Let me begin by admitting my bias. I am a conservative writer, and with all the liberal news outlets spinning like mad for Democrats and their radically liberal agendas, conservative Independent Media writers collectively offer balance to national and global events and issues.
We highlight issues that the MSM spend a copious amount of time spinning like mad for the liberal point of view, on topics such as transgender and gender theory issues, woke" ideology, illegal immigration, and a whole slew of other cultural issues that determine the direction this nation heads.
I mentioned my bias and my political leanings above because the divide between Republicans and Democrats present day is wider than it has ever been before, because what conservatives find outrageous and what Democrats become outraged about are so far apart that there is no middle ground.
How does one find middle ground with people who think giving children puberty blockers, and giving double mastectomy's to teenage girls is not only okay, but who actively encourage such things?
How do you find middle ground with people that think allowing millions of illegal immigrants, most military aged men, to invade America in the last three years is a good thing?
How do conservatives who love and want to protect this nation, find middle ground with those that think America is racist, and to secure the border is cruel, and to protect children from surgical mutilation is somehow invasive?
The fact of the matter is there is no middle ground. You cannot make deals with those that negotiate in bad faith. You cannot reason with the unreasonable.
Long-time radio host and media personality Howard Stern laughed as he mocked a string of right-wing radio hosts who died of Covid after publicly stating their opposition to forced vaccine and mask mandates.
On Tuesdays edition of Sirius XMs The Howard Stern Show, the host took pleasure in mocking several late radio hosts with whom he disagreed, as he made the case for a mandatory vaccination program.
Its really funny when these radio, the radio guys are the best, theyre like four of them died, four of them were like ranting on the air, he cackled.
There is no way to talk to someone that screeches about the "right" to kill the unborn because "my body, my choice," while at the same time pushing for mandates that would force people to insert an experimental vaccine into their bodies.
If abortion was a completely partisan issue for conservative Republicans than we would encourage the left to kill all their babies so we would have less Democrats.
But we don't because it is about protecting the most vulnerable, the unborn, not about politics.
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We have already seen what "soft on crime" policies in cities run by Democrats have done, with higher crime, store closures due to said crime, the "sanctuary" cities whining to no end over illegal immigrants being sent to them by border states due partially to their own support for open borders, but a few recent reports offer even more proof of the disaster that is the liberal agenda.
We'll start with two of the most liberal states in America, namely California and New York.
In California's Bay area, we see aschool district spent $250,000 on the Woke Kindergarten federally funded programto "train teachers to confront white supremacy, disrupt racism and oppression and remove those barriers to learning," which ended up doing the exact opposite of the stated goal of removing "barriers" from learning.
But two years into the three-year contract with Woke Kindergarten, a for-profit company, student achievement at Glassbrook has fallen, prompting some teachers to question whether the money was well spent given the needs of the students, who are predominantly low-income. Two-thirds of the students are English learners and more than 80% are Hispanic/Latino.
English and math scores hit new lows last spring, with less than 4% of students proficient in math and just under 12% at grade level in English a decline of about 4 percentage points in each category.
Elementary schools are meant to teach English, Math, history, social studies, etc.... not racism, oppression, and white supremacy, and the fact that the scores went down is further proof of "woke" ideology being bad for children, education, and state educational scores.
Next, across the country in New York, a year ago we saw that a radical activist judge has "denied a father the legal right to stop his eight-year-old son taking life-changing hormones that would begin his medical transition to a girl."
Dennis Hannon, 32, a senior software engineer from Buffalo, has been locked in a 'nightmare' legal battle with Erie Supreme Court spanning seven years, fighting to retain his fundamental parental rights.
He claims that the boy's mother 'pushed' their child's transition, and says the boy himself was not distressed about living as a boy.
What's more, a year after the court's ruling, the young child, Matthew*, reverted back to his original male gender and is now 'a regular little boy.'
However, the father has lost any say in medical decisions about his son and sees him for just a few hours every week.
Another recent example showing why "compromise" with Democrats is wasted time and effort comes as Senate Democrats and RINOs (Republican In Name Only) agreed on what they calling a bipartisan border deal, which just happens to be time to tens of billions of dollars for Ukraine, Israel and Gaza.
First and foremost, the MSM's claims that this deal would "secure the border" are outright lies, since the trigger to shut the border down isn't mandatory, but rather to be used at the discretion ofUnited States Secretary of Homeland Security,Alejandro Mayorkas. This is a man that has encouraged illegal immigration, insisting for years the border was "secure," and has doubled down by indicating that he believes we need more illegals crossing the border, not less.
Texas on the other hand, has proven without a doubt, that border barriers work, and we do not need a border deal, because if Biden wanted to, which he does not, he could secure the border completely.
"The area where we have occupied this park in Eagle Pass, Texas, that we put up the razor wire, there used to be 3,000 or 4,000 people crossing that area a day. For the past three days, weve averaged just 3 people crossing that area."
While understanding that in our political system, unless one party holds the White House, Senate and House, to get anything done generally requires negotiation and compromise, but today, it is my belief that it is better to get nothing done that to compromise in any way, shape or form, on the border invasion, the killing of the unborn, and woke ideology.
By trying to appear ultra-reasonable, Republicans are allowing those that hate the principles America was founded on, to destroy the country, one city, one state, one court, and one school at a time.
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