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May 7, 2024

Keep Expressing Righteous Anger, America! Globalists Across The Country Feel Your Wrath: The Anti-Human Switch Over To Using All Machines Is Backfiring, Especially In Liberal Pro-Crime States

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

Who else reading this story absolutely hates using the 'self-checkout' machines that stores across the nation suddenly brought in to 'replace' human beings and 'eliminate' jobs (and salaries and benefits so they thought) for 'real' people several years ago, unwisely thinking it would help them to 'save a buck'?

With me myself promising years ago that I'd never again use such a 'machine checkout' counter after I had used one at a 'Dollar Store' to buy just a couple of items only for the machine to go absolutely haywire, attempting to charge me a boatload more for the items I had carefully scanned in and then having the machine attempting to 'steal' my money, we can now report that this kind of 'experience' must be happening all across the country to increasingly enraged Americans, people who are often forced to stand in line for 20 minutes or more to buy a single package of gum or a soda.

With my local dollar store manager quickly learning that once my cheerful face came in to buy a bunch of new treats for our loving Lab Hootie that she BETTER have a 'real human being' at the front of the store to check me out because I'd never again use their 'machines' to make a purchase ever again, she also told me months ago that the Dollar Stores across the country would be phasing those machines out before too long because, apparently, there were a whole lot of other 'real' people like me who'd never be using those machines.

And as we hear in the 2nd video below from Infowars, rejection of self checkout lanes spells doom for the NWO. And now we see it unfolding across the country.

And as this new story over at the Daily Mail points out, this kind of thing is not only happening in stores nationwide but one state after another are beginning to create laws to ban self-checkout machines from their stores, though not always because of angry customers, but often because the machines create 'security concerns'.

And as Susan Duclos and I experienced just this past weekend in an attempt to change our internet service because of threats that our service would soon be 'out of date' and they would be raising our rates to an absolutely ridiculous $500+ a month, it's not just these corporations using 'non-humans' in stores that is infuriating to'real Americans,' but them using 'non-human robots' on phone lines which are also enraging, particularly when these 'robots' keep us on the phone for OVER a half an hour as happened to us, with the 'machine' on the other end of the phone NEVER getting us an answer to our questions nor concerns.

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And with all of this happening at a time when stores in 'liberal strongholds' all across the country are finally learning their lessons on why it definitely DOESN'T PAY to operate their stores in their pro-crime states, with the state of California even putting out new laws to shift the blame for shoplifting and crimes that happen in, or even nearby, their stores to the 'store owners,'giving the criminals the freedom to continue robbing the stores blind, costs which are eventually shifted to you and I, isn't it way past time that the actual GOVERNMENTS that allow that kind of madness are held accountable?

As we had reported on ANP on April 24th in this story titled "The Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost In Democrat-Run Cities From Coast To Coast: Democrats Anti-Business, Pro-Crime Policies Create 'Food Deserts' They Decry As America Goes Insane," this kind of thing is absolutely DESTROYING what once were 'communities,' with law-abiding citizens actually AFRAID to go shopping for fear of not knowing what they MIGHT run into.

And all of these 'robotic checkouts' are feeding the criminals who intend to rob the stores blind, knowing that in California, shoplifting now is 'de facto' legal with crooks knowing they can steal up to $949 worth of goods a day and only be charged with a misdemeanor, allowing those committing crimes to make quite a living in California, reselling the stolen goods for 25 cents on the dollar, allowing them to make a whopping $86,000 every year, and tax free!

And with not only stores in liberal cities in California experiencing this total madness but all across the country, from San Francisco to Seattle to New York to Boston, stores closing because of 'crime made legal' by the politicians in their state capitols or cities, how long will it be until the feds make this 'legal crime' the law of the land? Tick...tock...the clock is clearly ticking and the country moving that way.

So with all of these 'robot cashiers' in the stores absolutely failing the American people showing us what more and more A.I. in other areas of life will look like, imagine A.I. running 'law enforcement' in the coming days, programmed to simply hunt down and kill 'perceived' violators of the law, putting America on the fast track to a 'Terminator' scenario.

And with A.I. and machines increasingly being seen in the medical field, as we had reported in this July 26th of 2023 story on ANP titled "Self-Healing Killing Machines To Be Unleashed Upon The Masses No Longer 'Beyond Science Fiction' As These Techno-Beasts Of The Future Prove Humanity Is Funding Our Own Annihilation,"we're getting more and more proof every day that moving A.I. and machines into the jobs that human beings used to do will have everlasting repercussions if people don't remain in the ultimate control.

As Steve Quayle had mentioned back then in an SQNote while linking to a story about this very topic on his website, in giving so much control over to A.I. and machines, in so doing, "HUMANITY IS EMBRACING & FUNDING OUR ACCELERATING EXTINCTION!"

So with self-checkouts quickly disappearing from retail stores giving us just a small taste of how these machines are failing the people while giving us a much bigger view of why we need to 'nip this in the bud' while we still can, Americans should keep fighting back against this madness, getting enraged about the way they are herding us but keeping it legal, fighting back where it clearly hurts them, in their pocket books, because as we've seen with retail stores now moving these self-checkout machines out of their stores, they'll pay attention when it's hurting them. As heard in the 2nd video below, this is one way we can fight back against the 'NWO,' and win.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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