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November 8, 2021
Things Continue To Deteriorate Daily As Psychological Warfare Is Waged Upon The American People & Top Food Producers Warn Of Upcoming Spiking Prices On 100's Of Existing Products
So many updates on a number of retail fronts, from shortages that have retailers lining the shelves with props to "hide supply shortage," to gas prices jumping rising more than an average of $1.30 since last year, (and Biden is now considering the shut down of yet another pipeline which will raise those prices even higher), to food prices for a high number of food products having risen with warnings that they will be rising up to another 20%.
Those examples and many more will be discussed below as we watch things continue to get worse by the day, and average every day Americans are the ones suffering now, and to which that suffering will get worse as Winter hits the United States.
Note - As shortages and prices hikes get worse, the MSM has downplayed and in some cases ignored the amount of shortages being seen in many parts of the nation, in a variety of different chain stores, so ANP is asking readers to please continue sending images of anything they see at their local stores that is worrisome from empty shelves to fronting of products to increasingly frequent rising prices.
While Christmas gifts are an extravagance that is not life and death, food, water, energy, natural or gas, could very well be, so we will focus right now more on things we cannot live without, rather than things we can.
We are being warned gas prices, along with energy, whether natural gas or electricity, are about to become unaffordable for many American families, to keep their homes heated and cars on the road during the upcoming "dark winter" we have heard so much about.
Then Joe Biden started occupying the White House, with one of his first moves to cancel the 'keystone Pipeline, which immediately set us up to be dependent on foreign, and often hostile countries.
Now new reports show that despite the already rising gas prices, and home energy prices, Biden is considering shutting down another pipeline, in Michigan, which will exacerbate the hardships for Americans considerably, at a time when many Americans are still not recovered from the COVID lockdowns and tens of thousands of families are still dependent on food banks and giveaways just to put dinner on the table.
Line 5 is part of a network that moves crude oil and other petroleum products from western Canada, transporting about 540,000 barrels per day. Petroleum is taken from the pipeline in Escanaba, Michigan.
Jason Hayes, the director of environmental policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, blasted the Biden administration for its energy policies, telling Fox News that their work on Line 5 is "just one more example of being divorced from reality."
"They're planning to power an industrial nation like the United States on solar panels and wind turbines," Hayes said, while noting that even the solar panels and wind turbines require "oil, natural gas, nuclear and even coal" to be produced.
No one really knows how expensive a gas delivery for your home heat will be, or how much electricity will cost this Winter if that is how you heat your home , so alternative methods to stay warm should be considered.
Social justice warriors will likely freak out over the suggestion, but good old fashioned heat from a fire, can very well keep one from freezing this Winter.
Back to the basics: For those with fireplaces, a cord or three of wood will do nicely in keeping your home warm and can even be cooked upon, saving yet more electricity or gas.
For those without a fireplace, wood burning stoves can be used to heat your home or room, as well as cook on, which in the long run, saves on both the use of electricity, and/or gas.
(ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by'big tech'upon ANP articles, we'll berunning a fundraising driveuntil we catch up on expenses. We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic,'big tech'censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
We are seeing a number of things across the nation, in fact the globe, which quite frankly seems almost unbelievable, yet are very true, such as stores trying to make it appear as if they have full shelves, when in fact they are fronting products, meaning putting a full row of products, with only one box/can in front without anything at all behind them.
Other examples use carboard cutouts of products to make the shelves look like they have anything on them at all, when they do not.
That type of pretense is not limited to the U.S., but over in the UK, we are seeing the same type of antics by grocery stores trying to hide the fact that the shortages are worse than the media is explaining.
U.K. supermarkets are using cardboard cutouts of fruit, vegetables and other groceries to fill gaps on shelves because supply problems combined with a shift towards smaller product ranges mean many stores are now too big.
Tesco has begun using pictures of asparagus, carrots, oranges and grapes in its fresh produce aisles, prompting ridicule on social media.
Mmmm, delicious photos of asparagus, one commenter wrote on Twitter. Another mocked an oversized picture of the vegetable piled up: I love that asparagus grows to this size in the UK. Its our climate, Im sure.
Side Note - From those commenting here and elsewhere, let me acknowledge that not all cities/stores are seeing severe shortages of specific products or empty shelves, but what most are noticing is the lack of selection, some of their favorites brands no longer available, and smaller containers/cans for the same prices or more, than before the COVOD lockdowns.
And let us not forget the continuing rising of prices.
As to that last point, we see that Kraft, Heinz, and others have announced expected price increases in 2022, some up to 20% for their products.
In a letter to a regional distributor to grocery stores obtained by CNN Business, Kraft Heinz said it plans to raise prices on hundreds of items beginning on January 9, including varieties of Jell-O gelatin and pudding, which will jump from anywhere between 7 percent and 16 percent, and Bagel Bites frozen snacks, which will see an increase of roughly 10 percent. Meanwhile, Cool Whip topping varieties will see an increase of 7 to 10 percent. The cost of EZ Mac will rise 3.5 percent, while a 7.25-ounce dish of Kraft Big Bowl Mac & Cheese will see a 20 percent price hike.
As to Kraft, they have admitted that they have already raised the price of 80 percent of their products by 5 percent already.
Mondelez the maker of Oreos, Chips Ahoy and several candies also plans to increase its prices by 6 to 7 percent in January of 2022 in the U.S.
CEO Dirk Van de Put said during a Tuesday analyst call to discuss the companys third-quarter results that Mondelez has been increasing prices, and we plan to increase prices more than weve done probably for quite a while as a company.
In a letter to a grocery distributor, Mondelez said several varieties of Toblerone bars will see a price increase of about 7 percent, while the price of 9-10 ounce Sour Patch Kids bags will rise 5.9 percent, according to CNN.
While the COVID-19 pandemic has increased demand for snacks and sweets, their costs have not risen as quickly as overall food prices: grocery prices jumped 4.5 percent in September over the same month last year, while snack prices rose 1.9 percent and candy and chewing gum increased 2 percent.
For those that enjoy their snacking, buy in bulk now because you will spending considerably more come 2022.
Since the Kraft Heinz products says that "hundreds" of items will see spikes in prices, look through the Amazon Kraft store and Heinz Store and stock up now because no one knows when or more importantly IF, prices will ever go down again.
As we have shown time and again with reader images, the shortages and price hikes are not limited to products like those mentioned above, but meats have risen to the point of ridiculousness, and produce is suffering their own set of issues, so freeze dried survival food could quite literally be what keeps some from starving or having to eat so little, because prices are so high, that it jeopardizes their health.
One provision would place a huge tax on beef cattle, dairy cattle, and hogs, with food prices already setting record increases from inflation and other factors.
According to Cammack, Ground beef would jump to over 10.00 per pound, and overall price increases will rise 300 to 600%, including things like cheese or any food derived from dairy cows, cattle, or pigs.
As mentioned earlier, things are continuing to get worse by the day, so while MSM followers will get caught unprepared, Independent Media readers won't be part of the panic buying, shelves emptying crowd.
With even China warning their populace to stockpile food and essentials for upcoming Winter shortages, it is absolutely irresponsible for the MSM in America to spend countless ink, online space and television time to a VA governors race, while barely offering adequate warnings (for those that offer any!) about the upcoming food shortages and gas and food price hikes, with more coming.
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