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March 15, 2021

Biden Goes To War Against The American People As The Globalists Unleash SINISTER AND DEADLY Measures In Their War Against Freedom And Liberty

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While ANP had reported back on March 8th that America should get prepared for a 'President Kamala Harris' in our futures, with Joe Biden being stalked by Harris as if she were the grim reaper and Biden still 'hiding in his basement' at the time and his aides cutting off questions from the press and the public time after time, anyone paying attention to Biden's first real public address since he was 'installed' in the White House got a little bit more than they bargained for.

As Crain's Chicago Business reports of Biden's address to America, one of the first things that stood out about Biden's speech was Biden promising that America would go on 'war footing' to fight the coronavirus.

Offering America a 'glimpse' of what life might be like in the country by this Summer, Biden declared that much of 'America re-opening' depends upon Americans getting vaccinated in huge numbers:

"I need you to get vaccinated when its your turn and you can find an opportunity" Biden babbled.

Also telling the public that IF 'the nation can reach its vaccination goals, it will be possible for Americans to gather in small groups to celebrate July 4', as we had also reported on March 12th after his 'speech to the nation' and 'big pharma busting out their ex-presidents propaganda machine', Americans across the country were having nothing to do with Biden 'dictating' what 'freedoms' Americans can or cannot have.

With talk by the left of mandatory injections of the Covid-19 'kill shot' in order for Americans to 'have certain rights', such as 'the right to travel' or 'the right to go to the grocery store' helping to show how an entire generation of young Americans is being 'indoctrinated' to being treated like slaves, we'll be taking an extended look at Biden's recent speech and the 'hidden' messages within it which show America is being herded towards disaster.

So before we continue, let's take an extended look at this transcript of Biden's recent talk to Americans.:

My fellow Americans, youre owed nothing less than the truth. (ANP: Anyone think we'll get it?)

And for all of you asking when things will get back to normal, here is the truth: The only way to get our lives back, to get our economy back on track is to beat the virus. Youve been hearing me say that for while I was running and the last 50 days Ive been President.

But this is one of the most complex operations weve under- ever undertaken as a nation in a long time. Thats why Im using every power I have as President of the United States to put us on a war footing to get the job done.

It sounds like hyperbole, but I mean it: a war footing. And thank God were making some real progress now. On my first full day in office, I outlined for you a comprehensive strategy to beat this pandemic. And we have spent every day since attempting to carry it out.

Two months ago, the country this country didnt have nearly enough vaccine supply to vaccinate all or near all of the American public. But soon we will.

Weve been working with the vaccine manufacturers Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson to manufacture and purchase hundreds of millions of doses of these three safe, effective vaccines. And now, at the direction and with the assistance of my administration, Johnson & Johnson is working together with a competitor, Merck, to speed up and increase the capacity to manufacture new Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is one shot. (ANP: What happens when 'the awakened masses' refuse the shots and 'the supply' far exceeds 'the demand'?)

In fact, just yesterday, I announced and I met with the CEOs of both companies I announced our plan to buy an additional 100 million doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccines. These two companies competitors have come together for the good of the nation, and they should be applauded for it.

Its truly a national effort, just like we saw during World War II.

Now because of all the work weve done, well have enough vaccine supply for all adults in America by the end of May. Thats months ahead of schedule.

And were mobilizing thousands of vaccinators to put the vaccine in ones arm.

Calling on active duty military, FEMA, retired doctors and nurses, administrators, and those to administer the shots.

And weve been creating more places to get the shots. Weve made it possible for you to get a vaccine at nearly one any one of nearly 10,000 pharmacies across the country, just like you get your flu shot.

Were also working with governors and mayors, in red states and blue states, to set up and support nearly 600 federally supported vaccination centers that administer hundreds of thousands of shots per day. You can drive up to a stadium or a large parking lot, get your shot, never leave your car, and drive home in less than an hour.

Weve been sending vaccines to hundreds of community health centers all across America, located in underserved areas. And weve been deploying and we will deploy more mobile vehicles and pop-up clinics to meet you where you live so those who are least able to get the vaccine are able to get it. We continue to work on making at-home testing available.

So with Biden activating the National Guard, US military members and FEMA to 'get out and get jabs into the arms of Americans', how long might it be until these same folks are 'going door to door' to 'get vaccines into the arms of Americans'? As we see in the story excerpted below from Spectrum News, they're already doing it!

SPENCER, Mass. - The Spencer Fire Department and volunteers are going door to door giving the COVID-19 vaccination to people who are homebound. Jeffery DeJong got his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in his Spencer home on Friday.

"This has been a blessing. A blessing," said DeJong. DeJongs health conditions kept him from going places during the pandemic. He gets his groceries delivered and has been wanting to get the vaccine. As far as I'm concerned it's life saving. With my comorbidities, they say, I'd never make it," said DeJong.

Jeannine and Earl Bengtson also got a shot in the arm. Earl, too, is housebound. Oh we're excited because we've been waiting. I mean, this is a great service. I don't know what we would have done. I could have gotten [a vaccine], but it was important for him to get it, too. My doctor stressed to me how important it was for me to get it, so that he wouldn't get the virus," said Jeannine Bengtson.

So while some look at 'door to door vaccinations' as a blessing, and we here at ANP would never try to convince someone who wants to get the vaccine not to get it as we're not medical doctors, all it might take is one more Covid-19 lockdown due to 'another lethal Covid-19 wave' that strikes America for those 'door to door vaccinations' to come into our own neck of the woods and the jabs might no longer be 'voluntary' by then.

So while mandatory vaccinations could very well be against the Nuremberg Code, as we hear in the 1st video below featuring Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from the Children's Health Defense League, there is ZERO evidence that the vaccine that the globalists have been pushing actually works!

With the 2nd video below from the Finding Genius Podcast also warning that the non-stop, constant surveillance and that insidious disease-causing agent we embrace without question is actually part of the largest biological experiment on human subjects that we've ever witnessed, with lockdowns used to censor us and strip us of our freedoms, we're warned we're getting a look at our futures by looking at what's happening now elsewhere in the present.

And with CNN and the globalists now pushing that "the vaccine is the ticket back to pre-pandemic life" and that those who do not get vaccinated should have 'freedoms' taken away, as we'd reported in this March 13th ANP story, an entire generation of young Americans is being 'indoctrinated' to a loss of American freedom.

Via CNN: "We have a narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status because otherwise if everything is reopened then what's the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivise people to actually get the vaccine?"

With many globalists quite unhappy that so many US states are 're-opening' without them having the opportunity to first initiate their full-scale medical tyranny within them,America is absolutely 'ripe' for some kind of 'event' in the coming days and weeks, with tyranny already within the globalists grasp for America while they kick up their war upon liberty.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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