Multiple viral MSM stories, over the course of the last week, have turned out to be completely false, misleading, and have been exposed publicly as "fake news, leading to deleted promotions and excuses, while others are still sharing them as if they are true. The sheer amount and strangeness of them, in just the last week alone, indicates something is about to break and the media is desperately trying to find something that will distract the public from paying attention to it.
First Fake News Story: Images of children of illegal immigrants in cages, from 2014, shared like mad by the media and celebrities claiming "first photos," while blaming president Trump (who was not the president in 2014.) Journalists, celebrities and other blue-checked verified accounts at Twitter then start deleting those tweets and images after finding out that OOPS, that didn't happen under President Trump, it happened during Obama's presidency.
In a now-deleted tweet ex Obama staffer Jon Favreau shared an image of children sleeping in cages, with a the message "First glimpse of immigrant children at holding facility.This is happening right now, and the only debate that matter is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible." Others pushed the same narrative, such as CNN's Hadas Gold,NYT Magazine Jake Silverstein, Former special assistant to Obama, Jon B. Wolfsthal, along with dozens of other prominent liberals.
The mass-delete movement began, with the CNN reporter, the ex Obama staffer, and dozens of others deleting like mad, because sure, it was an OUTRAGE, until it became something that happened under Obama, then suddenly it was move along, nothing to see here.
Others kept their original share up, while trying to change the topic into "But, children are being separated from their parents," oh the humanity! Yet not one places the blame where it belongs, on parents attempting to illegally enter the United States, breaking the law while knowing it will separate their family.
Despite the truth coming out on May 27, liberals all across the internet continued to spread the fake news, claiming the images were new, throughout May 28th, as documented in-depth by Twitchy here, here, here and here.
Second Fake News Story: Another image shared by ABC13Houston'sAntonio Arellano, showed a bus outfitted with baby seats, with the message "ICE's largest family detention center, Karnes County Residential Center in Texas, run by contractor GEO Group, has a prison bus just for babies." (Image of his tweet below in case he deletes it)
The reactions were expressions of horror and attacks on President Trump. One user stated "We have entered the "Crimes Against Humanity" phase of the Trump regime." Ana Navarro, the "fake conservative" contributor for CNN and ABC News, dramaticallydeclared "America, this cannot be who we are." Hollywood has-been Ron Perlman, never one to miss an opportunity to attack President Trump with manufactured claims, shared the story from Arellano's tweet, and said "The anger, the cynicism, the hatred, the sickness that goes into this act. Small, tiny, ugly people assaulting everything worth living for, from the Bible to the Constitution. Session, of course. Trump, of course. Ugly wannabes. But Gen Kelly, you are a disgrace to the uniform!"
Tens of thousands of retweets, shares, exclamations of horror, (which they were called out for in their comment threads!) as the story went viral, but this one was a double dose of fakery as 1) The original claim that it was a "prison bus" was a complete and utter lie, as can be seen in the actual article content, for those that bothered to even click the article where they found that 2) It was from 2016, you know, when Barack Obama was president.
So, those claiming this was recent, showing they didn't even bother to read the article, and blaming president Trump, were pushing fake news and the original person that shared, along with others were spreading more fake news because it wasn't a "prison bus," but was specially outfitted to transport immigrant children for field trips, to movies, the zoo, etc...... as the article in question, from April 2016, quite clearly described.
The expansion created new demands to an already unique transportation mission by requiring larger capacity vehicles to provide offsite field trips. These field trips are part of the contract with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Field trips are provided to all children, ages four through seventeen enrolled in educational programs provided by the John H. Wood Charter School, located at KCRC. Field trips consist of going to a variety of places, such as the San Antonio Zoo, seeing a movie at the local theater, going to the park, etc.
The article also explained that each bus was "outfitted with standard commercial grade cushioned seating. Each seat has a convertible child safety seat and is equipped with a DVD system with four drop down screens to provide entertainment to the children with onboard movies during transport missions."
Despite the entire premise of "baby prison buses" and the implication that this is "new" news having been debunked, the original article has already been shared over 200 more times, and liked over 200 more times, just in the time it took to write the last five paragraphs for this article. That number does not include how many more continue to repeat the lies of Navarro, Perlman and all the other brain-dead liberals that couldn't be bothered to even read the article before helping the fake news go viral.
NOTE: Before getting into the other examples, from just the last week alone, of misleading MSM narratives, I would like to highlight the strangeness of these two previous examples. Unlike the majority of the "fake news" scandals that have plagued the Mockingbird Media over the last two years, these were not articles where some unnamed source got somehting wrong, or where the media selectively edited a statement to push a false narrative.
The two examples above were actually linked to articles from 2014 and 2016, where the truth was clearly available by looking at the date of the linked article or even the content, yet there was a coordinated push, even by some former Obama staffers and officials, along with major media outlets, to make a completely fake narrative go viral.
The strangeness of the easily disproved attacks against President Trump, and of this level of desperation to distract, will be addressed in my analysis after the next example of the MSM misleading the public, below.
The fake news: CNN, Washington Post, NYT, USA Today and a ton of other liberal outlets and writers are busy telling their audience that the U.S. government has "lost" nearly 1,500 immigrant children.
