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July 2, 2023

Liberals Fleeing Destroyed States And Cities Run By Democrats Are Going To Bring The Same Destruction And 'Utopian' Delusions To The Red States They Flee To

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

Piggybacking off of Stefan Stanford's piece about our "Escape from New York Future," from last week, there are some recent reports that once again prove without a doubt that the liberal policies in blue states California and New York, just to name two, are destroying lives, livelihoods, and that destruction is bleeding over into red states.

Starting with the blue state bleed, we see that in California, for example, we see recent community poll from Strategies 360, along with an LA Times piece, that exemplifies how liberal state policies are welcome by the citizens of those states, until said policies destroy the safety and atmosphere of the states, then those same people that voted for those destruction liberal policies are running fast and hard to red states.

The results are astounding for their contradictions:

 (71%), report that living in California is important to their personal identities (68%), and say California is a place where they fit in and feel comfortable (68%). The states diversity is a viewed as a major benefit of living here: by a 20-point margin, residents say it brings people together around new ideas and vibrant communities rather than creating tension and division between groups who have different needs and priorities.

Californians face deep economic anxieties. Satisfaction with the state economy has dropped 12-points since 2020, including 5-points since last year. Residents are largely dissatisfied with the cost of their healthcare, the amount they pay for their home, and the cost of everyday living expenses (18% satisfied, 81% dissatisfied). The data also suggests that Californians personally feel less financially secure than they did in previous years: only 28% of those in households making $50k-$100k annually report that they can live comfortably and save an adequate amount of money for the future, down from 54% who said the same in early 2020. Similarly, just 57% of those in households making over $100k annually say they can live comfortably and save an adequate amount of money for the future, down from 77% who said the same in early 2020.

Related:American States Once Awash In Cash See Their Fortunes Suddenly Reversed

According to LA Times ( link here) 40% of Californians are considering packing up and leaving.

Yet large swaths of residents are also considering packing up and leaving. Many also believe that the state is headed in the wrong direction, and are anxious about the direction of the economy and their ability to pay their bills.

Add those people to the 500,000+ people that have already packed up and hauled butt out of the state since 2020, and we take a couple of things away from these contradictions.

1.) Liberals love the policies of the blue states.

2.) Liberals do not like the ramifications of said policies, which includes the high crime rate, which has driven manybig box stores and chains right out of many of the most liberal cities of CA.

"You can't even carry a purse, I don't. I'm scared. I don't wear my jewelry that I used to wear. It's just totally different now from back when I was living in Chinatown," said Lum.

"I used to be proud to be called a San Franciscan, a native Californian. Now I'm not. I'm totally disappointed," said Fong.

City leaders said statistics showed San Francisco is a safe city compared to other large cities, but Lum and Fong said they don't need to look at the crime statistics.

They pointed to the open-air drug markets. They said there's no stat for the type of street condition seen in the Tenderloin.

Lum said people selling drugs and doing drugs out in the open won't make it on any stat sheets, but just seeing it makes her and other people feel unsafe to walk down those streets.

Related:Almost A Third Of America's Homeless Population Lives In California, Study Finds

It would be easy to just say blue state liberals sound like they don't actually know what they want, but that isn't true.


They want polices that make them feel they are in a "progressive" state, yet refuse to understand those polices are exactly what is destroying those states.

So they move along to a red state where crime isn't out of control, taxes are lower, rents and mortgages are cheaper, cost of living all around is more affordable, they can walk safely down the street, but then they want the state to turn blue with the same liberal policies that drove them out of the blue state they left.

What they want is an illusion, but it is really a delusion.

The delusion that progressive polices work. The delusion that they can move to another state and vote to change that state's policies into liberal progressive policies and have it not backfire....again.

Some quick facts from ZeroHedge as to why California's "Utopia" is nothing more than an illusion.

Out of the top ten most indebted states in the US, seven of them are Democrat controlled. California has the most debt by FAR with $519 billion in the red...

In 2020 the state saw a loss of 725,000 people with 359,000 net losses in residents after gains are accounted. They lost 700,000 more people than they gained from April 2020 to July 2022. To put this in perspective, losing that many people is the same as a city the size of Seattle disappearing from the California map in the span of two years. California starting out with a larger population is irrelevant to the overall trend of population losses.

U-Haul did indeed run out of trucks in CA because so many people were leaving. The top destination for U-Haul trucks was Texas followed by Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Arizona. One could argue over the potential reasons for the exodus from CA, but the exodus is a FACT (I believe Newsoms draconian covid mandates were the biggest reason for the migration, but taxation and a hostile business environment are solid causes also).

The state has the 2nd highest housing prices in the nation, only under Hawaii. It is the most expensive state for rent in the US, surpassing Hawaii with an average monthly rental cost of $1900. CA also has the third highest food prices in the country.

The median household income in California is $78,000, or $6500 per month (before taxes). The average total cost of supporting a family of four in California including basic necessities is $6700 per month. This is why the Pacific state had the highest homeless rates in the US in 2022 (except for Washington DC). Living in CA is a net negative prospect for the average person, and forget about starting a small business and building something better California is consistently rated one of the worst states for starting and maintaining a business, which is why companies have been leaving in droves over the past few years.

They want the illusion of Utopia, but it is only a delusion because Utopia doesn't exist.

Related:EXCLUSIVE: Abandoned stores, streets overtaken by the homeless and drug-addled, theft so rampant that CANDY is locked away: Welcome to San Francisco's ghost town downtown


California cities are not alone, we just used them as the main example, but looking at other radically liberal cities we see the same pattern.

In New York they have public vending machines for junkies, which include crack pipe kits. In Baltimore, we just read about 30 people being shot on Sunday, with two dead.

InSeattle we note one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 19.

In Chicago, in just one weekend in June, they saw75 people shot, 14 of them fatally.

Minneapolis is among the worst major cities for crime.

Each of those cities are run by Democrat mayors. In fact, as of December 2022,27 of the top 30 crime-ridden cities were run by democrats.

Bottom line is: State laws need to be passed that disallow anyone that just moved to a red state to apply to vote for at least a year.

Give these people a chance to see how much better life is in the state they escaped to, so maybe by the time they are allowed to apply for a voting registration, they won't want to go back to what they had.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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