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June 4, 2016

White House Unveils FEMA Camp App To Lead The Sheep To Slaughter & Warns America: 'Prepare For Disaster' - What Does He Know We Don't Know? Is 'Cascadia Rising'?


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Over the next several days, All News Pipeline will be taking a look within several different stories at one of the biggest disaster drills in history ongoing this upcoming week. Beginning on Tuesday, June 7th and lasting until Friday, June 10th, FEMA and the Department of Defense will be preparing for one of the biggest natural disasters in history with the 'Cascadia Rising 2016' earthquake drills that will be taking place along parts of the West coast.

Simulating a 9.0 quake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone that results in a Pacific Ocean tsunami that kills more than 10,000 people along the Northwest coast, is it just a coincidence that Barack Obama has just warned Americans to 'prepare for disaster' as heard in the 1st and 2nd videos below and as shared in this story from Michael Snyder at the Economic Collapse Blog? We also learn more below about Mr. Obama's recently unveiled 'FEMA Camp' app for millenials and social justice warriors should disaster strike and they need to quickly find their way to the nearest FEMA camp.

While ANP is quick to point out issues that we are unhappy with about our current 'commander-in-chief', we'll also give credit where credit is due and this story is one such example, though only to a very small extent with a HUGE disclaimer added. At the very bottom of Obama's latest WH statement urging Americans to prepare for disaster, which ANP is big on, Obama also stated this one very well known lie:We can't control the weather, but we can control our responses to it. And youve got a government here whos ready to help. Government CAN'T control the weather Mr. Obama? Anyone who's been paying attention to chemtrails, HAARP and proven weather modification patents knows: OF COURSE IT CAN! Obama's less than reassuring announcement that we've 'got a government here who's ready to help' following his bold-faced lie should send out warning signals loudly to the Heavens.


Back in November of 2013, Cheryl Chumley at the Washington Times wrote a story in which she told us about an 'Obama brag' that came out in a book: "I'm really good at killing people with drones" Obama stated then - we couldn't believe he'd utter such truth but gave him credit then for being truthful about such an awful thing. Now, in his latest example of 'truthiness', is Obama's warning to Americans to 'be prepared for disaster' more than what it seems to be, simply 'prepping advice' from a non-prepper who happens to hold one of the highest offices in the world?

As we learn in the 1st video below fromTruthUnveiled777, when Obama speaks to the public, it's very rare that he does so without a specific purpose in mind. So why is he suddenly warning Americans that government might not be able to save us should disaster strike? While most preppers across America know that we'll largely be on our own or forced into FEMA camps should disaster strike, does Mr. Obama know something that we don't know? Coming at a time shortly before the beginning of the Cascadia Rising drills and at the beginning of 'hurricane season', it would seem that Obama's warning is only good, common sense....but is it something more? The FEMA camp warning within Obama's statement rings out loud and true. Directly from Obama's statement at the White House website.:

If you need information about how to put together an evacuation plan, how to put together a disaster preparedness kit, as Craig said, weve got an app for everything now. We have a FEMA app in English and in Spanish to help you prepare your family for a disaster. You can update the National Weather Service alerts. You can get safety tips for more than 20 kinds of hazards. It provides you directions to nearby shelters.


So now we know...there's now an app that will lead the sheeple directly to the FEMA camps. Hasn't this 'new world order' stepped it up a notch from Nazi Germany prison camps, where they had to bring their victims in by train? Nowadays, all the sheep need to do is follow their phones, directly into 'Hillary's fun camps' if she's the one sitting in the Oval office when the big disaster strikes America. That is, if the grid doesn't go down, leaving all the nwo's 'spy phones' obsolete, or they take down the communications systems across America as it appears they may be testing to do according to this latest SQAlert.

While at ANP we'd love to be able to trust that there are good intentions behind this latest warning from Obama, history has proven that the nwo loves to pull off false flags during drills, while attention is being paid by our public servants to the ongoing drill around them. As our videographer tells us in the 1st video below:

These are the same Government Agencies/Alphabet Soups who are conspiring to militarize our police into a one-world police state, lock us away into detention-concentration camps, and take as many freedoms away from us as possible courtesy 9/11, Sandy Hoax, and many other "conspiracies."

