment where we are guaranteed the right to own and bear arms while the UN seeks to ban ownership of weapons of any kind. The UN Arms Trade Treaty aims to ultimately disarm Americans and although that treaty was signed in 2013, it has never been ratified by Congress. Now remember what I said in the previous paragraph and tell me it wont be enforced in the near future; or at least tried to be enforced by the evil left. Every President swears an oath to defend and protect the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic while every Un Secretary General has been openly a socialist or avowed Communist. Not much real difference and some of our so-called presidents have also been communists with the first outright and obvious one being born in Kenya, but he is not alone. The USA was built on the promise of the sovereignty of the People while the UN favors and fights for a UN led One World Government, a New World Order and that is just what is being actively promoted here and abroad by action groups like the WEF, Rothschilds world central bankers, the US democrat party, Free Masons, CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission, Illuminati, British Crown (City of London), Club of Rome and so forth while being implemented by such groups as the CCP, Blackrock, the UNs own WHO, world top industrialists and corporate owners like Gates, Soros and so on. We are diametrically opposed in principles from the UN and the international friends of it.

The UN is on the brink of becoming a One World Government as the New American said about ten years ago, and they quote Lord Monckton (remember him?) saying (about a new climate treaty) I read that treaty. And what it says is this: that a world government is going to be created. The word government actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries. And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement.. They are about to impose a communist world government on the world and the New Americans Alex Newman said They were still effectively talking about a mechanization for setting up a global government so that they could shut down the West, shut down democracy, and bring freedom to an end worldwide. Remember that was ten years ago and they are now much further along on that goal much further along. The New World Order IS the UN World Order, they are one and the same thing. EVERYTHING will be controlled by them if they get their way, and so far they are doing so. How well does that mirror the NWO claims of one world government? The correct answer is exactly, as they are referencing the exact SAME THING.

The graphic below is the 20147 version of the UNs arrangement of its special agencies, hopefully if you click it it should appear in a much easier to read larger format or look here. Note all of the detailed organs, funds, programs, entities, commissions, agencies, and so forth and see how many you already know about or have heard about. Look at the Specialized Agencies and see what some of them are that are big in international affairs, like the WHO, IMF, UNESCO, FAO, ITU, and so many more. EVERYTHING going on in the world that has been in the news as well as much that has not is being produced through so many of the UN directed or related agencies. Wikipedia has a brief listing that you may enjoy looking over and their list of some of the related agencies is astounding. They include Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Org., the International Atomic Energy Agency, International Organization for Migration (note they are encouraging Bidens border fiasco not trying to stop it) and the World Trade Organization. These are supposed to be autonomous organizations working with the UN and are working through the UN Economic and Social Council at the intergovernmental level. Remember I said above a ways that the UN is an intergovernmental organization and that is so they can control outside operations around the globe.

Another consideration is the role the UN plays in the worlds NGOs, or Non-Governmental Originations which are NOT governments and not usually instituted by government. But their representatives influence policies through the entire policy making process and it is far worse when they influence the UN because they then influence governments around the world. They are the various groups in industry and play a huge part in society as a whole and are instrumental in the formation of Agenda 21 and 30. Do not discount NGOs. They are huge and they are lobbing not at the national level like is done on our local politics but at the international level where their clout is massive, to a large degree they are determining how this world is run subject, of course, to the Luciferian dictatorship of the world by the Rothschilds and friends. Some of those NGOs include International Chamber of Commerce, Intl. Planned Parenthood Federation, Greenpeace International, CARE, AARP, Humane Society and related international groups, Salvation Army, World Alliance of YMCA, Amnesty International, Special Olympics, Presbyterian Church and many have been members since the UN since 1945. Some lesser ones include national Audubon Society, The Sierra club, American Farm Bureau Federation, National Teachers Association, US Mayors Conference, International City/County Management Group, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, and those groups that would take power in the event FEMA takes control in any real or supposed emergency. Think for a moment about what the coming riots may entail in that regard.

Near the beginning of this column I mentioned Karl Marx and his 10 Planks in his communist manifesto. We are indeed under a UN organized Communist Takeover and the Communist Party of China is a major player as they are using it as one of their platforms for total world control through the UN. And remember that the democrat parties along with so many republicans as well are directly working with the CCP including the so-called president of this once great nation, and that constitutes HIGH TREASON. Whether directly or indirectly through the UN it is the same.

Keep your eyes open and take care as things are popping faster and faster as the world spins out of control and the final schemes are seemingly now in effect.

God Bless

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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