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March 19, 2024

Go Woke, Go Crazy! New Studies Find Social Justice Warriors Are More Depressed, Anxious And Unhappy, Confirming Multiple Studies That Liberals Suffer From Mental Illness

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

There is a saying almost everyone has heard: "Misery loves company." Generally a miserable person will do everything in their power to make these around them just as miserable. Personally I have always seen so-called "Social Justice Warriors" (SJW) as exactly that type of person.

SJWs are always looking for something to be offended about, describing everything as "racist," finding fault where ever they look. They are miserable people that want everyone else to be offended, angry or to complain about the same ting the SJW finds offensive.

We see a recent study, whichconsists of two large studies, studying a combined 5,878 people, which assesses "critical social justice attitudes."

Those of us not always looking for something to be offended about won't be extremely surprised by the results, but SJWs might want to take note.

In the citations below CSJAS stands forcritical social justice attitude scales.

Study #1 found:

A binary variable for CSJAS scores below (n = 656) and above (n = 192) the scale midpoint (1.5) was constructed for t-tests.Respondents with high CSJAS scores were more anxious (t[569.2] = 5.32) and depressed (t[551.8] = 3.26) than respondents with low CSJAS scores. They were also less happy(t[556.3] = −1.75) andmore likely to report being in a good socio-economic position(t[663.7] = −4.32),having experienced less oppression than other respondents(t[623.6] = 2.87) and tofind violence against politically dangerous people justified(t[689.9]) = 1.93). Being more anxious and depressed and less happy was more pronounced in high-CSJAS students relative to other high-CSJAS respondents. Percentage-wise, differences between high-CSJAS and low-CSJAS students were 67.9% for anxiety, 32.5% for depression, and 4.5% for happiness.

The second study is far too lengthy to provide a semi-short conclusion like the ne above for the first study, but the findings matched enough to assert that "In our samples (Study 1 and Study 2), having high CSJAS scores was linked to anxiety, depression, and a lack of happiness."

Study two does highlight the following:

Critical social justice attitudes were somewhat prevalent in women, but not so much in men.

People who supported left-wing parties and female university students in social sciences, education, and humanities, as well as people with other gender, were the most in support of the scale items.

However, Study 2 indicated that this lower level of mental well-being was mostly associated with being on the political left and not specifically with having a high CSJAS score.

That last point is particularly interesting.

Other studies, many of them, have found similar findings, which we discuss below.

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Over at thePsypost website, they summarized part of the studies in the following manner:

An intriguing aspect of the study was its exploration of the relationship between critical social justice and mental well-being. Lahtinen found a correlation between higher agreement with critical social justice attitudes and increased reports of anxiety and depression.Agreement with the statement If white people have on average a higher income than black people, it is because of racism exhibited the largest positive correlation with anxiety and depression, and the largest negative correlation with happiness.

However, these associations were more strongly correlated with participants political orientation than with critical social justice attitudes per se.Specifically,being on the political left was more predictive of lower mental well-beingthan high critical social justice scores alone.This suggests that the link between critical social justice attitudes and mental health is complex and may be mediated by broader political and ideological beliefs.

Not only does this study confirm the belief that being "woke" equals being miserable the majority of the time, but it is yet another set of studies that highlight the mental health, or lack of it to be more specific, with being a Democrat/liberal.

APew study in 2020found that white liberal women were more likely (38%) than any other category to report that a healthcare provider had told them they had a mental health condition.

In 2016,the American Journal of Political Science published a correction to a2012 paper that falsely claimed conservativism was linked to psychoticism.The correction, four years after Democrats had a field day with the findings, stated the following.

"The interpretation of the coding of the political attitude items in the descriptive and preliminary analyses portion of the manuscript was exactly reversed."

Oooops! Wonder how that happened and why it took four years to correct?

In 2022, another study found it starts when they are young, and the most depressed group of young Americans, are females that lean toward liberal ideology. That too is a lengthy study, so some key points below.

