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January 30, 2023
As Another Victim Of The Genocidal Bioweapon Injection Does The 'Pfizer Flop' On Live TV, Why Would The FDA Hide Pfizer Jab Safety Data For 75 Years UNLESS They're Covering Up Genocide?
Though as we'll explore within this story, it did come with an admission from Pfizer that the jabs bring with them the possibility of 'the injected' being struck by 'side effects,' which we're now seeing everywhere, including each of the following as just the first few that they listed.:
Severe allergic reactions
Non-severe allergic reactions such as rash, itching, hives, or swelling of the face
Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle)
Pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart)
With the terms 'myocarditis' and 'pericarditis' medical terms most Americans had never even heard of before the 'vax' was rolled out, but now terms we hear about nearly every day in the news as more and more Americans learn of newly developed heart problems, take note that nowhere in the statement does Pfizer admit to their vax causing death, nor take responsibility for all of these people 'dying suddenly.'
And those 'severe allergic reactions' they spoke of in their statement, do you think that's why the Epoch Times is now reportingthe FDA advocated on behalf of Pfizer to keep the clinical trial data hidden for 75 years and now they're being sued to release the raw data!?Now what could be in that data important enough to want to hide it? Things that make any normal thinking person realize this stinks to high heaven.
With the FDA also pivoting towards an annual COVID shot which they claim will be based upon new strains expected to be dominant in that particular year, showing once again how much of a 'crap shoot' and episode in 'Russian roulette' that entire process is many more ways than one, this grieving mother spoke on camera about how that game of Russian roulette turned out for her family, bluntly telling the interviewer.:
We were pro vaccine. We thought the people who wouldnt get the vaccine were silly. Then one day my daughter drops dead.
How many more parents have suffered similar tragedies because the FDA and CDC and WHO are quite literally covering up genocide? And when you think about the FDA covering up Pfizer test data for 75 years, making sure that practically anyone alive now will be dust by the time it's finally allowed to be seen, also think about the United Nations end run around the 1st Amendment, with the UN about to criminalize anyone who spreads what they call 'misinformation' that causes social disorder and hatred as heard in the 1st video below from Clayton Morris.
Showing they're trying to cover up this genocide for all of history, we're quickly headed towards the World Health Organization making the health decisions for Americans and people around the world if the globalist devils get their way, with the United Nations determining what is 'truth' and what is 'misinformation,' the same kind of powers held by mass murdering dictators throughout history.
So with more and more angry leftists showing up on twitter posts sounding an awful lot like Mike O'Mara, who we've reported on ANP was pro-vax, took the shot, and is now dying a horrible slow-motion death, detailing it all on twitter in a series of alarming posts in which he describes his body quite literally disintegrating. Just think about the UN trying to criminalize the recent social media posts below by Mike, true posts describing his unfolding death which the UN could call'misinformation'.
Mike O'Mara:Kicked off of Facebook. For sharing my story. For speaking about what is happening to so many. For trying to find resources to save lives. I hope this world changes at some point, and that some day, humankind will be strong enough to weather differing views, opinions and beliefs.
Mike O'Mara: A big part of me is convinced that Im already dead and in hell. I must be. I try to do anything, try to live, but end up lying around in pain, my body useless and atrophied. I didnt think I deserved to be here, but that isnt for me to judge. Maybe at the end Ill be released.
Mike O'Mara:Yet another, just one of so many just like me. Abnormal presentation. Passed 4 EMGs. Post vax, got aggressive, atypical ALS. Was gaslit the whole way. RIP, Vicki.
And with Vicky and Mike just two of a countless number of victims of this vax genocide who've already been maimed or killed, their lives ruined or extinguished by a 'vax' that looks more and more like a weapon created specifically for depopulation every day, how many more people who were told by their governments and employers to 'do the right thing' are there already, names and people who we'll never know, and how many more will there be in the coming days?
And why are US government agencies like the CDC and the FDA actually COVERING UP that 'depopulation' unfolding right now which is nothing less than genocide? Certainly if there is any justice left in the world, the perpetrators carrying out this mass murder deserve the same fate as every mass murderer, and those covering it up deserve the same fate as anyone who is covering up mass murder.
So while mainstream outlets like The Atlantic will keep putting out stories like this onetitled "Twitter Has No Answers for #DiedSuddenly," within which they reported "the latest anti-vaccine conspiracy theory is taking off easily on platforms that have no interest in shutting it down," why won't they put out stories tackling the much more difficult truth, that outlets like their own have been lying to us every step of the way, and because of those never-ending lies, a countless numbers of Americans and people all around the world have had their lives either ruined or ended for taking those vaxxes?
So while CDC Executive Director Tom Shimabukuro tells a COVID panel in the 2nd video below of the jabs causing debilitating illnesses, "We understand that illness is disruptive and stressful, especially under those circumstances,"they still keep on pushing the 'kill shot' as the 'answer' no matter how many people around the world drop dead on live TV, or in their sleep, like so many have.
So with every day bringing us another story or three or four of people in the prime of their lives simply dropping dead, unexpected, no prior warning signs of a future heart attack or stroke, we've reached a point in time where the BIGGEST 'prior warning signs' that need to be watched out for are anyone at all who has had the vaxxes or the boosters, for all of them played a very strange game of Russian roulette, one in which the 'losers' of the 'game' are often not determined until months after 'the game.'
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