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August 5, 2023

Self Assembling Nanotechnologies Found In Blood Of The Vaxxed And Unvaxxed Pushing Planet Rapidly Towards 'Transhumanism' And The Globalists End Game To 'Merge Man With Machine'

- 'The Life Energies Of Humanity Are Under Full-Scale Attack'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

I recently watched one of the most alarming videos I've ever seen so if you haven't yet watched the video I've embedded as the 1st video at the bottom of this story, I highly recommend you watch it.

FeaturingAna Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD, being interviewed about her work, the video, not coincidentally, ties directly in to this new viral story over at Zero Hedge titled "New Evidence Suggests Vaccinated Can Transmit Covid-19 Vax Antibodies Through The Air," a story which bluntly warns that everything the 'unvaxxed' have been doing to avoid getting the COVID vax bioweapon into their blood and their bodies has been for naught if they've been anywhere around 'the vaxxed,' including vaxxed co-workers, the vaxxed in grocery stores, vaxxed family members or even just'vaxxed bystanders'. Though that alarming revelation is an even bigger reason to avoid the vax as if it IS 'the plague'.

And after watching that video below, you quickly realize all of THAT is just a very small part of the overall problem that Americans now face, with Doctor Mihalcea warning us that the blood of EVERY unvaxxed person that they have tested has the EXACT SAME 'bioweapon contaminants' in it as the blood of the 'vaxxed'. And then 'the kicker,' ALL of this is part of the overall agenda the globalists are now carrying out to accomplish their overall goal, the 'merging' of 'man' and 'machine'.

Also known as 'Transhumanism'. What Dr. John Coleman has proven is that what Americans and people all around the world are unknowingly taking part in is a very well planned out'satanic agenda' that goes back much longer than any of us has been alive as we'll study in much more detail below.

With Doctor Mihalcea one of the very first people to warn us about 'vax shedding' as she had warned Mike Adams of Natural News over 5 months ago in this video titled "Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea warns the Health Ranger about strange blood artifacts in the UNVACCINATED,"Dr. Mihalcea actually SHOWS US ALL the results of her work in the video below, using highly advanced microscope technologies to examine blood in that video below, and to say what we see is exceedingly alarming is an understatement.

As she not only warns us but shows us in her work using'Darkfield Microscopy,' they are finding 'Nanotechnology' in the blood of not only all of the 'vaxxed' but the 'unvaccinated' as well, self-assembling particles and what she proves to be 'rubbery clots' that should never be in human blood. Hence why these shots have long been known as 'clot shots' to those refusing them around the world.

Yet she also bluntly proves to us why all of that avoidance of those death shots won't make much of a difference if we've been ANYWHERE 'the vaxxed' have been (Still won't make us take one of those shots!,) with proof now out the bioweapon is being transferred through the air from the 'vaxxed' to the 'unvaxxed,' and all of that just the very tip of the iceberg of the final 'extermination' of the 'human species' to bring in a diabolical mixture of man and machine. With the 'creation' of those 'microscopic machines' in human blood actually shown to us by Dr. Mihalcea in that 1st video, with her showing us microscopic microchips self-assembling in the blood of unvaccinated people before our very eyes, as we'll also go over below as explained and shown to us by Dr. Mihalcea in that video, there are ways to beat this.

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

Back on February 16th of 2023, Natural News published this story that should have sent out alarm bells everywhere but saw no attention at all from the mainstream media. Titled "WHO whistleblower was censored mid-presentation for exposing presence of nanotech, graphene oxide in COVID vaccines,"as Natural News reported.:

Swiss researcher Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger was among the speakers at the "Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences" conference, held last Jan. 21 and 22 at the Stockholm Waterfront hotel. She was allotted 40 minutes to discuss her presentation on the afternoon of the second day.

However, the conference organizers decided to cut off Stuckelberger while she was two-thirds in her talks. She had been discussing graphene oxide in the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines when she was censored. According to Stuckelberger, the censorship occurred when she was about to present the discoveries of nanotechnology and graphene oxide in vaccine vials.

