ThisAugust 8th story over at the NOQ Reportbrings forth a huge problem that America and the world face in 2019.As their story begins, "the destruction of truth in America has been underway for decades" and while recent years brought along the independent media and the destruction of large parts of the 'myths' that the mainstream media and leftist politicians have been spinning, "the shift in media sentiment and the rise of Trump Derangement Syndrome has made it more challenging than ever in our history to break through the media jamming of lies and expose more Americans to the truth".
Antifa in Portland is rumored to be planning an event for August 17th in which they wear MAGA hats and other pro-Trump attire while perpetrating violence in an effort to frame patriots. They even called for the use of convincing law enforcement attire to play what I assume would be a different role in the event. Patriot Intel Report YouTube channel seems to be the only source on this plot, but comments in a thread regarding the video posted on Raging Reds Twitter account included a flier that is purported being distributed digitally to Antifa members:
So with liberal Hollywood recently actually creating a 'hunting deplorables' movie while antifa also put out a 'death camps for Trump supporters flyer' recently, we'll take a look within the final section of this ANP story at preparing for just such a situation as leftists unleashing terror in America by preparing to defend our families and loved ones and other innocent's from the leftist insanity being unleashed upon America.
According to this August 13th story over at Oregon Live, the city of Portland and Portland business owners are preparing for chaos with the latest face-off between the antifa terrorists and the 'Proud Boys'. From their story.:
Portland is bracing for a right-wing rally and a left-wing counter protest Saturday at the downtown waterfront. Several events have been moved or canceled, and the Portland Police Bureau is encouraging Portlanders to spend time other parts of the city that day.
Police sent out a release Tuesday morning about the demonstrations with a map of Portland, showing a variety of events happening throughout the city Saturday, saying The area of impact is a very small portion of Portland. There are many events happening in other parts of the metro area that will not be impacted, it continued, adding, here are few. Enjoy!
The City of Portland scheduled a press conference for Wednesday at Pioneer Courthouse Square for a large coalition of public servants, civil rights leaders, religious leaders, labor unions, sports organizations, businesses and community leaders to come together as one to denounce violence of all forms.
We ask those who choose to practice their First Amendment rights through protest to please not block our transit services or vandalize our property and equipment, she said. We need our buses and trains in working order and access to our stops and stations maintained as we work to provide vital transit service to the community.
Rival protest demonstrations scheduled to take place on the nearby waterfront have given us cause for concern, he continued. Our overarching interest is for the welfare and safety of our staff and customers, as well as the safety of Portland citizens and visitors. As an American citizen who emigrated from Northern Ireland, Id like to go on record as stating that violence and chaos are not the answer; unity and peace are the answer.
Yet as we've been reporting on ANP time and again, it has largely been the antifa terrorists, not only in Portland but elsewhere across America as well, who have attempted to use violence and intimidation to prevent Christians, Conservatives and other President Trump supporters from speaking and carrying out their 1st Amendment rights, insanely claiming (due to mainstream media lies) that all President Trump supporters are 'nazis' or 'white supremacists' and therefore somehow don't deserve the same Constitutionally guaranteed rights as others.
According to this July 30th story over at Oregon Live, supporters of the far left terrorist group antifa are quite unhappy about proposals to label them as a domestic terror organization that as even President Trump recently stated in this linked tweet, "declaring ANTIFA, the gutless Radical Left Wack Jobs who go around hitting (only non-fighters) people over the heads with baseball bats, a major Organization of Terror (along with MS-13 & others). Would make it easier for police to do their job!"
Yet as we'll see in each of the following linked stories, the reasons to prepare to defend are many.:
As Susan Duclos had reported on ANP back on August 7thin her story titled "'Death Camps For Trump Supporters' Fliers Just The Latest Reason Why Personal Defense Is More Important Now Than Ever Before", over the course of the last several years we've seen attack after attack upon Conservatives, Christians and supporters of President Trump, largely based upon mainstream media lies demonizing us all as 'Nazis' and worse. So with antifa terrorists threatening to dress like POTUS supporters to unleash chaos in Portland, we should all be prepared for whatever lays ahead.
Starting with the non-lethal, the products below are affordable and have some very good reveiws.
Pepper Sprays: Note - This seems to be best used for outdoors, but not advisable for indoor use unless absolutely necessary as some of the reviews were clear that the rate of dissipation ended up affecting the user as well as the attacker.
Out of all the products researched, when it came to pepper sprays, the SABRE brand received the best reviews with 4 and 5 stars.
Tasers: (Note- Tasers are a little more expensive, but rather than just stunning the attacker from up close, they fire barbs attached by wires to batteries, which will incapacitate them temporarily.)
In the first video below from the Patriot Intel Report we learn about the antifa flyer seen at the top of this story in which they threaten to dress up as President Trump supporters to unleash terror upon Portland while in the 2nd video below, journalist Andy Ngo joins Fox News to talk with us about how Portland has turned into 'a horror version of Groundhog Day'. In the 3rd and final video below we hear more about antifa's disgusting plans to dress up as MAGA supporters while causing chaos and havoc in Portland on Saturday from Mo Reese Delk.
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