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January 2, 2019

Fasten Your Seatbelts For America's Rendezvous With Destiny: 'The Risk Of Catastrophe During The 4th Turning Will Be Very High'

- 1997 Book Warned With Stunning Accuracy Of The Days We're Now Living Within


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

In this December 31st story written by Jim Quinn over at The Burning Platformwhich Steve Quayle called the most important article he'd read this month, Quinn lays out for us why we're clearly approaching an 'end game' of sorts that nothing and nobody can stop as we're nearing the end of a human and societal life cycle that has been repeated again and again and again going back nearly 500 years into American history.

Quinn focuses his story upon this 1997 book written by Strauss and Howe called "The Fourth Turning" and while William Strauss and Neil Howe were definitely not 'prophets of doom' but government employees, researchers and authors, the book's subtitle "What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny" points to the coming months and years as the 'end game' of the current 80+ year cycle.

Warning within his story that we're now approaching the 11th year of the current "Fourth Turning", right along the mid-point of that 20+ year cycle, if history holds true, the next 10+ years will bring great trouble and hardship and possibly the end of our nation. Keep in mind, the excerpt you read below from the book "The Fourth Turning" was written more than 20 years ago, long before President Donald Trump got into office and more than a decade before we entered 'the 4th turning' that we're now in which began in 2008.

The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankinds willingness to use it.

History offers no guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin. Losing in the next Fourth Turning could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence perhaps even our nation might never recover. Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning


According to this New Years Day story by Michael Snyder over at End of the American Dream, 2019 is going to be much worse than most people expect with many elements of a 'perfect storm' coming together at the same time and starting with President Donald Trump now being under 17 investigations at the same timeby various federal, state and local prosecutors.

With the war upon President Trump a very real war upon America, our national sovereignty and the results of our 2016 election, and nothing less than a very real coup attempt by the 'deep state' and Democrats upon our Republic, Quinn warned in his story of the very real dangers America faces because ofthese attacks with the following 2 paragraphs, the closing of his story, echoing Snyder and also hinting of great dangers ahead as we arrive in 2019.

I dont eagerly await the terrible storms headed our way. I wish we didnt have to withstand the brutal gales of this coming winter, but we have no choice. You have to survive Winter to experience the blossoming Spring. The coming decade will try our souls and force everyone to make choices that will make a difference. The specific events are unknowable, but how we react and who we support during the events will be the decisive factor in whether this Fourth Turning is resolved in a positive way. Having it resolved in negative way could be an unimaginable tragedy.

Patrick Henry made his famous Give me liberty or give me death speech during the first American Fourth Turning. His words ring true today. We are already at war. Sides have been drawn. We are going to have to fight whether we like it or not. Our only other choice is chains and slavery. The time to choose has arrived. Welcome to 2019.

For a little bit more context, a description of "The Fourth Turning" from Amazon.:

This astonishing book will change the way you see the world -- and your place in it.

With startling originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about a new American era that will begin just after the millennium.

William Strauss and Neil Howe base this vision on a provocative new theory of American history. The authors look back five hundred years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras--or "turnings"--that last about twenty years and that always arrive in the same order.

First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unraveling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis--the Fourth Turning--when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

Strauss and Howe locate today's America as midway through an Unraveling, roughly a decade away from the next era of Crisis. (ANP: Keep in mind their book was written in 1996!) In a brilliant analysis of the post-World War II period, they show how generational dynamics are the key to understanding the cycles of American history. They draw vivid portraits of all the modern generations: the can-do G.I.s, the mediating Silent, the values-absorbed Boomers, the pragmatic 13ers, and the child Millennials. Placed in the context of history's long rhythms, the persona and role of each generation become clear--as does the inevitability of the coming Crisis.

Whatever your stage of life, The Fourth Turning offers bold predictions about how all of us can prepare, individually and collectively, for America's next rendezvous with destiny.


The book reviews seen below of "The Fourth Turning" included such words as 'terror' and 'startling vision' and a very interesting one from a verified Amazon purchaser of the book who begins his review with 'fasten your seatbelts'.

"I put down The Fourth Turning with a mixture of terror and excitement....If Strauss and Howe are right, they will take their place among the great American prophets." --David Kaiser, Boston Globe

"One of the best efforts to give us an integrated vision of where we are going." --Wall Street Journal

"A startling vision of what the cycles of history predict for the future." --USA Weekend

And from a verified Amazon book purchaser: Fasten your seatbelts

This is the kind of book I should ordinarily despise. It contains a broad arc of history viewed internally and is epic in the worst way possible. And yet, it is incredibly compelling for two reasons: (i) there is something to be said for viewing history from the perspective of generational change and (ii) the prediction made in the book (written in 1998) that we will enter a time of crisis around 2005 give or take a few years was spot on. In addition, minor points should be given for turning the spotlight on the financial world as the catalyst for the crisis of 2008.

In a nutshell, the book advances the view that history roughly repeats itself every 80 years. Further, every 80 year period is characterized by the arrival of Artists (silent generation in this cycle), Prophets (boomers), Nomads (Gen Xers) and Heroes (millennials) (ANP: Called 'cannon fodder' by Quinn). Previous incarnations of this cycle ended with the war of independence, the civil war and world war II. This naturally sets up the denouement for this cycle which the authors expect to occur in the 2025 time frame. (ANP: Note 2025 and the Deagel forecasts!!!)

