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February 7, 2018

Tsunami Of New Information Released - Will This Deluge Of Damaging Documentation Make It Impossible For The Traitors To Stop What Is Coming?

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Recently we warned that "something so huge was coming" it would bring the deep state to its knees and within a day the Senate memo detailing the reasoning behind the Senate Judiciary Committee's criminal referral against Christopher Steele, the author behind Fusion GPS's Kremlin sourced, DNC and Clinton funded Steele dossier, was released, albeit heavily redacted. Despite the heavy redactions, enough was revealed to show that a second congressional investigative body had confirmed that high level FBI/DOJ officials during the Obama presidency, had withheld information from the FISA court, while using the foreign sourced and unverified Steele dossier to obtain FISA warrants to surveil a Trump campaign official.

What was also revealed was that Hillary Clinton associates provided information to an Obama State Department employee, who then passed it along to Christopher Steele to be used in his dossiers.

Within the last 24 hours, a tsunami of information has been released publicly that explains why it is too late for the "deep state" to stop what is coming, which is why their talking heads are calling for revolution and sedition against President Trump.



After the House Intelligence Committee's FISA abuse memo was released to the public, the Senate Judiciary Committee requested the FBI conduct an expedited full declassification review since information contained with the criminal referral memo was based on the same underlying documentation as was the House's FISA abuse memo. The FBI complied and by February 6, 2018, had declassified the majority of what had previously been blacked out (redacted) originally in the criminal referral against Steele, leaving a more comprehensive and detailed account of what led the Senate Judiciary Committee to refer Steele to the DOJ for criminal charges.

The 10-page declassified Grassley document, which is embedded, explains on Page 3 that after looking at "classified documents relevant to the FBI's relationship with Mr. Steele and whether the FBI relied on his dossier work," they find that after evaluating those classified documents, in light of sworn statements made by Mr. Steele in British litigation, Steele lied to the FBI or the British court, or that classified documents reviewed by their committee "contained materially false statements."

On Page 4, the memo explains the committee's chairman, ranking member and subcommittee chairman had the opportunity to review a total of four FISA applications, which relied on the Steele dossier to seek surveillance of a Trump campaign team member, Carter Page.

On Page 5 of the Grassley/Graham criminal referral memo, it states that the FBI noted the "vaguely limited extent origins of the dossier," before stating "The application failed to disclose" to the FISA court "the identities of Mr. Simpson's ultimate clients were the Clinton campaign and the DNC." Simpson runs Fusion GPS, which paid Steele.


By Page 9 we see that testimony and documentation "appear to directly contradict the FBI's assertions in its initial application for the Page FISA warrant, as well as subsequent renewal applications."

In other words, as the House Intelligence Committee memo asserted, the FBI deliberately misled the FISA court in order to obtain a warrant, and renew those warrants, to spy on a Trump campaign team member, even after Page no longer worked on the Trump campaign.

As Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel asked on Twitter, "Why isn't the (mostly) unredacted Grassley memo front page news?"

Below, Sean Hannity does an excellent job of unpacking the newly declassified portions of the Grassley/Graham document.

Full 10 page declassified Grassley/Graham document below:

2018-02-06 CEG LG to DOJ FBI (Unclassified Steele Referral) by ZeroHedge Janitor on Scribd


The next two documents embedded are a 25 page, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee interim report, titled "The Clinton Email Scandal And The FBIs Investigation Of It," where the the chairman,U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, released their majority staff report, along with a 502 page document detailing the damning text messages between senior FBI official Peter Strzok, who played key roles in both the Clinton investigation and the initiating of the Russia probe, and his lover FBI laywer Lisa Page.

"The report details the congressional investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clintons private email server and the oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigations involvement with their investigation of Secretary Clintons private server."

Some of the key findings contained within the interim report, and the text messages themselves, are described on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs website, in their press release:

The report outlines how information available to the committee at this time raises serious questions about how the FBI applied the rule of law in its investigation. The majority staff report found that:

* The FBI did not use a grand jury to compel testimony and obtain the vast majority of evidence, choosing instead to offer immunity deals and allow fact witnesses to join key interviews.

