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May 12, 2022

With Democrats Using COVID To Set Up Their 'Mid-Term Election Steal', They NEED A 'Ministry' To SPREAD 'Disinformation' While Pushing America Deeper Into Dangerous Territory

- America Weeks Away From Losing Our Health Freedom To The 'WHO Global Cabal'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While we at ANP would absolutely love to never have to write another 'COVID' story again, as we'll see within this story, the globalists keep on shoving it in our faces, with more and more signs of more lockdowns ahead, this time enforced by a tyrannical boot, like modern-day-China, stomping forever upon our faces.

As Liberty Daily warned in this recent story, according to Donald Trump Jr., "the mid-term variant is coming, and it is SCARY!"

Using this WXII12 story as their story source, that story reported as their headline this 'fearmonger' sure to get Americans to 'write in' their votes again: "Coronavirus wave this fall and winter could potentially infect 100 million, White House warns."

Of course, coming right in the nick of time to allow them to use massive mail in voting fraud to steal the mid-terms like they stole the 2020 election as perfectly documented by Dinesh D'Souza in his documentary "2000 Mules" (which raked in over $1 million in less than 12 hours on Rumble and Locals), all of this is happening timed perfectly with the World Health Organizations plans to strip 194 nations, including the US, of their sovereignty, basing this power grab on possible, future pandemics.

Yet as we'll explore in the next section of this story below, all of this tyranny is being unveiled for an illness that well over 98% of people who have contacted it have survived. And the globalists who 'released' this 'bioweapon' on the world are the ones using it to impose tyranny! Talk about 'problem, reaction, solution', this has all been the Hegelian Dialectic at play before our eyes. From this Independent Sentinel story before we continue.:

As we reported on April 1, the WHO is attempting to push through changes to a treaty that would give them global control over health worldwide. This helps fulfill some of the goals of the WEFs Great Reset. It is a massive power grab that takes away a nations sovereign rights to determine its own health standards.

A decision will be made by vote on May 22-28 at WHO World Health Assembly. Two-thirds of the Senate does not have to vote for it. Its a rule change (and) its a devastating one.

In a new video, The Pulses Joe Martino interviews Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, a member of the steering committee of the World Council for Health, who points out that the treaty gives the WHO:

an inordinate amount of power to make decisions in sovereign countries as to how people live and how they deal with pandemics, from lockdowns to mandates over treatment.

In an open letter on the WHOs pandemic treaty, the World Council for Health writes, in part:

The proposed WHO agreement is unnecessary, and is a threat to sovereignty and inalienable rights. It increases the WHOs suffocating power to declare unjustified pandemics, impose dehumanizing lockdowns, and enforce expensive, unsafe, and ineffective treatments against the will of the people.

Its the usual Marxist one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone will be on the same page and science will cater to GLOBAL political whims.

Warning also in that story that the globalists hope to get this pushed through before enough people awaken to what is nothing less than a crime against humanity and another tyrannical NWO power grab, just imagine some bureauc-RAT, whose company is making billions off of people getting 'v@xxed,' sitting in some office half the planet away making health decisions for you and your family and you'll see where we're being herded. Into VERY dangerous territory.

(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Back on September 23rd of 2020, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis put out the tweet seen above within which he detailed for us numbers from the CDC itself showing just how 'dangerous' COVID has been to the general population, with well over 98% up towards or over 99% of those who'd gotten it surviving.

With DeSantis tweeting "CDC recently updated estimated infection fatality rates for COVID. Here are the updated survival rates by age group: 0-19: 99.997%, 20-49: 99.98%, 50-69: 99.5%, 70+: 94.6%," just think, America was completely locked down over something the huge majority of people were surviving way before the 'v@x' was unveiled, showing once again the entire 'COVID-op' was unveiled to not only steal the 2020 election but to usher in tyranny.