Each cycle is divided into turnings: the present one is characterized by First (High: 1946-1964), Second (Awakening: 1964-1984), Third (Unraveling: 1984-2008) and Fourth (Crisis: 2008-202X). From the book's perspective and Neil Howe's subsequent blog posts, we entered the Fourth Turning in 2008. There's nothing spooky or mystical about these cycles and turnings: instead the authors stress that human nature and culture seem to have these rhythms and that Anglo-American history is stable enough to be characterized in this manner. Other cultures may either be too stable or too chaotic to follow this type of pattern.

Prior to the arrival of Donald Trump and despite the eerie portend of the financial crisis, I would have dismissed this book. Now, it looks positively prophetic. Is there any doubt now that the combination of (i) income inequality, (ii) the economic problems of the white working class, (iii) the culture wars, (iv) multiculturalism and globalism, (v) the ravages of identity politics and postmodernism and (vi) terrorism is not going to be a combustible mix over the next decade? And that these will simultaneously distract us from combating global warming - the clear threat of the next era? (ANP: Notice the blame upon Trump and 'global warming!) While I find it hard to buy into the notion that the US will face an existential crisis (as predicted by the book), there's definitely merit in the view that the next ten years will probably have the capability of shocking us however jaded we may be at the present time.


And while here at ANP, we avoid putting dates upon potential future events that are completely out of our control, we can't help but agree with Jim Quinn and Michael Snyder, that a 'perfect storm' is blowing in on many different fronts with a potential explosion of chaos and civil and social unrest just around the corner with the mainstream media continuing to whip the dumbed down masses into an anti-Trump frenzy while Trump supporters call for him to go all-in on America.

According to Dennis Prager over at WND, the left will make 2019 a dark year for America with their drive to "weaken, disable and impeach the president" (thus weakening America) while author and social commentator James Kunstler warns that Americans better be prepared for civil disorder in 2019 with potential economic hardship now dead ahead.

And Kunstler's warning is heavily amplified by this new warning from Zero Hedge that should the government shutdown not end by the end of January, massive deadly riots could loom ahead with food stamps potentially being shut down for 38 million people, many of them living within the inner cities of America. Michael Snyder asks: "If people are getting this restless already, what will things look like when tens of millions of Americans are suddenly cut off from their primary source of food money?"

Kunstler, who writes stories for The Atlantic Monthly, RollingStone and The New York Times Sunday Magazine, had a perfect response to Snyder's question though not addressing Snyder directly. From Infowars.:

Be prepared for civil unrest in 2019, Kunstler writes. There are going to be a lot of pissed-off people around the country. They are liable to attack Federal property and their fellow citizens (and their property). The hungrier they are, the worse it will be.

Kunstler warns that before the year is out, the US could find itself in a situation worse than the Great Depression because the Federal Reserve will be forced to oversee a new round of quantitative easing in the second quarter of 2019, a policy that will cause the dollar to lose value uncontrollably and catastrophically, wiping out pension funds.

The debt bubble inflated by the Fed will mandate money printing, leading to incendiary resentment among the citizenry when they realize theyve been played and it takes a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter, according to Kunstler, who says the entire disaster will be blamed on President Trump.


Andas Zero Hedge reports in this new story, 2019 has also brought in a year where populists all around the planet have the 'elite' on the run, with the 'yellow vest revolution' gathering steam at a time when the globalists had hoped they'd have their hold on global power cemented into place.

And we can't help but notice the date range that this is all playing out in, with Strauss and Howe now warning this "fourth turning" we're in could extend to the year 2030 as heard in the 2nd video below, and the year 2025 falling perfectly within that date range. As we've reported before numerous times on ANP, according to forecasts made by the website Deagel, a website which uses 'deep state sources' to make their forecasts, America will be a 3rd world nation by 2025.

Forecasting a US population of less than 100 million by 2025, down from the 327 million living here in 2017, and forecasting our economic and military expense numbers to tumble to 3rd world levels as we'd reported in this December 28th ANP story, should Strauss and Howe be correct, Deagel's forecast numbers for America in 2025 could be right on the money with 2030 then only 5 years ahead and the United Nations Agenda 2030, nothing less than a recipe for global socialism, set to fully kick in by that year.

With a huge percentage of Americans now living paycheck to paycheck with no possible end in sight while former Green Beret Jeremiah Johnson recently warned we're now in the calm before the 'real' stormarrives, in closing we'll re-emphasize the warnings given by people such as Kunstler, Quinn, Snyder, Steve Quayle and others: To prepare to survive for a potentially lengthy period of time on our own. Possibly without stores and electricity and modern conveniences should any number of different 'worst case scenarios' unfold here in America, we should all be prepared for any number of different scenarios Strauss and Howe warned us would eventually be coming with no possible escape from the end results of "the fourth turning".

So here at ANP, we'll continue to work our hardest towards making sure that the end results of the "fourth turning" are positive in nature for the entire human race, with the globalists end game goal of an 'authoritarian boot stamping upon human faces forever' merely their unfulfilled pipe dream on this road towards our destiny. The 1st video below takes an extended look at "The Fourth Turning".

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