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May 6, 2024

Wide Open Borders Are Pushing The Insanity Levels In America Off The Scales As 'Enemies Within' Are Taking Full Advantage To Carry Out As Much Murder And Mayhem As They Can 

- It’s mind-boggling  to bring in people who overwhelmingly support a terrorist organization

By D. Parker and All News Pipeline

The ruling class left has seen the importation of thousands, if not millions of military-aged men from enemy nations. 

And now in a move that dials the insanity up to 'eleventy', they want to bring in supporters of Hamas, if not the terrorists themselves. Everyone is anticipating an October 7-type attack in the states that will make 9/11 look like a pinprick by comparison. 

So, how do they think they are going to politically survive bringing on such an attack after importing these people in? 

What is their plan, and what is their endgame after the inevitable terrorist attack that they’ve facilitated? 

It’s a mind-boggling move to bring in people who overwhelmingly support a terrorist organization. 

But with the ever-present warnings of the growing threat of terrorism and the looming election, it easily pushes the insanity off the scale.

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It’s axiomatic that the people who caused a problem are incapable of providing a solution, so how do they expect to remain in control after their open border and terror importation policies are implicated in the deaths of thousands of American citizens? 

How do they expect to survive politically – if not stay out of federal prison – for the abject national security negligence in causing a terrorist attack in the states? No one should have any doubts that they will try at least for the better part of a few nanoseconds to try and blame an attack on ‘white supremacists’ or some other similarly outrageous lie. But even the national socialist media won’t want to carry that line of BS. Do they think they’re going to survive this politically? 

Trying to figure out what is going to happen is akin to analyzing a complex physics or engineering problem, taking into consideration the forces involved and how they interact to yield a final prediction result. 

These would be the various terrorist groups that the Biden regime and Democrats have insanely let into the country. The terrorists know this is the best opportunity they’ve ever had. They can bring in how many and almost whoever they need to carry out an attack. Biden and the Democrats are even flying them around the country without the need for documentation on the taxpayer dime, so they are as close to carrying out 9/11-style attacks as they have been in almost 23 years. The open border also means they can bring in whatever destructive materials they need – including nuclear materials

Biden and the Democrats are also helpfully moving military-aged men around the country, again on the backs of the taxpayers. And it’s been reported that they supply them with phones so that their attacks can be coordinated and in multiple locations. 

The terrorists of Hamas had to break through the border to carry out the October 7 attacks. Biden and the Democrats are inviting them in and making sure they reach the target destination of their choice. In many cases, supplying them with food, housing assistance, and even cash cards because they wouldn’t want those people to worry about such things when making their plans. 

The terrorists and just about everyone else know that the party is going to be over after any kind of attack. Democrats are suddenly, and miraculously going to be very interested in not just border security, but shutting it down completely. They will of course already have their imported underclass in undocumented Democrats, so it won’t matter as much. But everyone is going to look at them for causing the attack, so they will have to act faster than Biden losing his way in walking a straight line. 

This means the terrorists are going to take full advantage of the situation to carry out as much murder and mayhem they can. They will want to set a new standard of destruction, and you can be sure it will be with the full approval of Red China. (Red as in communist, before the left decided to deceive everyone and switch the colors in the 2000 election). 

They are going to attack places with as many people as possible and avoid locations where people can be armed. They aren’t going to be deterred by ridiculous rules or silly ‘gun free’ zone signs. They are looking to create maximum casualties and chaos, so they are going to be looking for large crowds. They may also attack infrastructure targets as well as create mass casualty events since Biden and the Democrats have so helpfully provided them with the resources to do this. 

Since they ostensibly won’t have a fixed base to which they can return as with the Gaza in the October 7 attacks, they aren’t as likely to take hostages. Unless they have very ambitious plans to have such bases in place for their attacks. 

These are the general considerations, but as far as specifics are concerned the terrorists have a large target area, so they have most of the advantages – with a lot of help from Biden and the Democrats. 

So, we’ve looked at how the terrorists are going to take full advantage of the situation, and it would seem to be very bad news for Biden. But somehow, they don’t seem worried. The FBI has issued repeated warnings about terrorism from our open border and yet the border remains wide open and Biden's team is working overtime to bring in more potential threats, so what do they know that we don’t? 

A wide-open border in the face of a terrorist threat and flying potential terrorists around without paperwork would be the last thing a sane society would do in this situation, so what is their plan? How do Biden and the Democrats expect to politically survive this? 

Are they planning on the exploitation of a serious crisis to require a COVID-type shutdown to cheat their way back into power? They caused the crisis in the first place, so why should they decide the solution?

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