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July 6, 2024

There Are Many Names To Replace Joe Biden, Yet It Is His Son Hunter Pulling Joe's Strings And Dangerously Being Involved In Presidential Meetings And Other Dealings After Daddy's Debate Debacle

By Alan Barton -  All News Pipeline

Ruminations of a peculiar sort I suppose this column could be called.  I am not at all saying that this is what is going to happen, nor am I even suggesting that it might happen; rather I am suggesting that it may have some worth in consideration as future events unfold.  Or, as some might say, just throw another baby in the bathwater.  

The recent headlines showcase speculations that are not only expected along with worrisome and even frightening ideas.  Take for instance this one from The Western Journal: “New Poll Shows Michelle Obama as Only Potential Democratic Candidate Beating Trump”.  What, some football lineman built “wife” of a former president is willing to go through proofs that he can masquerade as a female in spite of most obvious and well documented since childhood claims of actually being a Klinefelter Syndrome sufferer?  Doing so as First (ahem) “Lady” was risky enough, but to undergo the full scrutiny as a prez candidate is really taking matters above the fracture zone. Maybe it could revert back to its many identities as a Michael with ta-tahs.  But then, he said he will not accept running as he does not want anything like that.  He says.

Although ostensibly not an actual witch, the Wicked Witch of the American Corporate Feminism  also often referred to as Hillary II (who, by the way, really is an actual coven mate of other real life witches) and is loved by other real witches the rumors still linger that somehow she may be one.  But we will rise above using her cackle as any kind of proof, as some people just laugh that way in spite of not communing with devils while prancing around the campfire in midnight rituals in the middle of a forest.  

With no allusions or allegations intended, this comment was extended for the benefit of a chuckle to keep things a bit lighter in mood.  Still, she has the entry point available to step into the running as the exit of Biden ensues with the $240 Million in Democrat campaign funds looms over the heads of so many other candidate wannabees, otherwise it would resort to the DNC as open monies. The telling point in favor of this is that she would be the easiest to fill in as the candidate even though she is hated and despised by so many in the leftists party (let alone around the world) as a vapid insult to rational thought as she proved by sleeping her way into the office as the California AG, and who knows how she got onto the presidential ticket of the 2020 democrat Marxist party. As the default option, this is not a good scenario no matter how you look at it. But Hillary would be far worse I suppose.

And then – if Biden were to be removed so that the nominations in the August 19 2024 Democrat National Convention to officially nominate the presidential ticket, we can see the delegates may select from many contenders, and she is the default option and may have served a few weeks or so prior to the elections, or at least the 2025 swearing in ceremonies assuming the demos are the ones appointed or selected to win. Oh, pardon me, that sounds like I am not avoiding the officially banned opinion that the elections are infused with massive fraud and deceit. Such inconsiderate thought processes one might think.

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The next option is that of the hated and despised Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer; hated because of her authoritarian and dictatorially hard and highly restrictive mandates during the C19 farce, and many other questionable actions while in office.  But as a lawyer and heir of family involvement in Michigan politics it seems she has the training in graft that a serious presidential bid requires.  The problem of election campaign monies rears its ugly head as mentioned in the above notes on the cackling one.  And although she disavows the Draft Gretch movement officially, I believe she would do just about anything to obtain that calling.   She still says that Biden can win the Michigan votes even though “Whitmer had phoned O’Malley Dillon with more of an unambiguous SOS: to relay that Michigan, in the wake of the debate, was no longer winnable for Biden.”  Remember that this is politics and the truth has zero room for traction just as it has none in war.  Long the bearer of conservative ire, it is also seen in the leftists camp, so she is still a long shot.

The next monkey at bat in this horror show would seem to be the one with ambitions as naked and obvious as can be, and that is the left coasts evil dictator Gavin Gruesome – err, I meant Newsome.  Or Gruesome Newsome as it is easier to remember.  As a supposedly steadfast Biden supporter, Gavvy boy ran as fast as he could to DC to support Joey as calls for him to resign increase.  Politico said he intends to stand with Biden and yet “did his best to ignore intense speculation about whether he would step in to replace the president on the Democratic ticket.”  He does seem to be the favorite one running thus far, and would make an excellent target for intelligent folks to attack as his policies in California have all but destroyed that once great state just as the wonky puppet Dementia Doofus O’biden has done to this nation.  I cannot imagine what damage that idiot would do that could be any worse than Joey, but then the satanic left always surprises with such things and lest we forget, the Kenyan is still the supervisor of any who intend to be in that seat of power.  And this is not the first time Goofy Gavin has tried to get into the running so he has extensive experience in fabrication of massive lies.

Even thought there are many other monkeys that are mentioned as being in the running to replace the terminally damaged goods that infests the Peoples House at this time, and the Main Stream Propaganda system is hell bent on removing him from the candidacy (and we can rest assured that they will remove him as he may not even be able to even stand up to trip over Air Force One entry stairs yet again), the fact is that it appears the left has no actual person that can change the course, so we can rest assured that they will do all in their power to eliminate Trump from the winners circle.  The monkeys cannot, they will not allow Donnie John to assume office once again, it would be their terminal downfall and that is not an option they will allow.  The possibility that there is no actual president put into office is also on the options listing.

