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June 22, 2018

Media Incites 'Love Affair With Brutal Violence' - Leftists Threatening Children, ICE, Border Patrol, And All 'Deplorables,' After Fake News Go Viral

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

On Thursday we documented a number of outright lies recently pushed by the media in regards to the illegal immigration issue, where "reporters" were sharing stories from the Obama era, claiming they happened under president Trump. Today we find out that the image of a crying little girl, with claims she was separated from her mother, being used to incite liberal open border proponents, was a "fake" narrative as she was never separated from her mother at all, according to the father of the child.

Time Magazine even used that image as a cover, photoshopped to make it look like president Trump was looking down at a screaming child, with the text "Welcome to America."


It was an outright lie, but the media waited until the image had gone mega viral, before they acknowledged the lie, with Reuters, Wapo, Daily Mail, CBS News, and a whole host of others finally correcting the record and telling the truth - The girl was never separated from her mother and the mother had been deported previously.

With other recent lies the media has pushed, such as images of children in cages from the Obama era being hailed as "new," and other images of a child in a cage with claims it was from family separation at the border, when in reality it was staged protest where the parents had put the child in a cage, in conjunction with the media hype and lies about the actual law, we are now seeing a massive increase in calls for violence against children, ICE, border patrol agents, and all "deplorables," as a result of the media's deliberate campaign to incite liberals and extremist groups to violence.

While mistakes do tend to happen, we are all human after all, the consistency of the media pushing "fake news" to the point where it goes viral, then waiting days and sometimes weeks before correcting the record, with those corrections reaching far less people, indicates a deliberate campaign of disinformation being pushed by the media, for the sole purpose to incite their liberal following.

It has worked, they have incited them, straight into a "love affair with brutal violence," as former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino warned on Thursday, when he stated "Be wary, liberals are now openly calling for violence against their opponents on a regular basis. Their masks are off. Theyre not hiding their love affair with brutal violence anymore. Sadly, its only going to get worse. Be wary."


Doxxing is the act of publishing someone's personal information online. As many are aware, Antifa groups are largely associated with violence against anyone that disagrees with them, to the point where U.S. security agencies have labeled them as "domestic terrorists." Now, because of the Mockingbird Media's deliberate use of false and inaccurate information to incite liberals over the illegal immigration issue, Antifa has publicly doxxed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents bypublishing their home addresses Wednesday.

The names, pictures, spouses and home addresses of seven ICE employees in Oregon were originally tweeted by user @NAmirite, who identifies himself on Twitter as Nathaniel Amirite. The account was retweeted by the Pacific Northwest Antifascist Workers Collective and @PNWAWC on Twitter.

Its the publics right to know the faces of the gestapo and who is creating, enforcing, and filling concentration camps in our name, Amirite tweeted on Wednesday after he published the personal information of the employees.


Antifa wasn't alone as another extremist, a New York-based artist and programmer named Sam Lavigne, who has taught as an adjunct instructor at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts and The New School's Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, published anICE database, containing information about 1,500 ICE employees, on the website GitHub. GitHub promptly removed it. Then he published it to the website Medium, titled "Downloading the profiles of everyone on LinkedIn who works for ICE." Medium also removed the post. Then in an act that has many on social media questioning if Wikileaks has been infiltrated by extremists, Wikileaks published the list, then blasted that link on social media.


The same lies and inaccurate reporting has also incited out-of-control Hollywood liberals, such as Peter Fonda, who recently tweeted a number of threatening posts against members of the Trump administration, and then went after President Trump's youngest son, 11-year old Barron Trump, stating in all caps, "We should rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will will stand up against the giant a--hole she is married to. 90 million people in the streets on the same weekend in the country. F*ck."


After being reported to the Secret Service, by many social media users and the office of Melania Trump, Barron's mother, Fonda deleted his tweet and apologized. In his apology, Fonda specifically said his vile comments were "in response to the devastating images I was seeing on television."

Other tweets he deleted include ones calling White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders andDepartment of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, "gashes," to which Fonda was severely criticized for pushing misogynist statements.



Note: Despite conservatives on Twitter being de-verified and having their accounts terminated for far less offensive posts, Twitter has not de-verified Fonda, nor have they suspended or terminated his account. Many users, including myself, have highlighted the double standard that CEO Jack Dorsey constantly applies to his social media platform.


The media's campaign to incite violence and protests against DHS Secretary Nielsen with their lies, has caused her to be targeted while out at a restaurant eating dinner, where people can be heard screaming at her, chanting and harassing her.

The comments on that video published by the RedditForBernie channel, are just as vitriolic, including one that states "There will no longer be any safe spaces for any deplorables." Another commenter thinks "This should happen whenever she or anyone else in the Trump administration goes in public."

It is being reported, with images and video, that protesters have also surrounded Nielsen's home, holding pictures calling her a "child snatcher," because adults crossing over the border illegally are being arrested, with some of the children being sent to shelters while the parents await their court hearings. Recently President Trump signed an Executive Order which would keep the children with the parents until their court proceedings are over.



As you will hear below, the media has incited such outrage with their outright lies, that Border patrol agents are pushing back against the media for labeling them "nazis," withPresident of the Border Patrol Union in Tucson, AZ office Art Del Cueto, joining a panel of guests to discuss the issue with Laura Ingraham. Del Cueto rips the media for their lies, saying "It is sickening that certain members of the media have chosen to attack border patrol agents, and describe us as a Nazis. That is disgusting that you would even think that. I dont know where that even comes from."

He continued on to say "Agents that I know that I have worked with, myself included, go to the field numerous times with our own food that we buy, toys, clothes, everything else, so we can assist to these people we arrest of the border. To compare us to Nazis as a whole new low. That is the most disgusting thing."

The reality is, the pictures you are seeing from a lot of these media outlets are from the last administration, not from President Trumps Administration. You can spin it anyway you want but the reality is, Im out there, all the time. I work that border, and Im telling you right now, things are being done correctly, Del Cueto said.

And theres a lot of people out there in the media that are twisting things around and villainizing something that isnt there, Del Cueto continued. Their hatred toward one president is so amazing that you are blinded to the truth of what is happening right now.

The panel joins around the 5:45 minute mark, but Ingraham's commentary before is recommended as she shows how on Thursday, the Washington was once again forced to post a correction after reporting fake news in regards to the illegal immigration issue.


Granted, individuals are responsible for their own behavior, but the liberal media is deliberately misleading, lying, pushing false narratives, misrepresenting images, to incite liberals to violence. The examples above, where ICE agents are doxxed and threatened, border patrol being labeled as "nazis," celebrities threatening the the president's 11-year old son, and the press secretary's children, while others are urging the "deplorables," which was the label Hillary Clinton tagged Trump supporters with, be stalked whereever they go, is because of the direct lies the liberal media has been telling.

They are trying to start a civil war.

Exit Question: Is it any wonder that a significant portion of Americans think the media is the "enemy of the people?"


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