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May 24, 2015

Wal Mart Home Office Admits Jade Helm 15 Ties - "There's Plenty Of Those (Wal Mart Stores) Available To Them - They've Got That Handled Already"

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By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While All News Pipeline continues to receive photographs from readers across the country of strange happenings at Wal Marts and military convoys, the 1st video below from videographer HighImpactFlix should finally silence the govt agents and trolls attempting to debunk ties between Jade Helm 15, the US Military and Wal Marts across the country as an employee from Wal Marts home office makes the eye-opening admission himself about Wal Marts ties to the US military and the US military's ability to use Wal Mart stores across the country if they so desire.

If you only have time to listen to a short portion of this video, begin at the 3 minute 7 second mark for the admission that should finally silence the trolls; if you have time to listen to the entire video, listen to how the tone of this guys voice changes when asked about Jade Helm 15 from earlier in the conversation. This one should be a game changer. Much more below videos including new pictures sent to ANP by a reader in Texas showing what could be a 'prison cell' and more shipping containers at a still-open Walmart in Texas.

Videographer: "Does this have anything to do with the Jade Helm 15 military exercises?"

Home Office: "No, no, no."

Videographer: "Not at all?"

Home Office: "No. There's plenty of those available to them without having to ask for (us - inaudible). They've got that handled already. That was handled way before (dinner - inaudible)."

The 2nd and 3rd videos below, also from HighImpactFlix, explore Jade Helm 15 more deeply and include the 3rd one called "23 Scary Wal Mart Facts You'll Wish You Knew - Jade Helm Headquarters?" ANP reader adds a GREAT point in a comment at the bottom of the story.:

My only question is how a low level employee knows about Jade Helm and a lot of our military doesn't? This is a highly compartmentalized operation. Busted!!!!!!!

The following photographs were sent to ANP by a reader in Richmond, Texas and show the Wal Mart at Westpark Tollway and Highway 99. While this store is still open, remodeling is being done there which our reader finds very strange as they have only been open for 5 years. This store also has the shipping containers that can double as prison cells and plenty more shipping containers at the store. These pictures also show that Wal Mart has ditched their name on 2 sides of the front of the store while keeping the Wal Mart sign in the center.








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