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June 30, 2022

After 60+ Years Of Destructive Communist Policies, America's Soul Is Rotting To The Core - Americans Must Fight For What's Right Or This Ticking Time Bomb Will Eviscerate Us All

By John Scotto for All News Pipeline

The recent supreme court decision has sent shock waves throughout America. However, most of us who are aware must admit, all the events currently unfolding before our eyes are not surprising. The left has been preparing for this moment for many weeks now. It appears all the pre-made signs and fake outrage are ready to roll.

The satirical Babylon Bee had the greatest headline the other day pertaining to all this madness: Dems pause January 6th hearings in order to call for insurrection. Just a very fitting title to describe the recent situation.

The left has just started their summer of hell. We now see the violence, many of these so-called "peaceful" leftists participate in, when they don't get their way.

Christian pregnancy clinic in Colorado is torched and graffitied with the words 'if abortions aren't safe, neither are you' after pro-abortion extremists warned of 'night of rage' following Roe v. Wade decision

Only a couple of months ago the radical leftist supreme court appointee couldn't provide a definition for the word woman. All of a sudden the left has discovered who a woman is and are now on a crusade to save the rights of all women, how convenient.

Leftists are always screaming to follow the science. However, when the science contradicts their viewpoint, according to them the science should then be ignored. Science has now shown that a baby's heart rate is likely detectable within six to eight weeks. During abortion procedures, we can actually see the baby fighting and resisting the abortion. Anybody with a soul, who has viewed an abortion video is likely to be repulsed. Yet, with all the scientific advances that show these babies are viable, we still see the maniacal outrage from the diabolical "progressives." Sometimes, all it takes to change a pro-choice person's mind is to show them an abortion procedure video.

Watch their minds change on abortion.

Regarding life beginning at conception, I use the following analogy. It's sort of like going into an automobile factory and looking at the mechanics working on the car frame and saying, the car frame will never become a car in a few weeks. The liberal mindset regarding their unwillingness to apply logic is mind boggling. These same leftists who are demanding people take those controversial covid "vaccines" are now screaming, "my body, my choice." Isn't this duplicitous?

Everything about the left wreaks double standard, they are nothing but evil phonies. With modern day liberals it is all about selectivity, whatever suits their narrative at the time, they yell and scream about, until they get their way. Selective outrage and selective justice define the modern day leftist ideology.

Many "progressives" have become like petulant children. Being a leftist now requires a human being to exist within a perpetual state of childhood. Basically, one must embody the persona of a brat, who has constant temper tantrums. One must resemble somebody who thinks the world revolves around them alone and all their selfish whims and desires.

These radical liberals are no longer rational, but it is not entirely their own fault. Society as a whole has been catering to their sick and twisted ideas/policies for over sixty years. The entire American public must share in the responsibility for creating such monsters. Most of us have become comfortable in avoiding reality. Our very own politicians and most of those within government have been tilting leftward for decades. I guess society has been ignoring this ideological leftist "time-bomb" for far too many years. People need to get their priorities in order.

"What an irony that a society confronted with plastic bags filled with the remains of aborted babies should be more concerned about the problem of recycling the plastic" -Winifred Egan-

We all share in the responsibility of creating this sick and twisted country, we now exist in. "Progressives" have taken a sledgehammer to our US Constitution, common sense and morality and they basically have replaced all three with the phrase: "anything goes."

The USA 2022 is currently devolving into a dystopian nightmare. It is going to take a whole bunch of time and effort to correct the last sixty years of the radical left's destructive policies. This will require people awakening from their lazy mindset of moral relativism and actually take the time to seek the truth and live the truth. The truth will set us all free.

The American people have to reject all the evil that these leftists orchestrate on a daily basis. All the perversions and distortions the left has managed to instill within the collective soul of our nation is currently rotting our country to its very core. The American people must return to a system based upon logic, critical thinking, virtue and fiscal/moral responsibility. We must all pray for wisdom and discernment regarding good and evil. Americans must simply stop tolerating evil!

"America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance. It is not. It is suffering from tolerance: tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos. Our country is not nearly so much overrun with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broad-minded. The man who can make up his mind in an orderly way, as a man might make up his bed, is called a bigot; but a man who cannot make up his mind, any more than he can make up for lost time, is called tolerant and broad-minded." -Venerable Fulton J. Sheen-

(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Citizens must realize that character matters. A merit based society keeps people free. All this phony liberal virtue signaling, race baiting and class warfare must finally cease. We must attempt to unite as one people and reject all this chaos and division that these marxist politicians fester on a daily basis.

The USA must attempt to regain its collective soul and restore the rule of law and civility to our society. People basically need to grow up and reject this fantasy world, which the modern day leftists have sold to all of us. It's going to take a great deal of perseverance to regain the moral high ground that we have lost. But, I am most confident that most US citizens will eventually find their way out of this dark age. We need to start getting involved in our elections and stop electing corrupt lifetime soulless politicians, who cater to the elite and foreign interests. Everybody needs to reject the incessant propaganda being offered to us on a daily basis by the left leaning MSM.

"The American elite is almost beyond redemption. . . . Moral relativism has set in so deeply that the gilded classes have become incapable of discerning right from wrong. Everything can be explained away, especially by journalists. Life is one great moral mush--sophistry washed down with Chardonnay. The ordinary citizens, thank goodness, still adhere to absolutes.... It is they who have saved the republic from creeping degradation while their 'betters' were derelict." -Charles Dickens-

Our children's future and our entire economy are at stake. It's becoming too late for people to leave the responsibility of fixing our country to the other person. It's time to muster up the courage, in order to restore our nation to a free Constitutional Republic. The next few years will determine our future.

Just maybe then, God will bestow some blessings upon the people of the USA. Hopefully, God will have some mercy on the entire American citizenry. US citizens who finally realized that they were heading in the wrong direction and who had the courage/fortitude to change course. It's not too late to save America. The left relies on our passivity, so let's disappoint them all.

The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. -John Stuart Mill-

"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor." -Aristotle-

Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. -John Wayne-

ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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