And with even CNN of all globalist propaganda outlets putting out this story on Wednesday titled "Growing share of Covid-19 deaths are among vaccinated people, but booster shots substantially lower the risk" hinting at 'a reckoning ahead', the fact that Biden's FDA Czar Dr. Robert Califf recently said 'misinformation' is a leading cause of death in America is another hint of what is ahead as Biden attempts to impose a 'ministry of truth/disinformation' upon America while Biden himself is the 'liar in chief'.

So while all of Biden's '3-letter agencies' get in on the tyrannical fun, as this Daily Caller story reports, "the actual leading causes of death in the United States are heart disease, cancer, COVID-19, unintentional accidents and strokes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)," proving that Biden's FDA czar is himself spreading 'misinformation'.

And some people still wonder how America got into the mess we've been in for quite some now.

Some more stories out just recently from the mainstream media that show the globalists will continue to milk the COVID crisis as an opportunity as long as they're able to include the following.:

From PBS: "How misinformation and the partisan divide drove a surge in U.S. COVID deaths"

From the Washington Post: "GOP opposition leaves covid aid in peril as White House warns of surge"

From National Geographic: "Two new Omicron variants are spreading. Will they drive a new U.S. surge?"

From WDBJ7 in Roanoke, VA: "Health Minute: White House warns of COVID surge for fall, winter"

And from CNN: "The US should prepare for a predictable Southern summer surge of Covid-19, Birx says"

BOOOOOO! Are you scared, yet? And several out recently from the independent media that will never see the light of day from the MSM because they tell a story that goes totally against their agenda include the following:

From the Gateway Pundit: "Bill Gates Touts Pandemic Surveillance GERM Team In Creepy New Video: We Need The Equivalent Of A Global Fire Department"

From the Gateway Pundit: "Creepy Bill Gates Plans to Hire a 3,000-Person Social Media Team to Push Vaccines and Suppress Any Differing Information"

From the Gateway Pundit: "Biden Regime Warns Covid Could Infect 100 Million This Fall Just in Time For the Midterm Elections"

From Health Impact News: "Get Ready for Forced Lockdowns as China is Once Again the Boiler Plate for What Comes Next"

And this horrible one from Igor Chudov's Substack blog showing it's not just human beings being killed by the 'v@xxes': "Fully Vaccinated Gorilla Dies of Multiple Organ Failure Gorilla - Martha and Human Kassidi Kurill did NOT have to Die"

Yet if Biden's goons over at his 'Ministry of Truth,' which is really just more 'official disinformation,' get their way, we'll be well on our way towards the completion of 'Orwellian inversion', where "War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength."

And remember, as Susan Duclos had reported in this April 29th ANP story titled "At The Beginning Of Every Dictatorship Comes A Ministry Of Truth, Joe Biden Just Unveiled His - We Are Officially Living In Orwell's '1984'", during the Obama regime, the "U.S. repealed the government propaganda ban, allowing the spread of 'government-created news' to Americans". And we're supposed to believe anything they say to us in 2022? Definitely NOT! From Susan's story.:

For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. governments mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the implementation of a new reform passed in January. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption in a reform initially criticized as a green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts.

Once that door opened it was just a matter of time before some dictator-wannabe walked right on through and use it against the American populace.

Biden just made it an official, taxpayer funded propaganda arm of the regime, to add to the MSM which has already been acting as that arm.

So with the globalists right now setting up their mid-term election steal as they attempt to cement tyranny into place in America, we've never been so thankful for the amazing Wisdom of America's Founding Fathers for writing the 2nd Amendment into the US Constitution, with 475 million+ guns owned by Americans the absolutely best defense against tyranny that we could ask for in 2022. Yet we'll also pray that the 2nd Amendment is never needed as was originally intended.

Each of the videos below take a look at the utter mess that Joe Biden and Democrats have gotten us into as they push the next huge COVID boogeyman, just in time for them to steal the mid-term elections, at a time when Biden's 'Ministry of Disinformation' is fully unleashed upon the American people in an attempt to usher in globalist tyranny. An outcome that will NEVER happen as long as Americans are awake and aware and fully prepared for anything and everything in the days, weeks and months ahead.

ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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