In the first video at the bottom of this story, Mike Adams warns us that Democrat traitor Jerry Nadler is now setting the stage to call for the already violent and lawless 'radical left' to initiate a violent uprising across America as we approach the 2020 election and 'impeachment' begins to blow up in the democrats/traitors faces.
With Democrat leaders in Congress quite literally believing that the 2020 election is too important to be left to the American people as the National Review reports in this new story,and traitor to America Adam Schiff recently claiming that ONLY the impeachmentof President Trump will 'ensure a free and fair election' in 2020, claiming that President Trump won't allow a 'fair election' if it were up to him, everything will be coming to a head within the next year to 14 months as the 'impeachment-coup'unfolds and people are already speaking about an upcoming 'trial' in the US Senate.
Yet as US Congressman Mark Meadows tells us in the must-watch 2nd video at the bottom of this story, what America has been watching over the past several years has been a perfect case of psychological 'projection', where Democrats are 'projecting' their own sins and crimes upon President Trump despite having done all of the things they're accusing him of doing themselves.
And while stomach-stapled stalinist Jerry Nadler recently claimed that nobody is above the rule of law, what the American people have been watching unfolding over the last several years is the completely lawless left that has thrown that rule of law to the wolves, illegally spying upon President Trump's campaign and quite literally committing treason and sedition for the past several years with their attempted coup.
So as we draw closer to the end of 2019 and the start of an entirely new decade in 2020 and a potentially bloody and deadly Civil War possibly hanging in the balance, we'll be taking a look within this story at the latest signs of trouble ahead with things in Virginia 'heating up' and Democrat tyrants talking of using the National Guard to enforce totalitarian gun laws in the stateas heard in the 3rd and final video below, in total opposition to the laws of 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties.
With baby-butchering Virginia governor Ralph Northam building a kill list of patriots to exterminate with Virginia now the 'canary in the coal mine' of tyranny in America with their talk of legislating away the 2nd Amendment, we have to take a look ata new story by Mike Adams over at Natural Newswithin which he warns that historically, gun registration and confiscations have led to outright genocide.
Background checks, no problem. Gun registration is a big problem. Every genocide in modern history has started with a gun registration, followed by confiscation, followed by genocide.
1929: The Soviet Union established gun control.
From 1929-1953, 20 million dissidents rounded up and murdered.
1911: Turkey established gun control.
From 1915-1917, 1.5 million Christian Armenians rounded up and exterminated.
1938: Germany established gun control. From 1939-1945, 13 million Jews and others rounded up and exterminated.
1935: China established gun control. From 1948-1952, 20 million political dissidents rounded up and exterminated.
1964: Guatemala established gun control. From 1981-1984, 100,000 Mayan Indians rounded up and exterminated.
1970: Uganda established gun control. From 1971-1979, 300,000 Christians rounded up and exterminated.
1956: Cambodia established gun control. From 1975-1977, 1 million educated people rounded up and exterminated.
In the 20th Century more than 56 million defenseless people were rounded up and exterminated by people using gun control.
The right to keep and bear arms is not about anyone's "hunting rifle"; the right to keep and bear arms is about the right of the people to defend themselves against anyone who would attempt the taking of their rights.
And now as Adams warns us, the Democrat leadership in the state of Virginia and their baby-slaughtering governor Northam have put the law-abiding people of Virginia in their sights.
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam perhaps best known for wearing blackface and celebrating the infanticide of healthy, living human babies is now promoting the creation of a kill list of patriots who will, if history repeats itself, be hunted down and murdered by the authoritarian state. After all, a corrupt, anti-liberty government thats willing to kill human infants is also willing to murder its own citizens in the streets.
The kill list construction effort is being called mandatory gun registration, and its the pillar of Gov. Northams newest tyrannical scheme for turning the State of Virginia into a Democrat-run prison camp where no human being is free.
Gov. Ralph Northam whose family owned 84 slaves is best known for insisting that when a human child is born alive and healthy, it should be kept comfortable until the mother decides to have it murdered after birth, in the name of womens health. This is infanticide, pure and simple, and it is a felony crime of premeditated murder. Yet Gov. Northam openly endorses that murder, claiming that the State of Virginia allows such murders to be carried out in unlimited numbers, apparently at any age of the child.
Now, this child murderer wants to push gun registration. Under a tyrannical regime that promotes murder, gun registration serves only one purpose: So that the corrupt, murderous, treasonous state can know where to find all the patriots and gun owners. Why is this information desired by the criminal state government? Obviously, its because Democrats plan to do something the citizens might shoot them for attempting to carry out.
And with Virginia preparing to turn their state into a totalitarian prison camp as Adams warns, we have to remind you hear that Hillary Clinton once brought up a position that 100% of all free Americans will disagree with and resist - 'fun camps' where Americans can be 're-educated' to accept each other's viewpoints. Though as anyone paying attention to the last several years knows, that'd all be 'one-sided', too. As Reason had reported back in 2015, Hillary, quite famous for her lack of humor, said we had a 'fun deficit' in America. Making her remarks before the American Camp Association, any politician attempting to 'force' Americans to do anything clearly doesn't understand what 'freedom' and 'liberty' are all about. From the Reason story. Keep in mind this was written in 2015 as we now approach the 2020 election.
The punchlines write themselves on this one, and that's exactly what's happening. Hillary Clinton, soon to announce her candidacy for president, spoke last night before the American Camp Association in New Jersey. In an effort to try to connect with her audience, she said, "We really need to have camps for adults. None of the serious stuff. None of the life challenge stuff. More fun. I think we have a huge 'fun deficit' in America."
So Clinton hands over to us all to consider the idea of a progressive sending adults to camps, and the idea of a politician infamous for being humorless and suspicious being an arbiter of "fun," wrapped in a great big bow. Obviously conservatives are having a field day, and #HillaryFunCamp is trending on Twitter.
Here's Daily Caller:
In these camps, Clinton wants Americans to really concentrate on the important things. "We need some reminder about life skills from time to time, maybe some enrichment, certainly some time outdoors."
On an entirely unrelated note, "joycamp" was the Newspeak term for forced labor camps in George Orwell's 1984.
And to continue with our last thought, don't tell us we didn't warn you long ago.According to a new Democratic party poll, there is a new front-runner in the race to be the 2020 Democrat presidential nominee: Hillary Clinton.
With the new online Harris poll finding Clinton at 21% followed by Joe Biden at 20% with Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg far behind, Hillary's new lead comes before she has even announced her candidacy for President yet as we have been reporting on ANP ever since the 2016 election, we have all just waiting for Hillary to jump back in as the 'savior' of the Democrats with all other candidates floundering.
And while many Republicans yearn for a President Trump rematch with 'the witch', anybody who really believes that the globalists/deep state apparatus that has been working to take down President Trump ever since November of 2016 will 'allow' him to defeat Hillary once more doesn't really understand the depths of their evil with Hillary herself the root of the Russian collusion hoax and attempted coup over America.
As Adams warns us in this first video, Civil War in America may now be inevitable with Jerry Nadler and the Democrats claiming any 2020 election with President Trump running couldn't possibly be a 'fair election'. Thus attempting to impose their own will upon the 2020 election,they're alsoconditioning the radical left to outright reject any President Trump win in 2020, doubling down on what we've already witnessed in America since 2016 and launching our nation into unknown territory with what's happening now in Virginia a warning to the rest of the nation.
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