The brand new story from the Daily Mail Monday morning reports that since military police have gone on strike in the state of Espirito Santo in Brazil, widespread looting, rape and murder have broken out in the streets with 'thugs randomly shooting at anyone who passes'. Describing the chaos on the streets of Brazil to something straight from the movie 'The Purge', we see more and more events every day that should sound a loud and clear alarm to us here in America.
In a recent story from the Catholic News Agency, according to Archbishop Ubaldo Santana when asked by a reporter about the possibility of civil war in his nation of Venezuela, Santana responded "there is already a bloodbath of considerable proportions in Venezuela". Warning that the 30,000 people murdered in a year could rapidly go up if "we don't manage to find peaceful ways to understand each other", what's happening in Venezuela right now could be looked at as a microcosm for what is happening across much of the world.
A September of 2016 story from the New York Post reported that socialism had left Venezuela a 'walking dead nation'. As we've reported on ANP time and again, what has been happening in Venezuela should also be looked at as a warning for Americans and as YouTube videographer Stefan Molyneux shares with us in brand new first video below, the 'death of Venezuela' is absolutely a sign for all of us to prepare ourselves accordingly. First, new from Brazil:
Harrowing scenes were reported from all around the state, and one resident told Political Outsource: 'The thugs are randomly shooting at anyone who passes the street in Esprito Santo. My God what is happening.'
Schools have been closed and even football matches cancelled in the affected areas due to the lack of security, which has meant many people are refusing to even venture outdoors.
'I won't even leave my house today,' one Brazilian resident in Espirato Santo told Political Outsource.
'Things are absolutely crazy, there are people running around with guns in pretty populated areas, dozens of people stealing from malls, even dead bodies on streets.'
In the first video below, Molyneux interviews 'Gabriel' who lives in Venezuela and shares with us that the people of Venezuela are basically now living under a dictatorship and the national media is not reporting on anything really going on there. Claiming that under former President Chavez, the socialist government consolidated all of their powers under one arm, he warns that "the Venezuelan government can get away with whatever they want and whenever they want to".
Another sign of possible impending disaster for the rest of the world, we see in his warning of a 'government out of control while the people suffer' as a very real look at what America has been going through over the past several decades as civil liberties of ordinary Americans were squashed while public servants in Washington DC enriched themselves at the expense of the middle class while they attempted to bring in a totalitarian, dictatorial world govt body.
And while some might say that what is happening far, far away from us shouldn't be of any concern, the recent stories outlined below from across the internet prove to us otherwise. As we read in the brand new SQAlert republished below, if we pay close attention to what the 'elite' are doing with a new Trump presidency bringing the 'winds of change to the air', we might learn of 'impending upheavals' before the rest of the masses. Paying attention now to the signs we're getting from all over could be the difference between life and death.
- Hi Steve I was chatting to a contact of mine who works all over Africa, he said abandoned mines are being re-purposed for deep underground bunkers for royals and elites. He came across the people involved and the areas where they are being built and the royals themselves. These royals are "doing good" in the area and giving things to the poor but their real reason was their hideout was being built. I can ask if he minds giving you more detail directly...
And while the Daily Mail story reporting on all of these elitists moving to the Southern hemisphere neglected to mention Fukushima poisons blanketing the Northern hemisphere, it did bring out some excellent points. Claiming that 'tech billionaires' are building boltholes to escape social collapse or nuclear war, the DM also asks "what do the 'super rich' know that we don't know?" Their answers won't surprise most 'preppers'.:
Attracted by a remote First World country that has the potential to be self-sufficient and is on no ones list of nuclear targets, the super-rich kings of Silicon Valley and Wall Street are buying up vast tracts of its land in anticipation of the day when they may need to live there.
The controversy has revealed the extraordinary precautions being taken by the mega- rich to ensure that WTSHTF a crude survivalist acronym for when the **** hits the fan they and their loved ones will be safe and comfortable.
What the catastrophe will precisely be remains unclear, but possibilities include a devastating asteroid impact, giant earthquake, nuclear war, civil war, pandemic, zombie invasion and the Second Coming.
Tellingly, the geeks of Silicon Valley appear to be most worried that it will be a struggle between rich and poor in a world economy turned upside down by new technology with them as the main targets.
So, what do the 'super rich' know that we don't know? The fact that many believed that the US was heading towards economic collapse prior to President Trump's election can never be overlooked, especially with the US now nearly $20 trillion in debt and that debt growing by the second. And while story over at HeatStreet that the Drudge Report linked to on Friday reporting that a severe vegetable shortage has deprived many Europeans of spinach and broccoli this year due to a 'severe winter' is likely only a small symptom of the overall problem, the fact that we're seeing more and more such stories of the elite getting ready for catastrophe is a much bigger sign.
As Steve Quayle mentioned in the previously republished SQAlert, in such a worst case scenario as total collapse or other upheavals, the very last place that we want to be is where everybody else is as it has long been reported that population density is one of the key indicators of the likelihood to survive many disasters.
In the 2nd video below, videographer The Money GPS shares with us the better places we could be living that will increase the odds being in our favor should the worst case scenarios the rich are now preparing for come to pass. As we've reported previously on ANP, in such a scenario, the last place we want to be is the big cities in the US, 'death traps' by their very nature in a SHTF scenario.