The truth is the U.S. government, via the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), releases unaccompanied minors that show up on the U.S. border to parents, relatives and/or other non-related sponsors within the U.S., as explained in congressional testimony by HHS official Steven Wagner.
In FY 2017, children typically stayed in ORR custody for 51 days and so far in FY 2018 (through March) average length of stay has been 56 days. ORR releases the majority of UAC to sponsors. In FY 2017, ORR released 93 percent of children to a sponsor. Of those, ORR released 49 percent to parents, 41 percent to close relatives, and 10 percent to other-than-close relatives or non-relatives. In FY 2018, we have released 90 percent of children to individual sponsors and of those sponsors, 41 percent were parents, 47 percent were close relatives, and 11 percent were other-than-close relatives or non-relatives.
ORR then arranges safety and well-being calls 30 days after settling the child with their families or sponsors.
Here is the part of the testimony to which the Mockingbird Media is claiming the U.S. government "lost" children.
From October to December 2017, ORR attempted to reach 7,635 UAC and their sponsors. Of this number, ORR reached and received agreement to participate in the safety and well-being call from approximately 86 percent of sponsors. From these calls, ORR learned that 6,075 UAC remained with their sponsors. Twenty-eight UAC had run away, five had been removed from the United States, and 52 had relocated to live with a non-sponsor. ORR was unable to determine with certainty the whereabouts of 1,475 UAC. Based on the calls, ORR referred 792 cases, which were in need of further assistance, to the National Call Center for additional information and services.
The children were no longer in U.S. custody, the majority were handed over to parents or other relatives with a small percentage being placed with non-relative sponsors, but the ORR wasn't able to contact those sponsors, so the media screams THE CHILDREN ARE LOST!
No, they are with their families and/or sponsors, and ORR simply couldn't reach them when they called.
Huge difference, but as highlighted by the two examples of older articles being represented as new, the media assumes people will only pay attention to the headline, not the actual content, so they can push a massively misleading narrative to attack the Trump administration.
Rich Lowry over at National Review describes the media's behavior, using the USA Today piece as his examples, stating "Its a piece thats a pretty good example of how fake news works theres some factual basis for the claim, but its exaggerated or misunderstood, and then fed into the maw of the perpetual outrage cycle, in this case about the alleged extreme carelessness and heartlessness of the Trump administration toward migrant children."
The last example, and the related link to a fourth fake news example, is the same type of deliberately misleading storyline the media has been caught pushing throughout the past two years, but the first two examples take it to a whole new level, with former Obama administrative officials, along with major media outlets, quite literally pushing old articles, while claiming they were new in order to attack President Trump. Not even the pretense of doing any "investigating" (which would have included clicking a link and looking at the date of the article) or reporting, just commenting on someone elses fake news post, pretending to be outraged to force it to go viral.
This is a whole new level of desperation to distract and the one huge question is "why?"
What exactly is getting ready to break that is making them so desperate they are willing to throw an unprecedented amount of crap at a wall to see if they can get some to stick?
There is only one thing expected to be released soon, described as "explosive," which has had the media, the FBI, DOJ, former Obama officials, and Hillary Clinton tense and on edge, and that is the upcoming DOJ Inspector General report which is supposed to detail the wrongdoing, and misconduct on the part of intelligence agencies during the Obama presidency.
The initial report was finished a few weeks ago, and was handed to the appropriate parties involved in order for them to present a response that would be added to the IG's findings. The release of the report is expected to also include criminal referrals by the IG against certain former, perhaps current, members of the agencies. Those that have seen the report had to sign NDA's (Non-disclosure agreements) while awaiting the IG to add their responses to finalize the report and then release it.
With the credibility of Michael Horowitz behind it and the access to internal documents Congress has been denied, the soon-to-be released report on the Clinton emails should carry a great deal of weight. I believe it represents our best shot yet to actually uncover the secrets hiding in the bowels of President Obamas highly politicized Justice Department.
No one knows the frustration of trying to hold government agencies accountable more acutely than I do. When I served in the House of Representatives, I saw firsthand how good officials in the Obama Justice Department became at hiding their tracks, stonewalling Congress, evading federal records laws, manipulating the media narrative, and ultimately escaping accountability.
Fortunately for the American people, the truth is going to come out. When it does, the Trump administration must act swiftly and decisively to send a strong message that the investigative tools of the Justice Department should never be used as political weapons.
While this is admittedly speculative, given the the fact that the FBI, DOJ and other intelligence agencies have been leaking like a sieve to the press, with the first IG report issuing a criminal referral against former FBI director Andrew McCabe, finding that he not only lied multiple times, even under oath, but also leaked to the press, it is not a stretch of the imagination at all to think that one or more of the parties that have seen the report have given a heads up to the media.
The media, playing their part to try to minimize the expected "eruption" over what will be real news of government corruption that led to the top of multiple intelligence agencies under Obama, they are carelessly, and sloppily, pushing old news, two to four year old news, without outright lies claiming it is "new" news, in an attempt to create such outrage over disinformation, that the IG report is ignored.
Those of us that have been carefully watching the dribble of actual news regarding the high levels of corruption within the Obama administration, and have been awaiting the IG report, seeing the example of how in-depth and thorough the IG was in his last report, have expected there to be some huge news contained within the next one, but after seeing the media's antics this past week...... I think we have underestimated exactly how damning this new report will be.
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