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February 5, 2018
Something So Huge Is Coming It Will Bring Deep State To Their Knees And They Are 'Terrified' As Their Conspiracy To Overthrow President Trump Is Exposed
When President Trump tweets liberals melt down, they scream "bully" when he goes after someone or names wrongdoing by someone, they mock him relentlessly when he makes a claim that the media either knows nothing about or has actively tried to hide the information from the public, such as when President Trump informed the country his communications were "wire-tapped" by the Obama administration, which the world finally found out was one hundred percent true, after they criticized him for months over his claim.
The reason we watch the president's Twitter feed is that we have noted, time and time again, to note the names he names, the claims he makes and understand that he is informing the public of what is coming at a later date.
One such example was President Trump's March 2017 tweets about Uranium One which stated "Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech....", then he continued on to say "...money to Bill, the Hillary Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!"
President Trump was informing people what was coming at a later date and sure enough, in October 2017, The Hill's John Solomon busted open a story regarding Uranium One, showing that the Obama administration while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State knew of an ongoing bribery investigation implicating Russian nuclear officials, which they kept from the public and from Congress, as they approve the Uranium One deal. That report also uncovered significant amounts of money was given to the Clinton Foundation by Russian entities.
On February 5, 2018, President Trump offered another tidbit of information, which taken in conjunction with newly revealed information by investigative journalist Sara Carter, explains why she says high level Obama administration intelligence members are "terrified."
It is noteworthy that for months, from the information about Obama administration officials "unmasking" Americans, specifically Trump campaign team members, for political purposes, all the way until the most recent FISA abuse memo, Carter has been in front of it all, with her sources offering her enough to be able to inform the public, without revealing classified information, of what was coming and to date, her predictions by citing her high level sources, have been spot on.
Trump tweetedon February 5, 2018: "Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!"
As you can hear by Carter above, the OIG report has former Obama officials terrified, but she also highlights, just as the president did, that there will be details about leaks, in some cases including classified information leaked to the press, contained with the OIG report, which also matches the OIG's mandate in the press release announcing his investigation which began in January 2017.
Via that press release:"Department of Justice Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz announced today that, in response to requests from numerous Chairmen and Ranking Members of Congressional oversight committees, various organizations, and members of the public, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) will initiate a review of allegations regarding certain actions by the Department of Justice (Department) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in advance of the 2016 election. Cognizant of the scope of the OIGs jurisdiction under Section 8E of the Inspector General Act, the review will examine the following issues: "
Allegations that Department or FBI policies or procedures were not followed in connection with, or in actions leading up to or related to, the FBI Directors public announcement on July 5, 2016, and the Directors letters to Congress on October 28 and November 6, 2016, and that certain underlying investigative decisions were based on improper considerations;
Allegations that the FBI Deputy Director should have been recused from participating in certain investigative matters;
Allegations that the Departments Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs improperly disclosed non-public information to the Clinton campaign and/or should have been recused from participating in certain matters;
Allegations that Department and FBI employees improperly disclosed non-public information; and
Allegations that decisions regarding the timing of the FBIs release of certain Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents on October 30 and November 1, 2016, and the use of a Twitter account to publicize same, were influenced by improper considerations.
"Finally, if circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review."
The president specifically highlighted leaks in his tweet, but he also named two very high level former Obama officials, namely, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from March 2013 to January 2017, John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who resigned inNovember 2016.
A look back through older news, we see that Brennan was accused of leaking information back in December 2016, after Donald Trump had won the presidential election, in the very midst of the ongoing communications between high level FBI employees discussing an "insurance policy" against Donald Trump should he become the president, which was later revealed to be the whole "Russia collusion" narrative we have heard ad nuaseam for the last year.
Interestingly, the information Brennan was accused of leaking to the press, was in relation to "Russian hacking" of the DNC servers, in what Representaive Peter King called "a hit job" against the then president-elect Donald Trump.
At the time King told ABC's This Week show "That's what infuriates me about this, Martha, is that we have John Brennan, supposedly John Brennan, leaking to The Washington Post, to a biased newspaper like The New York Times, findings and conclusion that is he's not telling the intelligence committee."
Former CIA director John Brennan confirmed he unmasked the identities of Americans in his testimony to the House Intelligence Committee. Upon questioning from Rep. Trey Gowdy, (R- SC) Brennan acknowledged he requested for U.S. citizen's name to be unmasked and said that he did not unmask anyone on his last day at work, January 20.
When asked if ambassadors requested names to be unmasked Brennan said that it may have "rang a vague bell," but that he "could not answer with any confidence."
Brennan said the CIA respected American citizens right to privacy.
"[There is] a right of all Americans to privacy, and that sometimes information is collected about U.S. persons who may or may not be involved in any matter of criminal activity. And therefore, respecting that privacy of U.S. citizens, the intelligence community goes to great lengths to cover the identity of U.S. persons if they may be uncovered, but happen to be included in U.S. intelligence collection," Brennan said.
There is growing evidence the agency he oversaw has become one of the largest consumers of unmasked intelligence about Americans even though its charter prohibits it from spying on U.S. citizens.