With that Conference then abruptly telling the assembled audience that there had been no evidence of graphene oxide or 'nanotechnology' in the vax vials, as Stuckelberger warned back then, doctors are not even allowed to speak about 'nanotechnology' being in the vaxxes, and those censoring the experts ARE NOT experts, or trained in, evaluating such microscopic-technologies, anyways. But that IS Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea's area of expertise. Briefly from this Natural News story.:

However, the CEO of Cole Diagnostics in Idaho jumped up onto the stage while it was Stuckelberger's turn to speak. He took over the microphone and declared that he found no evidence of graphene oxide in all the COVID-19 vaccine vials he tested. Stuckelberger then challenged the pathologist's assertion, retorting that he is not an expert on nanotechnology.

Mihalcea: Physicians can't speak about nanotech, graphene!

Stuckelberger first made waves by disclosing that the globalist-backed WHO aims to use the pandemic to institute worldwide medical tyranny and supersede even sovereign nations when it comes to public health policy.

And now with Dr. Mihalcea presenting to us undeniable evidence, that we can even see for ourselves, in the 1st video below, that this 'bioweapon technology' spreads via aerosols and is being transferred from the 'heavily vaxxed' to the 'completely unvaxxed,' we see why the globalists knew they only needed to get a certain percentage of the world's population to take the 'kill shot' to get the bioweapon to everyone.

Brieflyfrom this story titled "Analysis Of Symptomatic Health Findings In C19 Unvaccinated Individual Shows Hydrogel Signatures Matching Deceased Clots And Complete Absence Of Water - Dr Ana Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom." And as the story points out, this also ties to 'chemtrails' and the weather modification experiments that have been poisoning the American public for DECADES!

In this article, we correlate clinical symptoms with NIR spectroscopy findings. We have been discussing the correlation between the post Covid bioweapon era findings and the environmental geoengineering projects of synthetic biology spraying programs affecting people with Morgellons. We have shown in previous experiments, extensive overlap in chemical NIR functional group between the deceased, unvaccinated and vaccinated clot signatures and the current vaccinated and unvaccinated blood samples.

The Carnicom Institute Morgellons Research project was a questionnaire sent to 1000 people to describe their symptoms associated with the disease. It became clear from this survey, that people had every organ system involved. There is a huge overlap between C19 vaccine injury, shedding and long Covid symptoms with the suffering of Morgellons victims. In particular, chronic fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath with mucus production, anxiety, blurry vision, ringing in ears, headaches, circulatory problems and palpitations, joint stiffness, digestive problems, strange sensations under the skin and more - all have significant overlap.

It seems that those individuals with Morgellons who have had skin changes are endeavoring to expel this synthetic organism. We postulate that while these victims suffered tremendously, possibly this is favorable, rather than keeping the synthetic substance in the body to create rubbery clots.

Here we describe a case report of a C19 unvaccinated individual with several health manifestations including lower extremity circulatory problems, a presumed superficial blood clot, a nonhealing painful ulcerative lesion and an eczematous skin rash around the ears with intermittent drainage persisting for months to years. Several other chronic symptoms involving, motile nerve, motile joint, motile lung, urinary blockage (filaments present), chronic hearing, thyroid cyst, blood conditions and circulatory leg and feet issues are a part of the multi-decade symptom history.

Did you get that? "Multi-decade" symptom history!Yet the COVID bioweapon was only released upon us back in 2019. Yet as Dr. Mihalcea proves to us, the'COVID BIOWEAPON' is only part of this long running attack upon the human race. And as she also proves to us, 'COVID' is 'multi-faceted,' proving to us their experiments also show that "Just like Pfizers covid injection, quantum dots in long-acting insulin are assembling rubbery blood clots made of hydrogel." All moving us towards 'transhumanism' and their goals of mass genocide, population control and control of the planet.

See also at Natural News: "mRNA COVID jabs found to spread from vaccinated to unvaccinated via AEROSOLS"

And at Infowars: "Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed & Un-Vaxxed - It seems as if almost everyone is infected with some sort of nano-tech either through the experimental COVID injections or chemtrails"

So as Dr. Mihalcea also shows us in this video, while EVERY blood sample they tested, vaxxed and unvaxxed, had these self-assembling rubbery clots within them, with the video actually showing us a microchip being assembled before our very eyes, tests were run upon these samples that found what breaks these self-assembling clots down completely. A very real 'ray of hope' in this world of doom.

