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December 6, 2019

As The World Goes Insane, This Is Why America's 'Completely Out Of Touch With Reality' Younger Generations Will Struggle To Survive

- Generation Snowflake Is The Fault Of 'Snowplow Parenting'


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

We have often written about the state of America's colleges and educational system, where educators are more concerned with "teaching" students to become activists than teaching them the basics. Where liberalism and communism has become the main ideology promoted by school officials, and where "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces," along with therapy puppies, coloring books and crayons have become normal practices to protect the feelings of college aged students.

Teachers, professors, and school officials all carry a certain amount of responsibility for how immature, loud, annoying, and irresponsible students still are even after they have graduated from college, many needing "adulting" classes just to be able to function in the world outside of the college campus, but the aforementioned are not ultimately responsible for how these young adults that still act like grade-schoolers, have turned out.

No, that falls directly on the shoulders of the parents.



In March 2019, the New York Times, followed up by the College Fix, offered some insight into why many college students are unable to handle the reality of life, whether it is failing a test in college or functioning in society after college.

It is called "Snowplow Parenting," which is ironically appropriate since this type of parenting often leads to "snowflake" children that need safe spaces and trigger warnings just to avoid having to deal with any thought, speech or ideology they don't agree with.

Let us take a look at the headline from College Fix, which states, "Parents setting up play dates for their children in college dorms."

It isn't only play dates though as we see that many of these college-aged students were totally unprepared for life away from Mommy and Daddy and couldn't function at college.

Students at college exhibit other forms of juvenile regression, according to the report: One came home because there was a rat in the dorm room. Some didnt like their roommates. Others said it was too much work, and they had never learned independent study skills.

Strikingly, one student came home because she didnt like to eat food with sauce.

Her whole life, her parents had helped her avoid sauce, calling friends before going to their houses for dinner. At college, she didnt know how to cope with the cafeteria options covered in sauce, the report states.

Snowplow parenting is when parents constantly run interference for their children, even after they are grown and away at college and as we will see later in the article, even after they have left college are working out in the real world.

Here is how the NYT describes this form of parenting:

Helicopter parenting, the practice of hovering anxiously near ones children, monitoring their every activity, is so 20th century. Some affluent mothers and fathers now are more like snowplows: machines chugging ahead, clearing any obstacles in their childs path to success, so they dont have to encounter failure, frustration or lost opportunities.

Below is a partial list and percentages of what some parents thought it appropriate to do for their adult children:

Three-quarters had made appointments for their adult children, like for doctor visits or haircuts.

same share had reminded them of deadlines for school.

11 percent said they would contact their childs employer if their child had an issue.

16percent of those with children in college had texted or called them to wake them up so they didnt sleep through a class or test.

8percent had contacted a college professor or administrator about their childs grades or a problem.

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OUT IN THE REAL WORLD.................

Reading about "Snowplow parenting," brought to mind a story I read back in July, which was so utterly ridiculous that it stuck in my head because it perfectly encapsulates what these college students become once out in the real world where there are no safe spaces, no trigger warnings and where employers expect their employees to do their jobs correctly.

Carol Blymire,communications and public policy executive, branding consultant, professor, writer & Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 2006, took to Twitter to describe a situation she witnessed while at work. (Here is the entire thread, unrolled and all on one page)

A young female writer was going over edits made to her writing by her boss, who was also giving her feedback on her work. Blymire explains that the conversation, at first, was in low tones, but became louder when the young woman became "agitated" over one particular edit.

The details below directly from Blymire:

That particular edit was correcting the spelling of hampster to hamster. Apparently she had used the phrase like spinning in a hamster wheel in this draft (presumably) speech or or op-ed.

The young woman kept saying, I dont know why you corrected that because I spell it with the P in it. The boss said (calmly), But thats not how the word is spelled. There is no P in hamster.

Young woman: But you dont know that! I learned to spell it with a P in it so thats how I spell it.

The boss (remaining very calm and professional), lets go to and look it up together.

(mind you, this is a woman in her late 20s, not a 5th grader)

The young woman insists she doesnt need to look it up because its FINE to spell it with a P because thats HOW SHE WANTED TO SPELL IT.

The boss says, Lets look over the rest of the piece so I can explain the rest of my edits.

They do, and I can see the young woman is fighting back tears.

The boss is calm, cool, and handles this with professionalism and empathy.

Boss says, I know edits can be difficult to go over sometimes, especially when youre working on new kinds of things as you grow in your career, but its a necessary process and makes us all better at what we do.

Boss gets up from table and goes to her office and the young woman can barely hold it together.

She moves to another table in the common workspace area, drops all her stuff loudly on the table top, and starts texting.

A minute later, her phone rings.

It was her mom. She had texted her mom to call her because it was urgent, and Im sure her mother maybe thought she was in the ER or something.


She bursts into tears and wants her mom to call her boss and tell her not to be mean about telling her how to spell words like hamster.

The mother tells her that her boss is an idiot and she doesnt have to listen to her and she should go to the boss boss to file a complaint about not allowing creativity in her writing.

The young woman kept saying, I thought what I wrote was perfect and she just made all these changes and then had the nerve to tell me I was spelling words wrong when I know they are right because that is how I have always spelled them.

There is much more to Blymire's thread but the quotes above pretty much covers the story and shows clearly what happens when; 1) Children are not corrected when wrong throughout their childhood, or taught to accept constructive criticism, and; 2) When parents quite literally make it practically impossible for their children to function in the real world by being "snowplow parents."


Yes schools, especially colleges and universities hold a certain responsibility for babying and coddling students when they are supposed to be helping to prepare them to survive and thrive in the outside world, the real world.

With that said, it falls directly on the parents shoulders when their children enter into college unable to handle even basic disagreements, opinions other than their own, needing safe spaces and trigger warnings just to be able to function in a school setting.

There are no trigger warnings or safe spaces in the real world and parents would be doing their children a favor by teaching them that early on.

The compilation video below is from InfoWars Darrin McBreen from December 4, 2019, showing how snowflakes act when they are not raised to understand that not everybody is required to agree with them about everything.


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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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