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April 27, 2024

Medical Coder Gives PROOF The US Govt Carried Out Absolutely HORRIFIC Mass Murders And Genocide Upon Americans! The 'Depopulation Agenda' Proven By Kamala Harris's Own Words

- Joe Biden & The Uni-Party Guilty Of The Worst Cover Up Of Genocide In History 

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

If you were to ask just about anybody in this year of 2024 what they thought about the 'depopulation agenda' being pushed by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the entire mainstream media apparatus and the whole US government, you'd surely get a look like 'you're crazy, man' and a statement like 'that's a crazy, right-wing conspiracy theory,' at least until you responded with their own statements and words. 

With All News Pipeline being hugely attacked and even defunded over the years for publishing stories about the 'depopulation agenda,' despite sharing with you facts and statements made by various members of the 'global elite,' who we recommend permanently ditching that phrase 'global elite' to call them what they really are, 'genocidal mass murderers,' we've got to take a look within this story at more proof we were correct all along, that these 'genocidal mass murderers' have long had very REAL plans, to KILL YOU and your family members, as well as more proof that 'big tech' is covering up this mass murder being carried out across America and the entire world by our VERY OWN GOVERNMENT.

And while psychopaths like 'mass murderer Joe Biden' and 'mass murderer Kamala Harris' might call us crazy, we're going to take a look right now at remarks made just recently by 'mass murderer Kamala Harris,' which we invite her to refute, but which we can guarantee, she'll never be able to. 

As Kamala was just recently babbling in this video saved over at 'X' for you all to hear, “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and REDUCE POPULATION, more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water.Well how are you going to go about 'reducing the population,' that you're now speaking about, Kamala?

And how is 'reducing the population' just a 'crazy conspiracy theory' if America's VP is now speaking about it? I suggest if Kamala REALLY wants to 'reduce the population,' she STARTS WITH HERSELF and shows ALL the rest of the country and the planet how it's done! Then let the rest of the world decide for ourselves if we really want to go through with this devious and psychopathic plan of hers! 

Otherwise, this 'reducing the population' that Kamala speaks of is BLATANT MASS MURDER ON A GLOBAL SCALE, being carried out by none other than Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the rest of the psychopaths in Washington DC and globally. And if it's really mass murder, isn't it long past time that the American people start using some of the 500 million+ ways we have to defend ourselves against these psychopaths? Of course, as a long time anti-war activist, I'd never advocated violence. But I always believe in self defense against psychopaths working secretly and silently to kill us so they can carry out 'population reduction'. And you can read below from a hospital medical coder just how many innocent Americans all across the country this government of ours has already murdered! 

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So you've absolutely got to check out the must-watch video that we've embedded as the 1st video at the bottom of this story. Coming to us from a 'hospital medical coder' who was interviewed by the Children's Health Defense, we've gone ahead and republished her remarks for you all to read if you don't have the time or interest to listen to her yourself. 

Proving once again that the absolutely horrific deaths that we've been reporting about on ANP via 'the vax' that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the rest of the psychopaths and maniacs in Washington DC were FORCING Americans to take were very real indeed, is this the 'population reduction' Kamala was babbling about? It sure appears that Kamala Harris has sealed her own fate with her own words. 

"I didn't know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections...[For] days, patients would be seizing, and no medications would stop it, and eventually they...kinda had to be put down." 

A hospital medical coder who goes only by "Zoe" for this interview describes for Children's Health Defense the horrors she witnessed following the rollout of the COVID injections. Among the unthinkable, and deadly, illnesses were things like encephalitis, gangrene of the spine, blood clots, strokes, and multiple system organ failure. 

"I didn't know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections...It was insane, I've never seen anything like that. The worst of them, they called it sepsis, but it was like instant multi-organ failure. Like, within hours patients would die of liver, lung, kidney... failure [all at once]..." Zoe tells CHD. She adds that "Some of the records...[from the] emergency crew that found them [the injection victims], it's like their body tried to reject everything and [in] some of these cases their family would be there 30 minutes before, and then within an hour they're dead." 

