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August 17, 2022

America Under A 'Minority Report' Scenario Will See Americans 'Exterminated' Because Of What Some Globalist Predicts We MIGHT DO At Some Time In The Future

- Another Reason For Americans To Never Give Up Their Guns

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While the FBI raid on the home of President Donald Trump has captured most of the news over the past week, there's another story that we have to take a look at here because it perfectly captures the insane 'essence' of liberal politics, particularly their endless calls for 'public safety'and the tyranny that has resulted.

And even though that story happened in another country, a radical far-left country at that, the story of the brutal slaughter of 'Freya the Walrus' recently in Norway in the 'name of public safety' has united millions in outcry against animal control authorities there who claimed they 'humanely killed' the 1,300 lb sea creature seen in the photograph below because of what MIGHT HAPPEN to a human being if they got too close to the magnificent creature.

A perfect illustration from the animal kingdom on the ludicrousness of 'precrime,' if you haven't yet heard this story we'll have to warn you here, it's heartbreaking and as the top-voted comment on the story pointed out, "What a sad ending for this intelligent creature. Killed by the authorities due to dumb humans continually getting too close."

With Freya becoming somewhat of a 'tourist attraction' in Norway as 'selfie-seeking nitwits' maneuvered their ways close enough to get a selfie with the walrus when she wasn't swimming about, crushing boats with her immense size as she quite often did, this story is also a perfect example of the absolutely destructive nature of liberal politics despite their attempts to paint themselves as 'animal lovers,' with Freya slaughtered for what she MIGHT DO to a person who insanely got too close as she lived her own God-given life in the seas. From the Daily Mail.:

Norway's beloved Freya the walrus has been put down because she posed 'a continued threat to human safety', officials have confirmed.

Freya won the public's hearts basking in the sun of the Oslo fjord, climbing into boats and getting up-close with tourists.

But despite repeated appeals to the public to keep their distance from Freya - a young female weighing 1,300 pounds - the mammal continued to attract big crowds.

Walruses rarely attack humans, but are certainly strong enough to pose a danger.

Fisheries director Frank Bakke-Jensen said: 'Through on-site observations the past week it was made clear that the public has disregarded the current recommendation to keep a clear distance to the walrus.'

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So despite not doing anything at all to deserve her death, and the fact that several different conservation groups had offered to move the Walrus to a location far, far away, authorities acting on insane liberal politics and policies carried out the brutal murder of 'Freya the Walrus' in Norway.

And even though Freya was a 'totally different beast' than we 'human beings,' as nearly all of the top voted comments from that Daily Mail story pointed out, this brutal murder absolutely shows the utter and complete hypocrisy of the globalists who love to paint themselves as heroes while they're really murderers.

Unbelievable! The good guy in all this is murdered whilst the idiot bad guys get off scot free. Well done Norway - just lost my respect for you.

Why not capture it and transport it away to safety?

I cannot believe that they would euthanize that walrus. If it had attacked a human because that person was stupid enough to go near it, then that person deserved it. These animals have equal rights to this earth.

Absolutely disgusting. She was in her natural environment. Another appalling example of how we disrespect the natural world.

That's the most backwards thing I've ever heard.

This is absolutely dreadful, why didn't they fence off the area, arrest people who were endangering a wild animal or even capture and remove the walrus to a safer location away from humans. This beautiful creature did not deserve to die.

So simply put, 'Freya' was brutally murdered by a 'government that thinks it knows best' because of what she MIGHT DO in the future to human beings who really should know better than getting really close to a 1,300 pound mammal anyways. What's that ole saying, if you play with fire, you're going to get burned. The first few videos at the bottom of this story tell the story of Freya.

According to this July 27th story over at Techdirt, "University Of Chicago Researchers Think Theyve Built A Better Pre-Crime Mousetrap." Reporting within their story that scientists from the University of Chicago have developed a new algorithm that can predict future crime a week in advance with about 90% accuracy, and within a range of about 1000 feet,we've long been warned that a 'Minority Report' scenario was where America was headed under globalism, Americans hunted down and even 'exterminated' like Freya was because of what they MIGHT DO at some point in the future.

Basing their pre-crime algorithm largely upon focusing upon areas where crimes had happened frequently in the past, the final video at the bottom of this story from a couple of years back took a look at the 'Minority Report/precrime' scenario was unfolding in America but first, from this Techdirt story.:

No ones policing police tech with as much zeal, because thats basically the entirety of predictive policing programs: the assumption that past crime data can project where future crimes are likely to occur.

Predictive policing programs, for the most part, combine garbage data generated by biased policing efforts with proprietary software to generate heat maps or area voted most likely to contain a future crime or whatever to give law enforcement agencies guidance on how to best deploy their limited resources.

Not only is predictive policing tech-based recycling of decades of bad ideas, it just never seems to result in the crime reduction and community-based policing advocates of these systems claim deployment will lead to.

Someone (well, several someones) claim theyve finally gotten predictive policing right.

Scientists from the University of Chicago have developed a new algorithm that can predict future crime a week in advance with about 90% accuracy, and within a range of about 1000 feet.

It does so by learning patterns from public data on violent and property crimes.

We report an approach to predict crime in cities at the level of individual events, with predictive accuracy far greater than has been achieved in past, the authors write.

Sounds great, but what is really being celebrated here? This tool may tell cops what they already know (or believe), but its not really a solution. It suggests enforcement and patrols should be concentrated where crimes are likely to occur simply because thats where crimes have occurred in the past. Being right 90% of the time doesnt mean more crimes will be prevented. Nor does it mean more cases will be closed. Software with better accuracy cant change how cops respond to crimes. It can only put a few more cops in certain areas and hope that this somehow produces positive results.

Besides the obvious problem of declaring an area to be the host of future crimes (making everyone in the area a possible suspect until a crime is committed), theres the problem of bias introduced by the data set. These researchers claim they can mitigate this omnipresent problem of predictive policing.

Yet who reading this story believes 'precrime' will ever go over well in America except for the globalists who are initiating it? There's no doubt in our minds that such a system here in America will lead to a whole lot of 'Freyas' being hunted down and eliminated for what the globalists are sure that all of those 'Freyas' out there MIGHT do at some point in the future. How many times have we heard the globalists use those words "for public safety?"

And with this story also a perfect illustration of why the American people should never, ever give up their guns to that 'gang of globalist criminals masquerading as government,' how many Americans in the coming days under such a system would be 'de-mammalized' otherwise, like Freya?

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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