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April 12,2021

Signs Of Evil In Our Faces Now As The Devil Uses Democrats To Usher In Satan's Agenda - From Abortion To Sexually Indoctrinating Children In School, We Are One Step Closer To Self-Destruction

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Watching the media finally report on Hunter Biden's scandals and sexual perversions, while still attempting to soften the blows, along with Biden invasion at the border overwhelming America, abortions killing millions of babies, and corporations and other businesses lining up to fight against election integrity and Voter ID's, to name just a few key issues, it is easy to see why many think "evil" has taken the steering wheel and is trying to drive us all over a cliff.

In the battle between good and evil, the good can see the signs of evil clearly.

So many positions of liberals and Democrats are quite literally considered evil by conservatives and Republicans, not because of their "politics," but due to ideology.

One side argues vehemently for unlimited rights to kill unborn babies, in some cases Democrats have argued those deaths could occur right up until the moment of birth.

Short flashback video as proof of my assertion:

Murdering babies and arguing that it is a "mother's right" to kill her unborn child even as she is giving birth, is evil no matter how you look at it.

Abortion is one of the most blatant of ways that the devil is working to destroy America, but not the only thing that shows how fast and how far we, as a nation, are falling.


Revelation 13:18: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

Just The News recently published an article that perfectly encapsulates what I mean when I speak of signs of evil.

The headline that caught my eye: "Biden's American Jobs Plan could cost taxpayers about $666,000 per job created."

The sign becomes much clearer within the article:

Subtracting Moody's 16.3 million figure from Biden's 19 million projection would equal 2.7 million net jobs created by the infrastructure plan. Rounding up to 3 million jobs and dividing by $2 trillion equals $666,000 per job......

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As we have discussed in a past article, the new "vaccine passports" are also being considered a sign of biblical foretelling, with some likening them to the "Mark of the Beast."

While some highlight that the passports aren't placed on the head or hand, it is still being discussed s a means to refuse service to those without the "mark" aka passport. When they go digital, then one actually will have their 'passport' (via cell phone or device) in their hands to show in order to conduct business.


Flashback, May 2019, via California Globe:

Despite hundreds of parents protesting and testifying, on Wednesday the California State Board of Education approved highly controversial changes to the states health and sex education framework including teaching children about bondage, anal sex, pederasty, sex trafficking, sexual orientation and transgender and non-conforming students.

Not bad enough they are teaching children that they must have a "safe space" to avoid hearing anything they may not agree with, or that they need a trigger warning to prepare them for uncomfortable topics.

Never mind that real life doesn't provide safe spaces or trigger warnings before horrible things happen, but deliberately teaching children about sexual deviancy, in the public school system, is yet another example of Democrats being used by the devil to destroy this nation.

I will leave this next one under the indoctrination in school category since the educational system, under the control of Democrats, is also plying children with a radical agendas, such as LGBT, feminist and transgender teachings.

Related:5 Evil Things Biden Plans to Do as President


Open borders to allow the invasion of America by multiple other countries, allowing sickness and disease, as well as forcing Americans to pay for it.

Americans are watching in dismay at the crisis currently unfolding on our southern border. Over the last few weeks, migrants from Central America have flooded across the border at a rate that has paralyzed the U.S. Border Patrol. Temporary holding facilities are now packed with young children, mothers, and teenagers while others are being forced to sleep outside. Unable to handle the massive and growing surge, federal officials have released more than 20,000 migrants into the United States. Many of these individuals have not been assigned a court date and will likely never be seen again.

Radical plans for "redistribution of wealth," and Democrat socialist priorities being pushed BY THE Biden occupation.

In a paper published last year by the Cato Institute, John H. Cochrane detailed the problem and concluded that wealth taxes would do more harm than good. Furthermore, a wealth tax is a very inefficient way for the government to raise money, he said. This is one reason Europe has abandoned them.

American leftists, however, have no qualms about adopting failed policies.

They believe that wealth equals power and that only politicians should have power. So, the golden goose that makes their compassion possible must be killed or seriously wounded.

But even aside from the fact that it is a poor policy, there is the larger point that it seeks to cure a problem that does not exist. Rich people dont make poor people poor, and as the famous quote goes: You dont make the poor rich by making the rich poor.

Providing taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

It should come as no surprise that the Biden Administration is reversing the Trump Administrations Title X policies. Our actions ensured that no American taxpayer dollars were put toward the practice of abortion. None. Not ever. This is but one of the many steps the Biden Administration has taken to open the floodgates of abortion in the United States and around the globe with the reversal of the Mexico City Policy that President Trump and I strengthened over the last four years (and something the ACLJ has long championed).

The attempts to bypass the U.S. constitution in order to violate the guaranteed rights of Americans, such as "gun control" policies via decree by the Biden regime.

"No amendment to the Constitution is absolute." - Joe Biden, 2021

The Biden regime wanting to codify Roe Vs Wade so that millions upon millions more unborn babies can be slaughtered.

President Biden marked the 48th anniversary of the Supreme Courts landmark ruling establishing the right to an abortion by reaffirming his support for enshrining abortion rights in federal law.

Biden ran on codifying Roe v. Wade, pushed by abortion rights advocates, as a response to the growing number of abortion restrictions passed by state legislatures in recent years and a federal judiciary that has been flooded with Trump nominees, including the Supreme Court.

The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to codifying Roe v Wade and appointing judges that respect foundational precedents like Roe, the White House said in a statement Friday.

There are many more items on the Democrat agenda that are blatant signs that they want to destroy America and rebuild it into a third world country by pushing policies that have been tried, and failed throughout history, such as socialism and communism.

No doubt readers can provide a nice list of those not mentioned above in the comment section.


This is not totally a Democrat vs Republican issue, as even when I was young and dumb and a Democrat, I abhorred abortion and have always seen it as killing.

Of course back then, "moderate" Democrats still existed, and the party had not openly embraced socialism as a means to tear down everything American stood for.

The evil we are noting are signs of evil right in our faces, and the Devil is using the media/liberals/democrats to push for his rule.

Good will always overcome evil, but a ton of destruction can happen during the battle.

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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