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January 27, 2022

As 'Stealth Omicron' Hits America, The Bodies Are Piling Up In Maryland, 'But That's Not COVID Related': The Eugenicists Vision On The Georgia Guidestones Being Carried Out Before Our Eyes

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

The recent story over at WTOP News in Washington DC isn't a 'conspiracy theory'.

Blandly titled "Marylands Office of the Chief Medical Examiner faces staffing crisis", the story (also saved here at, had the following lines as their 2nd, 3rd and 4th sentences.:

Bodies have literally been piling up in the offices in the halls, Del. Kirill Reznik (D-Montgomery) said at a House Appropriations Committee hearing Friday.

A union official told Maryland Matters during a phone interview Friday evening that a 30-year veteran of the medical examiners office has never seen such a backup.

During previous bad spells, the official said, the office would store the remains of up to 25 people at a time; now the medical examiner is seeing overflows of up to 150.

Confirming via the words of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan at a news conference earlier in the week that the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has been having a problem with an increased number of decedents, but thats not COVID related", Hogan instead blamedthose cases as being "mostly homicides and/or opioid overdoses.

So while that story confirmed a staffing shortage at the Chief Medical Examiner's office was at least partially to blame for 'bodies piling up' (think the medical workers vax mandates have something to do with that staffing shortage?), while Hogan took the blame off of 'COVID' being DIRECTLY responsible, that report lines up quite ominously with what we've heard in numerous reports across the country of what they're calling 'excess deaths', far beyond the norm.

Such as an insurance group seeing death rates up 40 percent over pre-pandemic levels, with these deaths primarily non-COVID deaths among workers aged 18 through 64, of that headline mRNA vax inventor Dr. Robert Malone warned: "This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agents dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables".

Just the latest signs to us that something HUGE is going on in 2022 that the mainstream media doesn't dare to touch, as Don Boys PhD warned in this January 25th ANP story titled "The Results Of The Most Reckless Human Experimentation In History Are Flowing In As Quickly As The Bodies Pile Up: The Jab Is A HUGE Success If Its True Purpose Is Depopulation", this seems to be happening all across America and the world now as the 'true effects' of 'the jab' are being seen worldwide.

(ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're now running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

According to Daniel Horowitz in this new story over at The Blaze, there is some incredibly disturbing new data coming out of Scotland that shouldn't be ignored.

While we're all well aware of statements made by people such as Joe Biden, who last July uttered the now proven false statementYoure not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations", as well as people like CDC Director Rochelle Walensky who uttered the clearly false statements The vaccines are incredibly safe. They protect us against Omicron; they protect us against Delta; they protect us against COVID,"Walensky also claimed: "Vaccinated people don't carry the virus; they don't get sick".

Yet we've all seen what's been happening to 'the vaxxed', they've definitely caught and carried 'the virus', and they definitely still 'get sick'. And as Horowitz points out in that story at The Blaze, the data coming to us out of Scotland as seen partially in the image above tells us what the MSM never will. From that story briefly before we continue.:

Scottish data shows that the COVID-19 age-standardized case rate is highest among the two-dose vaccinated and lowest among unvaccinated! It further shows this trend of negative efficacy for the double-vaccinated persisting for hospitalizations and deaths. Something is very wrong here, and together with other data points, it raises concerning questions about the negative effect of waning antibodies, constant boosting, and the consequences of a leaky vaccine with narrow-spectrum suboptimal antibodies against an ever-evolving virus.

Every Wednesday, Public Health Scotland (PHS) has been publishing a weekly report on COVID data juxtaposed to vaccination rates. Table 14 of this weeks Public Health Scotland COVID-19 & Winter Statistical Report lays bare in plain English (and math) a rate of negative efficacy for the vaccine:

As you can see, while the overall Omicron wave seems to be receding in Scotland, age-standardized case rates per 100,000 people were the lowest in the unvaccinated cohort every week for the past four weeks. Thus, its not just the fact that the unvaccinated accounted for only 11.5% of cases the past two weeks, but even adjusted for age-stratified vaccination rates (PHS already does the math for you) the unvaccinated had the lowest infection rate out of the four cohorts especially during the peak of Omicron. Furthermore, we see that even the triple-vaccinated clearly have no efficacy against infection, although they have some degree less negative efficacy than the double-vaccinated.

You can read much more on that study out of Scotland and see more data from Daniel Horowitz here.

So with what's happening in Scotland and Maryland and elsewhere all across America and the world confirming much of what we have been reading about in the independent media, but very infrequently from the MSM, we shouldn't be the least bit surprised that the globalists just unveiled a new one, what they're calling 'Stealth Omicron'. A variant that allegedly can't be detected in tests, andwhich allegedly presents no symptoms, meaning those who have it don't even know, but can still allegedly spread. How's that for a crock of 's'? The final video below takes a look at 'Stealth Omicron'.

So while a huge granite structure like the Georgia Guidestones, which seemingly calls for massive depopulation of our planet Earth, is called a 'conspiracy theory' despite the fact the tenets of what would be a 'new world order' are carved into the gigantic granite structures, in the first video at the bottom of this story titled "A Black Guy visits the Georgia Guidestones - Why its a Eugenics Landmark & NOT USA's "StoneHenge"", our videographer reads through each of the 10 inscriptions in English and Spanish and tells us exactly what he believes this mysterious 'monument' was erected to. His video description below.:

While filming some of the last drone scenes for our forthcoming film, 'Skater Girl' that included the infamous Georgia Guidestones monument in Elberton, Georgia, I decided to actually read the inscriptions of the stones in English and Spanish to prove that they landmark was created as an ode to the eugenics movement.

The tablets say that humanity should never have more than 500 million people on earth which means the site is promoting population control and ethnic cleansing since the current population of the Earth is over 7.674 billion people and was also about 4.433 billion people when the tablets were anonymously erected on March 22, 1980.

When you crunch these numbers it means that the creators of the Tablet wanted the worlds population to be reduced by almost 4 BILLION PEOPLE (ANP: Now 7 billion!). That's a very scary number. Not cool. Thus when you see other videos that promote this site as some sacred American structure....its not...its just a monument created by extreme radicals calling for the elimination and or eradication of billions of people.

For those who aren't aware, the first 3 of those tenetsas carved into granite are.:

1) Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. (Extremely telling when you realize the world's current population is well over over 7 billion people! Meaning well over 6.5 billion 'have to go' for the globalists to reach that goal.)

2) Guide reproduction wisely improving fitness and diversity. (The eugenicists always have always wanted 'population control', hence 'birth control' and the legalized murder of the unborn.)

3) Unite humanity with a living new language. (Sound like a 'new world order global govt' to you?)

As mentioned above, in the 1st video below our videographer takes us on a tour of the Georgia Guidestones, reading through each of their tenets and their call for a global population of about 500 million, hinting extremely strongly at the globalists need to 'extinguish' the lives of most of the people living on our planet.

In the 2nd video below, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a virologist and vaccinologist, talks about the 'Omicron booster' that politicians and Dr. Anthony Fauci are now calling for, warning that not only is it a very bad idea but won't fix the problem and could make things much worse.

And in the final video below, which starts off with that classic Monty Python scene "Bring Out Your Dead", we hear more about 'Stealth Omicron' from our videographer who interweaves a series of news reports about 'Stealth Omicron', hinting that something much more sinister is at play.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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