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February 29, 2024

The Overthrow Of America Is Nearly Complete As Americans Are Being Murdered By Illegal Immigrants Invited In By Treasonous Politicians Hoping To Buy Another Vote & Steal Another Election

- Murder Rates In South American Country Plummets Since Biden Opened Borders

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

According to Elon Musk in this new story over at Fox News (saved here at Archive), Democrats are highly unlikely to imprison or deport most illegal immigrants, no matter how many crimes they commit upon Americans, because every illegal is highly likely to vote (D), allowing them to steal even more elections as 2024 gets kicking.

With Musk discussing the brutal killing of Augusta University nursing student Laken Riley in Athens, Georgia, last week, a young lady who was viciously slaughtered by a Venezuelan illegal immigrant in a county in Georgia where the Sheriff had campaigned on not cooperating with ICE to deport those illegals who'd committed crimes here in America, as we hear in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, crime in America is absolutely skyrocketing due to Democrat policies while Joe Biden gives away millions and millions of dollars of American taxpayer money to cloth, feed and house those who've never payed a penny to America and shouldn't be in the country, anyways.

And as we're told correctly in that video, with illegal immigrants who Joe Biden has invited into America now killing Americans, 'braindead Joe' is an accessory to murder.

Just the latest proof that the US govt and state and county government's all across the country have gone batsh!t crazy in 2024, putting the criminal illegal invaders above the American people while sacrificing the safety and well-being of Americans if it can just 'buy them another vote or 10,000,' asclinical psychologist and daytime TV icon Dr. Phil McGraw recently told Fox News, it is time for a "call to action" from patriotic Americans against the illegal immigration crisis that's clearly connected to multiple violent incidents.

Also warning that Americans who have the courage to speak out against this madness are being targeted, quite literally blacklisted and even being reprimanded or outright fired from their jobs, it's quite easy to see that this entire 'America gone mad' scenario we're witnessing is just another political ploy by the left to not only steal the 2024 election in November, but an attempt to keep their heads out of the nooses that they should be dangling in for these massive crimes of treason by completing their overthrow of America. From that Fox News story, also saved here at Archive.:

McGraw said Monday that people have been increasingly less willing to speak out about political issues like immigration over the past decade, as the advent of social media can lead to them being targeted, blacklisted or occupationally reprimanded.

"They threaten to boycott the business that you work at if they don't get rid of you [or[ fire you; the ways you can be portrayed on social media platforms. People are just saying, look, it's easier not to speak out. And that has to stop," McGraw said Monday on "Jesse Watters Primetime."

McGraw was specifically responding to a viral TikTok video of an illegal immigrant holding a baby, who said the child purportedly an American citizen is his "gold mine" to shirk work and benefit from subsidies.

"There has to be a call to action: This middle group of people throughout America that care about this country, love this country, need to say enough is enough and too much is too much. And I've got to stand up and speak up," McGraw said.

Dr, Phil said he consistently makes gestures of patriotism, such as standing for the national anthem, and has received criticism for doing so, However, he stressed Americans should not be ashamed of the United States and instead speak out on such issues because they love this country.

"Stop apologizing for having a border that's not a turnstile. I've been to the border I'm not saying I'm a border expert. I'm certainly not a politician. But I've talked to the border agents down there. These are dedicated men and women. And they are so frustrated that they're not allowed to do their job," he said.

"They want to patrol the border, and they've become social workers."

On "Jesse Watters Primetime," McGraw reiterated how many Americans are afraid to take public stands on the issue, even given such macabre repercussions.

"If they say we should control the border, then they're labeled as anti-immigration. They're labeled as haters for these different countries that people are coming from. But that's missing the point, isn't it?" he said.

And as we'll see below, while crime is skyrocketing all across America thanks largely to Joe Biden and Democrats and their absolutely insane political policies, crimes in the countries these people have left are tumbling, such as the murder rate in the country of Venezuela now hitting a 22-year low.

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According to this December 28th of 2023 story over at Bloomberg, Venezuela's rate of violent deaths caused by murderers has just dropped to a 22-year low following years of mass migration, as both victims of the 'economic crisis' there, as well as violent criminals, have taken advantage of America's 'open borders' under the 'Biden crime cabal' to flee the country.

While the soaring murder rate in Venezuela in 'years gone by' were so astonishingly high, they actually led to a public health crisis, as we see above in the post on 'X' by Mike Cernovich, thanks to 'braindead Joe' and Democrats more than willing to trade the safety of Americans for more votes,now the US gets to experience these murders and gang attacks.

With that Bloomberg story proving that this massive drop in murders in Venezuela totally coincides with 'O'Biden's' open borders, how many more killers like the person who murdered Laken Riley in Athens, Georgia are here that we don't know about, and what, if anything, will the 'terrorist organization' right now 'occupying' the White House do about it?

Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Biden, Democrats and neo-Con Republicans are more than happy to sacrifice Americans if doing so will give them a few more votes so that they once again can steal elections and allow them to complete their long held goal of destroying America, as we've warned previously on ANP in numerous stories, a HUGE number of those who've been coming into our nation illegally have been fighting age men, including a huge chunk of them from China. Oh what could go wrong?

According to this new story over at Zero Hedge, the radicals in Washington DC and the White House have sparked the worst illegal immigrant invasion of America that the country has ever seen, with the map seen above taken from this Bloomberg story showing us where they're headed.

Showing that Denver, Colorado, Miami, Florida and Queens in New York have at this point been the hardest hit, as ZH also reports, they're being bussed all across America by a shadowy network of taxpayer-funded, non-governmental organizations,proving once again the American people are paying for our own invasion and overthrow.

With the US Customs and Border Protection showing a whopping 7.3 million illegals have flooded this nation under Biden's first term, and that 7.3 million being just the ones we know about, we can take a bit of solace in knowing they're largely being bussed into Democrat-run cities across the US, but that solace won't buy the life back that Laken Riley lost, nor provide any degree of comfort to the many Americans who've been victimized in the many instances of illegal invader crimes upon them and their families.

With Tucker Carlson recently warning they are destroying the country, that story also reports that the 7.3 million criminal invaders that Biden has allowed in is a number more than the population of 36 US states, and just think about just how many of them will be 'voting Democrat' in the 2024 election if they get a chance!

Proving to us again and again that Democrats could care less about the 'rule of law' and will steal the election in 2024 by 'any means necessary' so that they can complete their long held dream of overthrowing and destroying America, as we see and hear in the 2nd video below, while the US Army and other military services are firing 'patriots' in huge numbers while embracing 'woke,' these illegal criminal invaders are being invited to replace those 'patriots' who believed in 'America first'!

And that gives us even more proof that our treasonous politicians occupying space in Washington DC definitely DO NOT have the best interests of the American people at heartas they sell out our nation.

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