Also touched upon inthis Natural News story titled "Dr. John Coleman: The transhumanist agenda is Satanic,"that story referencesthis 2nd story titled "Dr. John Coleman, The Club of Rome, The Satanic Transhumanist Agenda and How the Elites Protect Themselves from Plagues They Start" which we excerpt below.

And as Dr. Mihalcea points out in the video, and we can see with our eyes, blood that they're experimenting on that is showing 'rubbery clots' and self-assembling nanotechnology in it, both vaxxed and unvaxxed blood, completely breaks apart when attacked with EDTA Chelation Therapy and the correct usage of high dose Vitamin C, offering a small ray of hope in this world gone insane though as she clearly points out in the video, all of this has to be done correctly, and we here at ANP are NOT doctors nor experts in this field of nanotechnology, but just reporting what Dr. Mihalcea is saying.

Having said that, we have reached out to Dr. Mihalcea in an attempt to interview her to get some answers to the questions we have with this 'treatment' they have discovered that breaks apart these virtually 'indestructible rubbery clots.' And as Dr. Mihalcea warns us, probably the reason why so many Americans and people around the world are 'dying suddenly,' this 'Synthetic biology' unleashed upon the world by mass murderers like joe biden is because this is actually HIJACKING OUR ELECTRICAL LIFE FORCES. Showing us that even embalmed blood from someone who died 8 months ago continues to this day to grow and create it's own new technology within it that continues to evolve, the excerpt below will take an extended look at this Natural News story that also examines Dr. Mihalcea's work.:

The Club of Rome (COR) is the chief think tank for the New World Order that was unknown in America until exposed by Dr. Coleman in 1969 for the very first time and published under the same title in 1970. Set up on the orders of the Committee of 300, its existence was denied until the silver anniversary celebrations of its founding held in Rome 25 years later. The COR plays a vital role in all US government planning, internal and external. It has nothing to do with Rome, Italy or the Catholic Church.

Club of Rome, Dr. John Coleman, pg.1

People wonder about why the transhumanist agenda is Satanic and he explains this in his book The Club of Rome published in 1970:

In order to begin to understand world events, it is necessary for us to realize that the many tragic and explosive events of the 20th century did not just happen by themselves; but that they were planned according to a well laid out blueprint. Who were the planners and creators of significant events?

The creators of these often violent and revolutionary events belong in the main to secret societies that infest our world, just as they have always done. Mostly, these secret societies are based upon the occult and occult practices, but as with all secret societies to make up secret governments, they are controlled by the Committee of 300. Those poorly informed persons, who believe that devil worship, demons and witchcraft have vanished from modern society, are misinformed. Today, occult-based secret societies along with Luciferianism, Black Magic and Voodoo, are flourishing and appear to be far more widespread than was originally thought.

Club of Rome, Dr. John Coleman, pg.7

What is their agenda? It emerged very clearly from Club of Rome meetings that its main purpose and objective was to:

- retard industrial development;

- hold back scientific research;

- depopulate cities, especially the formerly industrialized cities of North America;

- move population to rural areas;

- cull the population of the world by at least 2 billion people;

- prevent reorganization of political forces who oppose COR plans;

- destabilize the United States through massive layoffs and loss of jobs and class and racial wars;

- and, destroy capital incentive through high interest rates and high capital gains taxes.

And what have we been witnessing since, and accelerated under the biden crime syndicate? As Rob Pue over at Wisconsin Christian News pointed out in this story (republished here at ANP,) all of that and more is happening right now as our food supplies and processing plants have been under attack; depopulation via bioweapons is being carried out before our eyes; anyone espousing political views other than the globalists are under attack; the United States of America under biden is being destabilized and destroyed like never before; and now, our country's entire long-standing financial system is being destroyed before our eyes. Once again, from this Natural News story.:

With the destruction of industry, Harmon postulated, would come the destruction of all of our basic morals, our basic beliefs in God and country, our Christian-based culture, which will lead swiftly to the return to the world of an occult theocracy of the new dark ages.