Not to mention how they poison our food with GMOs, poison our water with fluoride, weaken our immune systems and cause disease with chemtrails, and committing unspeakable crimes behind closed doors. But theyre serving to Protect us, arent they?!

What are they REALLY Preparing for?

On Tuesday, ANP will be publishing the 2nd story of our Cascadia Rising drill series. Obama's full remarks in full can be read below video.

Republished below are Barack Obama's full remarks on this subject. Are these just good words of advice or something more? Please let us know what you think in the comment section below. From the White House and FEMA.:

Remarks by the President on Hurricane Preparedness -- FEMA National Response Coordination Center

FEMA National Response Coordination Center
Washington, D.C.

11:50 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: My important responsibility as President of the United States is to keep our people safe. And that's why I just met with key members of my Homeland Security team, including our FEMA Director, Craig Fugate, here at FEMAs National Response Coordination Center. And Craig and his team gave us updates on preparations for the 2016 hurricane season, which starts tomorrow.

All of us have seen the heartbreak, the damage and, in some case, the loss of life that hurricanes can cause. And as climate continues to change, hurricanes are only going to become more powerful and more devastating. Now, states play the primary role in preparing for and responding to disasters. But our team here works around the clock to make sure that those states and the people living in those states have everything that they need to get the job done.

One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizens responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. And that means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit. If your local authorities ask you to evacuate, you have to do it. Don't wait.

And so one of the biggest, most important messages that we're going to be delivering throughout hurricane season is that you cannot judge the dangerousness of a hurricane based on the fact that in the past it dissipated or it missed you. If your local authorities say that you need to start evacuating, you need to start evacuating and get it done. Because, oftentimes, despite the enormous progress that we've made technologically and in terms of forecasts, the way that urban centers are designed today, even in areas that are not big metropolises, evacuations take time and people have to respond.

And what we've been seeing is some public complacency slipping in; a large portion of people not having preparedness kits, not having evacuation plans. We've been stagnant a little bit with respect to the number of people, the percentage of people who respond to an evacuation order. All that has to pick up, because we want to make sure that, although it's hard to prevent property damage, that we are doing everything we can to prevent loss of life.

If you need information about how to put together an evacuation plan, how to put together a disaster preparedness kit, as Craig said, we've got an app for everything now. We have a FEMA app in English and in Spanish to help you prepare your family for a disaster. You can update the National Weather Service alerts. You can get safety tips for more than 20 kinds of hazards. It provides you directions to nearby shelters.

So I would encourage every American, no matter where you live, to stay vigilant, to check -- I will repeat that -- that is -- check that regularly to make sure your family is prepared for severe weather.

Finally, I just want to thank all the outstanding public servants not only at FEMA, but at NOAA, which does a lot of our forecasting. Our National Hurricane Center -- Rick Knabb does a great job. Some of you guys have seen him on TV when things happen. When I came into office, I think FEMA was an organization that was still, as Craig put it, wrapped around the axel. It now exemplifies the extraordinary role that effective government agencies and the people who work there can play in making our lives better, in saving lives, in helping people pick themselves back up after theyve gotten hit with a tremendous blow.

So I want to publicly acknowledge not only the outstanding work that Craig has done, the leadership that hes provided here at FEMA, but everybody at FEMA, because they have dealt with everything -- hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, flooding, fires. And in every situation, FEMA has been there on time, ready. And I think it's a testament to their effectiveness that very rarely, if ever, have you heard a complaint from a governor or a mayor or a local community about a lack of responsiveness when it comes to FEMA, no matter what the disaster is.

But having said all that, having been really proud of the way that FEMA has operated, and all the agencies involved in disaster preparedness have operated over the last seven years -- seven and a half years, what we also know is it only takes one. It just takes one big disaster for us to really see some severe impacts. What we're always worried about are the things we don't know, things we can't anticipate, things that we haven't seen before. And that is why it's so important to make sure that every American, every family participate actively in getting prepared. And if we do that, then we're going to have the kind of resilience that we're all looking for.

So thank you very much for the great work that all of you are doing. And we're going to keep on being forward-leaning throughout this hurricane season to make sure that we're doing everything we can. We can't control the weather, but we can control our responses to it. And youve got a government here whos ready to help.

Thanks, everybody.

11:58 A.M. EDT

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