Last year our well pump died and we had to have it replaced, which wasn't easy since the well runs very deep. Everything was working great until we had a short power outage, which caused a surge when the lights came back on, which managed to blow a pressure relay to the water pump.
Woke up the next day to no water, at all.
Dishwasher full and no way to wash them, no showers because, as I said, no water. Could only flush the toilets once because the tanks would not fill back up, and it got us thinking about what we would do long term, if the water wasn't coming back in the foreseeable future.
Had bottled water, so we could cook and brush our teeth, and stores open to purchase more water, so we weren't exactly desperate, but we did use the opportunity to take note of what we lacked in preparation had this issue been one that went on long term.
The fact is almost everything runs on the internet and electricity. Lose electric, those of us using well water cannot get it without a manual well pump.
There are a number of things that could happen to bring water to the forefront as an issue.
Florida for example, back in February 2021, suffered from a hack attack that had it not been for an observant worker, could have poisoned the water supply.
Droughts, chemical spills, grid down scenarios, because it takes electricity to get the water up the towers, before pressure and gravity helps push it into homes, and any other number of issues, could cause a short term, or long term limitations on your water supply.
While our experience was short term, it did gives us a moments pause to think about what we don't have or have too little of, or what others might not have or have too little of, to be prepared for a complete shut off of our water supply.
We'll start with portable toilets, which can be purchased or made. Unless one would rather just dig a hole outside and use it like an outhouse!
Remember: When you gotta go, you gotta go and if you don't go when you gotta go, when you go to go, you find out you have already gone!
Below is a video on putting together a DIY portable toilet. Cheap, easy, prevents odors.
Some people rather learn to do these things themselves because if, or when, SHTF, you might not be able to just order one, or stop at a store and grab one.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by'big tech'upon ANP articles, we'll berunning an emergency fundraising driveover the next month or so until we catch up on upcoming expenses. We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic,'big tech'censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
For those that do not wish to build their own portable toilets, there are a variety of options that can be ordered online.
Another thing, something we never even thought of until we couldn't take a shower. Even cold water would have been better than nothing, so we looked, and lo and behold, they are pretty easy to find, set up and use.
There are a number of varieties available. We will list a few, and here is the search page in case readers want to browse through what is available.
Another thing to think about for long term, would be water harvesting. Technology has come a long way since the days where the only option was setting out buckets or 55 gallon drums to collect water to use.
Now there are methods to catch it, filter it, with spigots, all in the one product.
Without water and a full dish washer, unable to be used, with no idea when someone could get out here to look it over and fix it, the last thing we wanted to do was continue to use dishes we couldn't wash, so that is when paper/plastic plates and bowls, utensils, and cups come in real handy.
When something happens and you lose water or electricity or even internet, the assumption is always that it will "be back on soon," but in today's world with hackers and cyber attacks, that assumption is one we cannot count on.
When you lose one of those services and it lasts for days, you instantly start thinking what if this was permanent, do we have everything we need, or enough of those items to last long term?
If not... well, for us, it was a wake up call to check our preps, and a lesson as to how easily it is to get caught under-prepared.
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