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July 20, 2024

The Importance Of Official Utterances: Biden Can Deny His 'Bullseye' Remark Meant To Incite An Assassination On Trump, But Nevertheless One Man Is Dead And two Patriots Severely Injured

By Deana Chadwell -All News Pipeline

In 1170 King Henry II and Thomas a' Beckett, the Archbishop of Canterbury, got into an intense argument. In the Middle Ages the Church and the Crown had almost equal power. Either entity could arrest, try, imprison, or execute. Either could own property, confiscate property, or stand an army. Basically, Henry and Beckett argued over who could do what to whom. The fact that the two men had once been good friends didnt soften the argument any. In one heated discussion Beckett stormed out of the throne room, and Henry uttered the following words, Would someone please rid me of this pesky priest. No one knows if he shouted those words like a command in battle or if he just muttered them sotto voce in quiet frustration. It didnt matter what he meant, what he thought. The four knights who had been in the throne room at the time knew that they had to take it as a command and so, off to Canterbury they rode. They found Beckett kneeling before the altar in the Cathedral there and there they hacked him to death. That Beckett was subsequently canonized made little difference to the archbishop, but it did bring up the issue of whether or not the king was above the law. Hmm where have we heard that before?

It was on the 8th of July, 2024, that our president uttered the following words:

I have one job, and thats to beat Donald Trump. Im absolutely certain Im the best person to be able to do that. So, were done talking about the debate, its time to put Trump in a bullseye.

It was on July 13, just five days later, that Thomas Crooks did just that.

Can we prove that Old Joe

1. Knew what he was saying,

2. Realized that someone might take him up on it, or

3. Had it all planned out ahead of time?

Of course not. Not yet, anyway.

But we can begin to wrap our brains around the importance of official utterances. King Henry denied repeatedly that he had meant for his loyal knights to take him literally, but that didnt undo anything. Becket was still dead.

Biden could claim a mulligan on the bulls eye remark, but, Corey Comperatore, a brave father, is dead, a wife bereaved, two daughters robbed of the leadership of a good man, and two severely injured patriots. To say nothing about the fact that a presidential candidate was shot. This wasnt an Ooops.

We cant say Biden caused this -- proximity is not causality. However, we have an irresponsible, mindless idiot in the Oval Office and hes likely to say or do anything. He might, as commander in chief, give an order that will set off a whole firestorm of death and destruction. We also dont know whos playing puppeteer. Whose words are issuing forth from Old Joe?

No doubt Democrats and Republicans alike are hoping some legal, smooth method will rid us of this pesky president. The election and inauguration, however, are a half a year away. A lot of mindless comments can come forth from Joe in that amount of time, and judging from the speed with which Washington gets things done these days, the 25th Amendment wouldnt be much faster, and then we just get another empty head connected to a flapping mouth.

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This may be one scenario that the Founders didnt foresee. How could anyone foresee a nation so superficial, so stupid, so self-involved as to elect (or allow to be elected) such a person to the most powerful position in the history of the world? Did we just love Joe because he, too, loves ice cream? Were we just charmed by that rakish, crooked grin? Were we just in awe of the job he did as vice president and of the gracious and classy First Lady? Were we just appalled at the level of prosperity and peace we had enjoyed under Trump? What?

I have heard it said that a nation gets the leadership it deserves. If that is so, let us all pray for mercy. We have squandered our fortune, destroyed our industries, miseducated our children, and locked God out of the public square. We have murdered millions of babies -- and only God knows who they could have, would have been. We have mutilated our families, our bodies, and the bodies of our children. We have castrated our laws. We dont deserve anyone better than the Biden cartel. But we dont deserve Christs sacrifice on our behalf either, and yet if we merely believe, we have all its benefits.

I believe we did see Gods mercy in action on the 13th of July. Well never know if that slight turn of the head was angelic interference or Gods preplanning, but Im quite sure that this event was much more than just coincidence. We all saw God controlling history, which He does, but were rarely are aware thats what were seeing.

We do, as human beings, have free will, but there is a multitude of things God still controls and history will proceed as He wants it to. He brought about the storm that cost Napoleon Waterloo. He guided the arrow that the ripped through the eye-slot on Harold Godwinsons helmet and made William the Conqueror. I have no idea why God wanted the French to take over England, but the deck had certainly been stacked in Williams favor.

God decides who arrives on this earth, where and when. How is it that our brilliant and brave Founding Fathers were all alive and well-educated and gathered together in the 13 colonies at the end of the 18th century? History had never seen such an arrangement and it produced a nation that has provided unheard-of prosperity and happiness, that has saved the world from overwhelming evil at least three times and may well do so again.

God, in His omniscience, uses our choices and decisions for His purposes even though we rarely recognize His hand in things. Even the bad choices we make, the evil we choose to do, can be used by His omnipotence for good. Thomas Crooks, for reasons that will remain his own, climbed a ladder, fired his rifle at Donald Trump and changed history -- not the way he might have wanted it to go, but that act altered the course of the election in many ways.

The world finally saw Trump as human -- not as supernaturally evil as hes been portrayed, but as vulnerable, bleedable, and amazingly brave.

The world saw government and its DEI policies fail horribly.

We have watched the Left do almost everything conceivable to destroy this one man and now theyve tried the worst -- either with malice aforethought or by irresponsibly poking the wrong bear. And this may not be the last attempt -- we need to be aware of that.

In the meantime, even though things look hopelessly dire, we can now know that God is being merciful to this nation, that help is on the way, and that, despite Old Joes obvious incompetence, all will eventually be well. Let us all shorten the eventually by being Americans together and putting aside the recklessness that has nearly devoured us. Let us stand behind the man who stood up for us, bleeding but shaking his fist in the air.

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