Zoe notes that "there were patients coming in with seizures like I'd never seen before," and that hospital staff "couldn't control some of them." The coder adds, "[For] days, patients would be seizing, and no medications would stop it, and eventually they...kinda had to be put down." 

"They called it encephalitis, or encephalopathy, and then later on, even the coding organization...[called it] COVID-19-associated encephalitis," Zoe says. 

"[T]he clots were insane," the coder notes. "Never seen clots like that before—even the interventional radiologists that were going in with...scopes where they can do heart interventions and do stents [a stent is a tube usually constructed of a metallic alloy or a polymer] in carotid artery (if you have a stroke going to your brain), normally it's rare to have more than one stent go in, and they were documenting...multiple locations all at once. They had heart attack cases that were like that where they needed massive amounts of stents that they never needed before.

Zoe goes on to say that "There were people that were hiking in their 20s that were totally healthy, that had been running marathons, that suddenly needed a leg amputated because they had a massive blood clot going from their hip all the way down to their leg, and it couldn't be saved." 

"There were some cases of overnight spinal gangrene, which I'd never seen before," the coder adds. "And, you know, you can't amputate the spine when it goes gangrenous. Normally they cut out tissue that's dying like that so it prevents further infection and they didn't know what to do. The only thing they could do was...basically replace that part of [their] spine with an implant, that's the best they could do... It was really intense." 

As for doctors' responses to these horrors, Zoe says, "[they] were baffled, they weren't connecting the dots." However, she adds that "Knowing what the potential symptoms of a vaccine injury could be, we 100% had all the things I just described." Despite that knowledge, "doctors would never tell [patients] that. They would just say, 'It's a stroke. It's a heart attack. It's a blood clot.' And then they would never connect the two."

And the mainstream media has CONTINUED to cover up this VERY REAL GENOCIDE for these MASS MURDERERS in Washington DC and around the planet who insanely thought it their jobs to 'reduce the population' like Kamala Harris was babbling about! How is it that these mass murderers are still breathing and haven't yet been fully charged with crimes upon humanity and genocide? 

So while Joe Biden was telling Americans that they would never get COVID if they got 'the shot,' something that everybody knows by now was a big fat lie, and the medical establishment was actually telling people if they got the shots and the boosters, they'd be safe from falling deathly ill with the 'virus,' as we've all seen over the past few years, never have we been told such huge and monstrous lies by those who we once trusted to protect us from these things. 

With 'the vax' instead actually leading to monstrous and horrific deaths in those who decided to take it as 'Zoe' courageously tells us in the 1st video directly below, and the medical establishment covering up those horrific deaths up for the devilish United States government who should all pay for their war crimes and crimes of genocide with their lives (after their trials and convictions, of course!,) anyone really expecting 'big pharma' and the US govt to ADMIT to carrying out genocide is gravely mistaken.

Hence why we instead expect outright criminal organizations and mass murderers like the WHO and 'big pharma,' along with the terrorists within the US govt and military, to 'double down' in the coming months by unleashing new bioweapons upon us, Americans should have our heads on a swivel and be fully prepared for anything and everything in the coming days. 

As we hear in the 2nd video below, there's been an absolute EXPLOSION of mysterious new cancers in the 'vaxxed,' and due largely to these bioweapons and poisons also 'shedding' upon the 'unvaxxed,' we fully expect these psychopathic terrorists to go out of their ways to avoid being held accountable for their crimes upon humanity. Yet as 'Zoe' tells us in that 1st video below, these are absolutely horrific crimes that these demons MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR, or there is no 'rule of law'

Yet as Kamala Harris tells us in her own words, they're merely 'reducing the population'. By carrying out mass murder. And Joe Biden smiles, believing in his insane mind that they'll 'get away with genocide'. 

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