This brings me to the thought that started this column.

Let’s just put in the Wikipedia propaganda piece as the bio for background, and we can correctly assume that there is so much more to be added and corrected.  “Robert Hunter Biden (born February 4, 1970) is an American attorney and businessman. He is the second son of U.S. President [resident puppet] Joe Biden and his first wife, Neilia Hunter Biden. Biden was a founding board member of BHR Partners,[1] a Chinese investment company, in 2013, and later served on the board of Burisma Holdings, one of the largest private natural gas producers in Ukraine, from 2014 until his term expired in April 2019.[2] He has worked as a lobbyist and legal representative for lobbying firms, a hedge fund principal, and a venture capital and private equity fund investor.”

That is the official cover story, and lacks the convicted federal gun violations farce that got him his wrist slapped rather than the terminal imprisonment that his massive fraud, blackmail, money laundering and other mafia type crimes that were avoided by that slap in the farcical face trivial gun charge that took the proverbial wind out of the sails of true justice.  Ramaswamy called it just a “smokescreen” and I agree.  Along with his uncle, sister, the Big Guy and other family members, this mobster is portrayed as just an unfortunate dearly beloved son of a current political entity that is to be worshipped and groveled under.  Those of us with a more critical eye have seen the results of his world romping misadventures in high stakes manipulations and skullduggery.  This is one truly evil piece of work from his drug crazed sex odysseys to his many multimillion dollar deals to his involvement with child trafficking friends, tax fraud, and so much more.  Nope, a simple forgot to tell the truth on his gun purchase application was the problem all along.  They say.  
He is so worried about his family’s crime syndicate and its massive profits that since his pappy’s debate failure, he has been with him in DC including his meetings and other dealings.  There is more to it than just that, but that is where we will begin.  NBC said “Hunter Biden has been closely advising his father since the family gathered over the weekend at Camp David after Thursday’s debate” and that “ the reaction from some senior White House staff members has been, “What the hell is happening?”  This is where my spidey sense started to tingle.
Fox News said that Hunter “has perhaps the most to lose if his father drops out of the race, with the president’s son still facing sentencing after a conviction in a federal gun trial last month and another trial, this time on federal tax charges, later this year.”  That does make a lot of sense as he is protecting his possible life changing pardon, but I think there may be more to it than that.  Fox news is also being sued by Hunter on the basis that he proposes that “the network in his lawsuit of committing “fictional miniseries.
The lawsuit further stated Fox News has launched “an effort to harass, annoy, alarm, and humiliate him, and tarnish his reputation.”
The lawsuit comes after Fox News launched a miniseries called “The Trial of Hunter Biden” that reported on his drug use, foreign lobbying, and sexual promiscuity.”
So he is suing because they told the truth about him and to polish his persona for any future enterprises they need to establish the false “normal” image that can further any intended political actions.  Yeh, I just said that.
Another report said that some are concerned about the “degree to which Hunter and Jill are pulling the strings.”  This about an obnoxious dementia patient that has reached the stage that he becomes impossible to be around as his temper knows no bounds anymore.  That can be seen in the clips of how he responds to questions and that people around him are “scared sh**less” by his instant temper and violent speech.  From the Blaze, “Politico spoke with dozens of Democrats — from top White House staffers, senior House Democrats, Democratic fundraisers, and Democratic strategists — who painted the same picture: "The cloistered Biden inner sanctum," in Politico's words, is to blame for hiding Biden's cognitive decline resulting in Biden's primetime debate meltdown.”  
As bad as he is, the American Journal Daily said that  “You know things are bad when the best liberal choice for President is Joe Biden.… Biden refuses to step down. His surrogates claim that it was only one bad moment …. a pretty lousy place to be in since Biden’s record is trash. But can the party actually get rid of him before the convention and general election? “
“Democrats are grappling with the idea of replacing Biden in the 2024 election. The hurdles are immense, and it’s tough given Biden refuses to step down. Finding a replacement won’t be easy, not to mention the ticking clock as the election approaches….. The only real chance at saving their 2024 chances lies in the DNC rules. If Biden chooses to step aside, pledged delegates must comply with his wishes. That would free them to vote for someone else at the convention. While that would still throw states for a loop, it is the only way Democrats can replace Biden.”
It appears to me that one of the easier ways out would be to have Hunter step inside the candidacy and forgo the madhouse the convention would turn into.  This would take a lot of underhanded shenanigans, but they are seasoned professionals at all of that rot as it is.  Impossible?  Maybe, but do not count the option out just yet; the radical evil left has done similar swaps many times in the past.  Hunter has been spending more time with the staff than even Kamala, and his sway is immense there.  To get Joey to agree to bow out and appoint some replacement would seem to me to suit Hunter getting that nod and making the Dem legal system function smooth enough to get that job done relatively easily.
The New Yorker said that “Indicting Hunter Biden would make him a formidable Republican Candidate”.  [Editors note: The satirical NY'er piece shows their true wishes] I would like to change that to formidable democrat candidate and almost overnight.
So am I wrong?  Most likely yes, but do not count that out as it makes too damned much sense to forgo the thought so watch what happens very soon at the convention.

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