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September 14, 2022
Top Secret Govt Warehouses And Underground Bunkers Hint At Govt's Plans To Save Themselves While The Rest Of Us Die Following Forthcoming 'Catastrophic Events'
While millions of Americans have grown weary as a whole slew of 3-letter-government-agencies have grown far bigger than they were ever meant to be in a free nation, groups such as the CIA, DHS, CDC, FBI, IRS, etc, etc etc, one three-letter govt agency NOT so well known is also quite busy in 2022, the SNS.
Established back in 1999 after Congress in 1998 had allocated funds for its creation, the 'Strategic National Stockpile' has been stockpiling medications and vaccines and medical supplies in a secret warehouse outside of Washington DC ever since, preparing for a catastrophic bioterror attack upon America, or for 'Disease X.'
And while the Strategic National Stockpile does NOT stockpile a food and water supply and instead focuses upon the kinds of medications and medical supplies government feels Americans might need in numerous different SHTF scenarios, as we'll be exploring within this ANP story, we keep getting more and more signs that government and the global elite are NOW preparing for something huge, and something that feels extremely imminent.
With the SNS used previously, such as in 2001 after the World Trade Center was hit and during the anthrax attacks, following ebola and zika virus scares over the years and following numerous different hurricanes also over the years as seen in the image below, what is it that they're now preparing for in 2022?
As perfectly pointed out in this September 6th story by Michael Snyder over at The Most Important News titled "They Are DEFINITELY Getting Prepared. Are You?," while Snyder was specifically referring to the 'super rich' in that story, people Snyder called some of the best preppers out there, as this April of 2022 storyat the Council on Foreign Relations pointed out, while "the SNS does not contain food reserves, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) stockpiles food, water, generators, and other resources across eight distribution centers located in the United States and its territories." And as we'll explore in this story, it has been doing so.
And while we've been asked recently if we know anything about the 'September 24th event' that Michael Snyderrecently reported on in this story titled "What Ominous Event Do They Have Planned For September 24th?," we'll avoid speculating but can only say that by this point in time, we should be fully prepared for anything and everything going forward.Briefly, from that Michael Snyder story.:
What in the world are they planning to do on September 24th, 2022? As you will see below, a member of the German legislature is openly warning that September 24th will be a day when everyone will remember exactly where he or she was. Needless to say, those days dont come along very often. For those that were alive at the time, the death of John F. Kennedy was one of those days. And certainly 9/11 was one of those days. But off the top of my head I cant really think of too many others. I can remember what I was doing when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine earlier this year was definitely a major turning point. Beyond that, there just arent too many days that fall into this category.
That is why something that a member of the German parliament just said seems so odd
Everyone will not forget September 24, 2022 and everyone will know exactly where he or she was.
Why does he believe that September 24th will be so historic?
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And while that graphic above doesn't point it out, the SNS was also deployed during COVID 19 to provide states and agencies with personal protective equipment (PPE), including N95 respirators, surgical and face masks, face shields, gloves, and disposable gowns, so watching what they're doing in the current day gives us a look at what might be ahead for all of us tomorrow.
It sounds like something out of a Cold War era movie. Boxes of medical supplies stacked high in government warehouses to help citizens in the event of a public health emergency.
However, this huge stockpile is very real. It is called the Strategic National Stockpile, and Once Federal and local authorities agree that the SNS is needed, medicines will be delivered to any state in the U.S. in time for them to be effective. Each state has plans to receive and distribute SNS medicine and medical supplies to local communities as quickly as possible.
For security reasons, the location and the number of warehouses that comprise the SNS are classified information as is much of what is in them. If everybody knows exactly what we have, then you know exactly what you can do to us that we cant fix, Greg Burel, director of the program told National Public Radio in a recent interview. And we just dont want that to happen.
