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January 2, 2018
Two Plane Crashes Take The Lives Of Business Executives Who Had Ties To Hillary Clinton And The 'Deep State' As Julian Assange's Cryptic Tweet Hints At Bombshell Story Ahead
Well Julian Assange appears to be at it again for as this story over at RT reports, on New Years day at 3 a.m., Assange sent out another cryptic 60 character tweet while linking to the final video at the bottom of this story, a popular rap song called 'Paper Airplanes' that 'has sparked a frenzy of speculation about the meaning of the message and the wellbeing of the Wikileaks founder'.
With some on twitter very concerned that Assange had died and his released code was a 'dead man's switch', others claimed the code he'd released was setting up the next Wikileaks bombshell, possibly an encryption key signalling a fresh batch of leaked files will soon be on the way as is also discussed in the first two videos below.
As Infowars reported, the Navy blamed an 'inadvertent keystroke' for the tweet of Assange's name and while they deleted the tweet within seconds, the speculation into why they'd have tweeted out just Assange's name is huge, especially considering what he and Wikileaks likely know about Hillary Clinton, the DNC and Seth Rich.
So what is going on behind the scenes with Wikileaks and Julian Assange? Has the 'deep state' co-opted him as some have warned, his twitter account taken over by the CIA or other shadowy govt alphabet soup agencies as some have suggested?
Or, have the DOJ and FBI been corrupted beyond repair by Barack Obama and the 'Clinton Crime Family'?
If James Comey and the FBI know about the 'Clinton body count', the seemingly never-ending list of dead bodies that follow Bill and Hill wherever they go, might there have been an alternative reason for them not to pursue Hillary?
Bridgewater Associates, a $150 billion hedge fund founded by Ray Dalio that the New Yorker has labeled the worlds richest and strangest hedge fund", as NY Mag reported back in June of 2016, Dalio was a prominent 'never Trumper'.
Are people who know too much once again being 'knocked off' by those who don't want the world to know the truth? The ties between the Clinton's and the 'deep state' that go back decades are deeply disturbing, especially considering this same 'deep state' has been attempting to take down President Trump, and thus, overthrow the will of the American people.
In the final video below which Assange linked to in his cryptic New Year's tweet, a rapper named 'M.I.A.' sings a song called 'Paper Planes' and as we see in the excerpt below of her songs lyrics, a message may be being sent. Calling out 'skull and bones' in her song,there are also dozens of gunshots and cash register noises on the track. Many wondered who exactly Assange could be targeting with such references. And what about these lyrics below? An answer to a threat?
With America having been rapidly descending into a 3rd world nation under Barack Obama and the Clinton crime family, combined with Wikileaks having a possible bombshell story on the horizon, we should read between the lines.
Third world democracy.
Yeah, I've got more records than the K.G.B.
So, uh, no funny business.
The discussion of the two recent plane crashes and their possible ties to Hillary Clinton and the 'deep state' begins at the 14 minute 35 second mark of this video. As our videographer points out, while there is at this moment no absolute proof that these plane crashes were tied to the Clinton's and the 'deep state', the 'coincidences' we're witnessing are impossible to overlook.
Our videographer also references this quote from former President Franklin D. Roosevelt:"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."