Across all four internalizing symptoms, female liberals reported worse internalizing symptom scores over the study period than all other groups. From 2010 onward, male conservatives generally reported better scores than all other groups.

The main effect for political beliefs indicated that depressive affect was significantly worse for liberals than conservatives.

Among >85,000 US adolescents from 2005 to 2018, recent trends in internalizing symptoms among 12th-grade students diverged by political beliefs such that, while internalizing symptom scores worsened over time for all adolescents, they deteriorated most quickly for female liberal adolescents. Beginning in approximately 2010 and continuing through 2018, female liberal adolescents reported the largest changes in depressive affect, self-esteem, self-derogation, and loneliness.

In conclusion, we found that worsening time trends in adolescent internalizing symptoms from approximately 2010 onward diverged by political beliefs and were most severe for female liberal adolescents without a parent with a college degree.

In 2021, Psychology Today, discussing a 2020 study, confirms what earlier and subsequent studies have found, being "political ideology may also be relevant to mental health, as people who are more liberal, especially those identifying as extremely liberal, are more likely to have mental health problems."

In 2023, Columbia Magazine put out a piece titled "Why Depression Rates Are Higher Among Liberals."

American adults who identify as politically liberal have long reported lower levels of happiness and psychological well-being than conservatives, a trend that mental-health experts suspect is at least partly explained by liberals tendency to spend more time worrying about stress-inducing topics like racial injustice, income inequality, gun violence, and climate change.

Which brings us right back to "woke" ideology causing depression, anxiety and unhappiness.


All four issues listed above are looked at differently by liberals and conservatives, hence why "woke" ideology is making liberals more depressed, anxious, unhappy and mentally ill.

Let us start with "racial injustice." While years ago, racial issues were far worse until the civil rights act, presently, it is black on black murder, and crimes committed by blacks that tops all other crime statistics.

When researching this issue, we find piece after piece declaring that black men were the highest victims of murder, which is true. What most of those stories neglect to mention is that the majority were killed by other black men. One piece decried how black women are murdered at a higher rate than white women, which College Fix addressed in February 2024.

But an analysis claiming racism must confront the truth that black women are far more likely to be killed by a black person than a white person. That is obviously not the fault of the murder victim, but it undercuts the racism argument.

Next on the "woke" list is "income inequality.A basic definition of economic inequality refers to the disparities in incomes and wealth in a society. That is most definitely a "woke" issue, as woke liberals seem to think that millionaires and billionaires should not be allowed to keep their own money. Money they or their ancestors earned.

They think it should be "redistributed" to those that did not earn it.

1st: That is Socialism, and America is a Capitalist society, 2nd: It is the rich that pay the most in taxes, percentage-wise and in totality, and employ the masses, offer health insurance to employees, and basically carry the weight of society on their shoulders.

Next up, gun violence. I make no apologies for saying that liberals deserve the stress, depression, anxiety and unhappiness about this, because they refuse to address the underlying cause of gun violence, which is mental health.

A sane person does not go on a shooting spree. Many mass shooters were already on the FBI's radar before they decided to open fire on innocents.

I reiterate a point I have made previously: If we hadn't shut down insane asylums, and instead simply provided a heavy dose of oversight to prevent abuse, violence of every kind, including gun violence would be severely limited.

Another issue that liberals ignore is the overwhelming percentage of mass shooters that are on anti-depressants.

See the following links:

37 Mass Shooters Who Were On Antidepressants

Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings

Expert Warns Of Antidepressants Linked To Violence

Last but not east, climate change. Of course climate change contributes to liberals being depressed, and woke individuals being more anxious, unhappy and mentally ill. The media has spent the last 50 years terrifying them about how the world is ending due to climate change, including 50 years of failed doomsday predictions.

It is a fact shown in every survey taken that Democrats/liberals trust the MSM more than Republican/conservatives

Americans' trust in the media remains sharply polarized along partisan lines, with 70% of Democrats, 14% of Republicans and 27% of independents saying they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence.

The correlation: Believe the media telling you climate change is destroying Earth, and you are anxious, depressed, unhappy and mentally ill.

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