The SNS started in 1999 with an approximate $50 million budget. Since then, it has built an inventory in multiple warehouses that is valued at just over $7 billion. If you envision, say, a Super Walmart and stick two of those side by side and take out all the drop ceiling, thats about the same kind of space that we would occupy in one of these storage locations, Burel said.
The SNS extensive inventory includes massive amounts of small pox vaccines, antivirals in case of deadly flu pandemic, medicines to treat radiation burns and sickness, chemical agent antidotes, wound care supplies, antibiotics and IV fluids.
NPR science writer Nell Greenfieldboyce recently visited an SNS. She was told she was the first reporter ever to visit the secret warehouses, and she had to sign a confidentiality agreement not to describe the location or the exterior of the facility.
A locked section of the warehouse stocks painkillers than can be addictive. A giant freezer is filled with medicines that need to be kept frozen. Greenfieldboyce described a humming sound that comes from the rows of ventilators that are charged once a month and sent out for maintenance once a year.
With an annual budget of more than half a billion dollars, the SNS is charged with deciding what to purchase for the stockpile. In order to do so, officials must determine which threats are realistic and which are not.
Thats where we have a huge, complex bureaucracy trying to sort through that, Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University, told Greenfieldboyce.
Yet isn't 'having a huge, complex bureaucracy' trying to 'sort through' something an absolute disaster just waiting to happen? With such a 'monster bureaucracy' trying to 'sort through' COVID bringing America and the world an utter mess, including unnecessary lockdowns, unsafe shots and the unfolding of a medical tyranny, we'll agree completely with Kathleen Gotto who reported in this September 14th ANP storythe words of Christian author, C.S. Lewis who warned long ago: "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
Lots more ANP prepping suggestions and links can be found in the linked stories directly below.:
As we've reported time and again on ANP, something absolutely bizarre is going on all across America with one plant or factory after another somehow tied to America's food supply chain having 'accidents' such as catching on fire, being hit by planes with numerous 'events' happening that have required the 'destruction' of huge amounts of what was supposed to be America's food, including countless recalls.
Pointed out by Susan Duclos in this August 18th ANP story titled "Americans One Crisis Away From Starvation - The Odds Of This Many Food Supply Chain Issues Happening At Once Are So Astronomical As to Be Impossible... Unless By Design,"we highlight those last 3 words for good reason, we feel like we wouldn't be witnessing ANY of these catastrophic events now collapsing America, "unless by design."
Each of the videos below take looks at topics discussed within this story, with the first video below from videographer 'End Times Productions' warning us something very strange appears to be going on in Denver, Colorado right now. Reporting on a Denver newspaper article in which residents there are told they'll be able to get free 'bug out bags,'that date strangely coincides with September 24th.
And while our videographer tells us that he himself had lived in Denver for about 10 years and that region has very few natural disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc, as Steve Quayle warned in an SQnote while linking on his website to that 1st video below, Denver is home to the Denver International Airport, and we've long been warned the massive underground bunker in that area will be home of the US government once the 'New World Order' is cemented into place, thus making it a major target of whoever opposes the NWO in that future 'end all' world war.
And in the final video below titled simply "The US Government Plans to Save Itself while the Rest of us Die" from about a year ago, we hear all about the US government's 'Doomsday Plans' from Historian/journalist Garrett Graff, who reveals for us the details of how the U.S. government for sixty years has developed secret Doomsday plans for protecting itself in the event of a terrorist or nuclear attack.
The program involves hundreds of underground bunkers some large enough to hold three-thousand people complete with living quarters, cafeterias, stockpiles of food, water, electrical power, healthcare, and weapons. The rationale is that, in the event of a great catastrophe, it will be impossible to save the masses but possible to save government leaders who eventually will repopulate the Earth and create a new civilization.
This project is far more advanced than commonly believed, and the details are especially sobering when we discover that the plan includes rounding up and killing political dissidents. These plans initially were drawn up in context of surviving a terrorist or nuclear attack, but now can be applied in context of an attack by a deadly virus, real or imagined.
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