The Senate Judiciary Committee is also seeking communications regarding Brennan, along with 39 others, from a variety of entities, includingThe Democratic National Committee (DNC), Hillary for America (HFA), Former DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile, HFA Chair John Podesta, and HFA Chief Strategist Joel Benenson.
As to James Clapper, who President Trump also mentions in his tweet, back in May 2017, both he and former deputy AG Sally Yates were questioned by Senator Chuck Grassley about "unmasking Trump communications," and sharing it will others.
Perhaps the most damning thing against Clapper was his assertion before it was verified that the Trump campaign did in fact have their communications surveilled, and that the Steele dossier was used to obtain a FISA warrant, was Clapper's outright denial of knowledge about any FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.
Via The Hill in March 2017, before the public learned that Trump and his campaign was surveilled and about the FISA warrant against Carter Page, that allowed Obama intelligence officials to collect "incidental" communications of other Americans that communicated with Carter Page, specifically, other Trump campaign members, that were then "unmasked."
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Sunday denied President Trump's allegations that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower before the election.
During an interview on NBC's "Meet The Press," Clapper was asked if he would be aware if something like that had happened.
"I would certainly hope so. ... Obviously I can't speak officially anymore," Clapper said on NBC's "Meet The Press."
"But I will say that for the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI, there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time, as a candidate, or against his campaign."
Clapper also said he would know if a court order through the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) existed for "something like this." "And at this point you can't confirm or deny whether that exists?" host Chuck Todd asked.
"I can deny it," Clapper said in response.
"There is no FISA court order?" Todd asked.
"Not to my knowledge," Clapper responded.
With the information now available, we now know James Clapper was lying back in that March 2017 interview. Not only was the Trump campaign survielled, but the FISA warrant was granted, and extended multiple times using the same Steele dossier that Clapper denied leaking knowledge of to the press.
The DOJ's Office of Inspector General has already released 1.2 million documents to the House Intelligence Committee, where the most recent FISA abuse memo was released from, and reports indicate that memo, which Democrats, the DOJ and FBI, attempted to prevent the public from seeing, is just the beginning, as there are approximately five more memos, dealing with different agencies, expected to come out of that committee.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., suggested that more memos, in addition to the one released Friday that outlines alleged surveillance violations by the U.S. government, may soon be released, with the next one targeting the State Department.
Yes, this completes just the FISA abuse portion of our investigation, Nunes told Fox News host Bret Baier on Friday, referencing abuses related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
We are in the middle of what I call phase two of our investigation, which involved other departments, Nunes said. Specifically the State Department and some of the involvement they had in this.
The first memo detailed FISA abuses, it is believed the subsequent House Intelligence memos will be revealing illegal actions taken from high level members from individual agencies, building the bigger picture of a group of "deep state" intelligence community members plotting to arrange the overthrow of a sitting president.
What is critical to remember as all this information is being thrown at us, with new revelations coming each week, while Democrats, liberals and the MSM continue to try to downplay it all, is that 1)Trump offered warnings and hints, sometimes months in advance of what was going to be revealed, and; 2) More importantly, the leaks to the press have been coming from a variety of high level sources. (Former FBI director James Comey admitted to "leaking" his memos to a friend with the sole purpose of having him leak it to the press in order to prompt a special counsel into the Russia collusion probe, and FBI Agent Peter Strzok and Lisa Page recently exposed as leakers to another journalist) because; 3)these leaks were made possible because Barack Obama, right before leaving office in January 2017, issued new rules under Executive Order 12333 that allowed "the NSAwhich collects information under that authority with little oversight, transparency, or concern for privacyshare the raw streams of communications it intercepts directly with agencies including the FBI, the DEA, and the Department of Homeland Security."
Many believe, and the recent revelations seem to offer the theory some credence, that high level members of multiple intelligence agencies manufactured a hoax regarding "Russia collusion with the Trump campaign," then proceeded to use unverified documents to obtain FISA warrants on Trump campaign member(s), then "unmask" other names that communicated with the person listed in the warrant, then Barack Obama, who was the president at that time, initiated new rules to allow those same agencies to share raw data (meaning American names were not masked) with each other, so that it would take hundreds of investigative hours to unravel exactly who leaked what and when and to who.
Between the Senate Judiciary Committee, the House Intelligence Committee, millions of documents, and a year-long OIG oversight investigation, we are finally starting to see some top members of the FBI, along with other top members of the DOJ, along with the former Director of the CIA, and the DNI, be exposed publicly, as not only leakers, but as liars whose lies were captured and preserved on video, all engaged in a huge conspiracy to overthrow the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
This is all so incredibly huge it will bring the deep state to its knees. No wonder Democrats, the MSM who helped them all, and former Obama administration members are all "terrified."
Stepping back and looking at the past lies, the recent news, the FISA abuse memo, the OIG investigation, it is a lot easier to see why Congress members have been comparing the actions of Obama intelligence members to the KGB, calling this huge conspiracy to take down a sitting president "explosive," and "jaw-dropping," and what Judge Jeanine Pirro calls the actions seen in "third world countries."