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March 2, 2020
Are Coronavirus Re-infections Being Caused By A Second, Bio-weaponized & Mutating Virus Distinct And Different Than COVID-19? Would Authorities Tell Us If It Were?
'Coronavirus' Is Re-infecting Far Too Many With Deadly Consequences
The shocking news that came out on Sunday over at the Daily Mail was the stunner that proved how deep we are into this thing as they reported coronavirus has likely been spreading completely unchecked and unmonitored for at least the past 6 weeks in the state of Washington, thus putting the entire nation at risk in this day and age of same-day coast-to-coast air travel. And should anyone doubt how quickly this monster is spreading, all they have to do is look at the state of Washington where there could be hundreds now infected.
As the NY Times reported Saturday, a woman in Osaka, Japan was one of the latest people who had been diagnosed with coronavirus, had 'recovered', and then caught it again weeks after being released from the hospital. And with reports coming out of China and elsewhere of similar situations, with this Taiwan News story reporting being 're-infected' by the virus is even more deadly than being infected the first time, it's clear that 'the people' are still not getting all of the information about this 'outbreak'with the very real potential of something much more sinister going on behind the scenes. And as the Daily Mail had reported in this new story, the government in China covered up the initial outbreak there after scientists had raised the alarm, told by officials to 'keep quiet' about what they had discovered. And with China still not revealing information about the origins of the virus sought by Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas, who claims the 'virus' may have originated from the top secret lab in Wuhan, China, and the mainstream media continuing to echo the story being peddled by the Communist government of China, what if all of these'2nd infections' are actually being caused by a 2nd, bio-weaponized and mutating virus, distinctly different than coronavirus? And if it were, who really believes that 'authorities' would tell us?
We'll certainly never get the truth from China or the mainstream media here. So with Taiwan News reporting that according to doctors in China, instead of creating immunity the virus can reportedly reinfect an individual and hasten fatal heart attacks,we'll be exploring within this story a theory that much more is going on 'behind the scenes' with Dr. Francis Boyle, creator of the Bioweapons Act, reporting COVID-19 is an offensive bioweapon. Is there another one floating around out there as well?
With the previously mentioned NY Times story confirming coronavirus reinfections are happening, with people being released from hospitals (surely infecting others out in the world!), before testing positive for the virus again, one doctor quoted within it also pointed out that there was a very real chance the virus instead never went away, remaining stealthly hidden within the 'hosts' body.
Experts said its unlikely that these are cases of people getting infected a second time.
Im not saying that reinfection cant occur, will never occur, but in that short time its unlikely, said Florian Krammer, a virologist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.
Even the mildest of infections should leave at least short-term immunity against the virus in the recovering patient, he said. More likely, the reinfected patients still harbored low levels of the virus when they were discharged from the hospital, and testing failed to pick it up.
So either way, if testing is failing to pick up low levels of the virus as Dr. Krammer states, how many more people who have 'low levels' of the virus are getting out into the community to stealthily infect others and if these are in fact 're-infections', why have these patients not gotten immunity from having the virus previously? With many 'vaccinations' needing a 2nd, 'booster dose' to be fully effective in the eyes of the medical community, and the very real possibility of COVID-19 being a 'bioweapon', who is to say that a 2nd bioweapon hasn't also been unleashed which is causing these so-called 're-infections', a sort of 'death booster'in the sinister minds of the globalists?
And as the Irish Times had reported in this new story, people being able to be re-infected by the coronavirus is also a huge blow to any hopes of developing a vaccine for it, suggesting that some people may not be able to develop a natural immunity to it so any 'vaccination programs' could turn very badly, very quickly, with healthy people actually being injected with microscopic amounts of the coronavirus as all vaccinations do.
So if suddenly in the next few weeks, a vaccination for COVID-19 is announced, would you get it? Please let us know in the comment section below. The Irish Times story also pointed out some news that we'd rather not read but absolutely have to in an attempt to get a better understanding of what's been unleashed upon the world.
Prof Samuel McConkey, deputy dean at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, said he already expected that [Covid-19] would reinfect people because that is what happens with the previous coronaviruses. The emergence of reinfection suggested some people may not develop a natural immunity.
The worry is that Covid-19 could spread around the world in a devastating way in March, April and May, and then three months later it could spread around the world again because we are not protected by immunity after the first infection.
Thats the worry, that if theres no acquired immunity it will circulate around for years or until we find a technology to control it.
It's extremely concerning that the mainstream media has labeled Dr. Boyle a 'conspiracy theorist'for claiming that COVID-19 is an 'offensive bioweapon' developed by the Chinese when he'd previously authored an Act passed by both houses of Congress and if these 're-infections' that are often causing sudden heart attacks and people collapsing suddenly in the streets as we've seen in video after video emerging from China are being caused by a bioweapon as Dr. Boyle has claimed numerous times, all bets are off on how things unfold from here.
And while the Irish Times story had reported that coronavirus re-infections are very rare, Taiwan News had reported something completely different as we see below. Imagine believing you had recovered from a coronavirus infection, released from quarantine to return to work and family, only to suddenly find out you had caught it or something similar to it again. And how many more people, friends, families and co-workers might be infected while the 'patient' had been released? From this Taiwan News story.:
Its possible to get infected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a second time, according to doctors on the frontline in Chinas city of Wuhan, leading to death from heart failure in some cases. The claim is made by doctors working in the Hubei Province capital that is at the center of the epidemic, which has to date infected 64,201 people and killed 1,487.
One of the doctors reached out to a relative living in the United Kingdom, who then informed Taiwan News. Both the relative and doctors asked to remain anonymous, out of consideration they might face retribution from the Chinese authorities. The doctor, Li Wenliang (李文亮), who first raised warnings about the Wuhan virus, was rebuked by the authorities before succumbing to the devastating disease himself earlier this month.
According to the message forwarded to Taiwan News, Its highly possible to get infected a second time. A few people recovered from the first time by their own immune system, but the meds they use are damaging their heart tissue, and when they get it the second time, the antibody doesnt help but makes it worse, and they die a sudden death from heart failure.
The source also said the virus has outsmarted all of us, as it can hide symptoms for up to 24 days. This assertion has been made independently elsewhere, with Chinese pulmonologist Zhong Nanshan (鍾南山) saying the average incubation period is three days, but it can take as little as one day and up to 24 days to develop symptoms.
Also, the source said that false negative tests for the virus are fairly common. It can fool the test kit there were cases that they found, the CT scan shows both lungs are fully infected but the test came back negative four times. The fifth test came back positive.
According to the BBC and other media outlets, some laboratory tests are incorrectly telling people they are virus-free. There is also anecdotal evidence of people having up to six negative results before being diagnosed correctly.
Dr. Li Wenliang first raised concerns about this. His own test results had come back negative multiple times before he was finally diagnosed. False negative tests raise question marks over how many people have the Wuhan coronavirus, with many believing the Chinese authorities have massively underreported the number of cases and deaths.
So since there were massive numbers of 'false negatives'in China, with these people being let back into society to spread COVID-19 further, has 'the perfect bioweapon' been unleashed upon the world? With an incubation period of up to 27 days or more when a person can be infected with the virus and contagious to others without even knowing they had the disease, and the very real possibility that COVID-19 is an offensive bioweapon and medical professionals largely completely discounting that possibility, we should prepare as if there will be no-one coming to 'save us'with government and 1st responders sure to have their hands full should this thing start to unleash the kind of havoc here in America that we've been reporting on in China. Some more recent ANP coronavirus prepping stories with some 'out of the box' ideas, suggestions from readers, self-quarantine ideas and links to survival food and products include:
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