COR high-priest Harmon said: . . . nineteen images of man dominate various epochs, and from each he extracts such features he believes useful for replacing the industrial technological image, programs the COR and the Committee hope to emulate and which will turn the people of the world those that are left as mindless slaves after the culling of Global 2000 has occurred, in a New Dark Age the so-called New World Order. [pg.44]

Harmon, the high priest of the COR, laid out a scenario that is in direct contradiction with Gods law, which says that we must be fruitful, and multiply and subdue the Earth, not for the benefit of the COR and the Committee of 300, but for the freedom of our people in the United States and others who choose to respect their national identities.

We must change the industrial technological image of man fast. Our analyses of the nature of contemporary society problems leads to the conclusion that the images of many that dominated the last two centuries will he inadequate for the post-industrial era. The image of man appropriate to that new world (not new the concept, a Satanic one, is four thousand years old) must be sought, synthesized and then wired into mankinds brains. [Emphasis our own] [pg.43]

Club of Rome, Dr. John Coleman, pg.43 and 44

Finally, this last excerpt from this Natural News story.:

The elites protect themselves with herbal compounds mixed with sugar and the protection of low frequency radiation. Using the technology developed by the virologist Gurtjev (?) who proved that every living thing has a vibratory cycle. (Our life energies that are under attack!)

He was able to measure the vibratory cycle of deadly viruses. By vibrating them double their cycle you would kill them instantly. That is one of the defensive weapons they got that will kill the plague if they ever get it. The same technique will kill cancer cells. The medical profession run by the Rockefellers and pharmaceutical companies did not want you to know this.

So as we also learn in this video, with all of this pushing us towards transhumanism as reported in this story titled "Hydrogel Interfaces for Merging Humans and Machines - MIT Research Review," we hope to learn much more from Dr. Mihalcea for a future story on what the human race can do right now, and in their own homes, to protect ourselves from this bioweapon unleashed upon all of us without breaking the bank. In closing, from this story about the video below, directly from Dr. Mihalcea.:

In this interview, I go through my research findings of unvaccinated blood with Darkfield Microscopy and my experiments with Clifford Carnicom on human blood finding hydrogel chemical signatures. I explain how the filaments are constructed, how I discovered the self assembly process in embalmed blood and then was able to recognize its steps when looking at live blood.

Shawn was pretty disturbed by what I shared - rightfully so - and I am grateful that he allowed me to warn people and show the evidence that is so broad and so multifaceted at this time, that it is hardly possible to deny.

People can disagree with me all they want, but they cannot dismiss the totality of scientific evidence that I and Clifford Carnicom have provided. It is too coherent, too comprehensive and has been verified in too many ways. I invite any skeptical and critical scientist to repeat our studies and disprove us. They cannot, and this is why they are silent.

Take a look, and think for yourself. Do not believe experts that conjecture and give you opinions based on research someone else has done or possibly faked - as we know much of the peer reviewed scientific literature is. Believe those who actually have done the experiments themselves and can show you all results in real time and give you visual proof. My testing of drawing the unvaccinated blood and leaving it stand for hours and watching it form a rubbery hydrogel layer has been replicated by many people around the world now - and yes, it is shocking. How do you explain rubber in human blood - by holding on to the nonsensical spike protein hypothesis? None of the spike protein supplements will do anything to prevent this rubbery transformation, neither will the blood thinners.

The microscopy video footage is self explanatory. My Insulin findings of self assembly hydrogel are evidence so powerful, any grand jury should take note - and instead of hiding and ignoring the findings, they should be discussed, replicated and shared.

I am so grateful to be now a Board Member of the National American Renaissance Movement, and meet prosecuting attorneys and fellow freedom fighters like Dr Joe Sansone who actually understand how important this work is for a breakthrough in evidence of the crimes against humanity - in addition to finding new treatment avenues. My colleagues like Dr David Nixon continue to provide evidence that is substantial and meticulous, and more and more people in the world are replicating what we are finding in the blood, in pharmaceutical medications, in environmental samples from geoengineering. The proof of the crime is everywhere, and rightfully has been included in the Ban the Shots declarations and the Grand Jury Petitions of National

Those that continue to deny the presence of nanotechnology and synthetic biology despite the evidence, are doing humanity a great disservice.

ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.

So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

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are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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