* There were substantial edits to former FBI Director James Comeys public statement that served to downplay the severity of Secretary Clintons actions, and that the first draft of the memo was distributed for editing two months before key witnesses were interviewed.

* Director Comey stated that he had not consulted with the Justice Department or White House, when text messages among FBI agents involved in the investigation suggest otherwise. Two key investigators discuss an insurance policy against the risk of a Trump presidency, and OUR task.

* Messages discuss unfinished business, an investigation leading to impeachment, and my gut sense and concern theres no big there there. The messages strongly underscore the need to obtain still-missing text messages and other information regarding the FBIs actions and investigations into the Clinton email scandal and Russian involvement in the November 2016 election.

* Senior FBI officialslikely including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe knew about newly discovered emails on a laptop belonging to former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner for almost a month before Director Comey notified Congress.

In the executive summary of the 25 page interim report, it states clearly "The FBI is the nations premier law enforcement agency, and it is crucial that the public has full faith and confidence in its integrity and impartiality. Unfortunately, a number of actions taken by high-level FBI officials have legitimately called both into question."

What jumped out at me in reading through the report, from the same executive summary, on Page 2, was their specific mention that the "Office of Special Counsel ultimately initiated a Hatch Act investigation into FBI Director James Comeys public statements about the Clinton investigation," along with the "Justice Department Office of Inspector General (DOJ OIG) also initiated an investigation into Director Comeys actions."

We knew of the OIG year-long investigation as much of the documentation discussed to date, specifically the text messages between Strzok and Page, were uncovered and reported by the OIG, but it has not been widely reported that Comey himself had been under investigation for potentially violating the Hatch Act.

Both documents are embedded below, first the 25 page interim report and then the 502 page report of the text messages, including the most recently published.

2018-02-07 Interim Report_The Clinton Email Scandal and the FBI's Investigation of It by Scott Johnson on Scribd

As to the 502 page document below, please note that it starts with emails/texts sent not only between Strzok and Page, but those that included them in a chain of emails/texts, and what immediately catches the eye is the date, May 2016, listed at the top of the document, where different team members weigh in on a rough draft of former FBI Director James Comey's public statement saying he would not recommend charges be brought against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server and her handling of classified information.

The fact that these discussions and the rough draft exonerating her include dates from early May 2016, and in June 2016, when Comey's public statement did not occur until July 5, 2016, and the FBI's interview of Hillary Clinton herself was not until July 2, 2016, it is clear that Comey lied through his teeth back in September 2017, when he told Congress that no decision had been made to exonerate Hillary Clinton before her July 2, 2016 interview.

Comey then stated at approximated the 2:40 minute mark in the video below, "If colleagues of ours believe I am lying about when I made this decision, please urge them to contact me privately so we can have a conversation about this.All I can do is tell you again, the decision was made after that because I didn't know what was going to happen in that interview."

Strzok-Page texts by Chuck Ross on Scribd


Information has been coming out fast and furiously, with the Grassley/Graham, after removing the majority of the earlier redactions coming out on February 6, 2018, and both the Interim report and the latest dump of Strzok/Page texts released on February 7, 2018, capping off a number of revelations over the past few weeks, showing that after months upon months of investigations, evidence clearly shows considerable wrong-doing, to the point of criminality within a number of intelligence agencies at the highest levels of their senior officials.

Note- Congressional committees can and are investigating, but they do not have the power to bring criminal charges, that comes from referring matters for criminal investigation to the DOJ, while providing them with the documentation that prompted those referrals. Also while over 1.2 million documents have been handed over to congress from the year-long DOJ Office of Inspector General into FBI/DOJ misconduct, the full OIG investigation is still not complete, nor has the IG's full report on his findings been released.

As the headline states, it is too late for the deep state members, implicated in attempting to meddle and influence the 2016 presidential election, then actively plotting to overthrow a duly elected president, to change the course of events or stop the flow which has become a tsunami of information from reaching the public.

This is when people become very dangerous, because as we have stated before, desperate people are dangerous and these people have gone well past the point of desperation.


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