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December 9, 2019

LGBT Agenda: 'Grooming Of The Next Generation' - From Drag Queens To Sprite Commercials, The Gay Mafia Is Coming After Your Children

(Image Credit: Natural News)

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

In May 2018, Gallup found that the "percentage of American adults identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) increased to 4.5% in 2017, up from 4.1% in 2016," which was confirmed in March 2019 by theWilliams Institute at the UCLA School of Law,which specializes in LGBT research.

We start with the statistics because it is important to know them to understand exactly how over-represented the LGBT community is in Hollywood, where you can barely find a movie or show that doesn't have someone identifying as alesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in it.

We see TV commercials which are targeting children, and already confused teenagers, in an attempt to normalize a lifestyle practiced by less than 5 percent of the U.S. population.

Schools are implementing entirely new policies that sacrifice the privacy and rights of "straight" heterosexual children and teens in order to cater to the LGBT agenda.

We see recent news that theHallmark Channel CEO says hes "open" to featuring more LGBT relationships in Christmas programming, via

Let us not forget that now Mattel is releasing "gender-neutral" Barbie Dolls.

Last but definitely not least, Drag Queens have decided to make a complete mockery of Christmas with their "A Drag Queen Christmas," which they fully admit has adult content, yet "all ages" are welcome.

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The video below was linked to by Fellowship Of The Minds in their article about the Drag Queen Christmas show, where a man who identifies as a drag queen is attempting to make a case for Drag Queen Story hours, where men dressed as women with over-done makeup read to children in schools and libraries across the U.S.

In his little speech as to why he feels degraded by those that do not think grown men dressed as women should be reading to children, he claims he has no "agenda," yet then fully admits the purpose is to "groom" the next generation of children into believing that being a drag queen is totally normal.

Drag Queens have been part of Las Vegas adult entertainment shows as long as I can remember, and no one had a problem with them. People had a choice, pay to see the show or don't. Children do not have that choice and adults around the country are speaking out about having grown men, dressed as women, interacting with children with the sole purpose of normalizing a lifestyle and/or LGBT agenda that is practiced by less than 5 percent of the U.S. population.

One does not have to take my word for their agenda and intentions, nor the word of the drag queen above, but it is stated directly on the "Drag Queen Story Hour" website.

Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds likedrag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.

'Nuff said?

(YouTube screenshot - Sprite commercial)


Next up is Sprite, a soda produced by the Coca-Cola Company, published a commercial for their product. The commercial pushes the LGBT agenda by first showing a woman helping a male child put on make-up, another young lady helping a female teen bind her breasts to mor elook like a guy, another elderly lady helping her grandchild dress up as a drag queen. As seen in the screen shot above, the commercial also showed children creating rainbow colored flags for their pride parade.

What the commercial for the soft drink didn't show? Anyone at all actually drinking a Sprite. The entire commercial was a promotion for nothing more than the LGBT agenda.

Via Gender.News regarding the commercial above:

Finally, it must be asked why these corporations, anxious to cash in on the woke mania, continue to push an agenda as opposed to selling a product. After all, one of the first efforts by a corporation, which just happened to be Coca-Colas competitor, Pepsi Cola, to ride the wave of the social justice movement was met with abysmal failure. The video is no longer even featured on Pepsi Colas main website.

Does it sound reasonable that these companies are using a highly controversial subject to promote a product in order to appeal to a tiny fraction of the population? That seems like a foolish strategy to win over some social justice warriors to Sprite when just as many consumers will now be tempted to boycott the product on principle. Thus, an argument could be made that the real motivation for companies like Coca-Cola and Gillette to air such advertisements, which are invariably aimed at the youth, is to set in motion a total and complete change of mindset with the youth. In other words, these corporations are complicit in the game of social engineering and the cost to their bottom line is irrelevant. One possible motive is to create a weaker, less masculine society of ever-more dependent consumers. Or is there something much deeper at work here? Personally, I suspect something far more sinister is guiding the decision-making process that gives the green light to such projects.

For those that do wish to make their thoughts about this commercial known, the Coca-Cola Contact page is here, with options to email, phone or write to the company.


From our school systems to Hollywood, childrens' doll makers to companies like Coca-Cola, everywhere we turn we see the LGBT agenda being shoved in our faces and down our collective throats.

One has to wonder why when less than five percent of the U.S. population identify as LGBT.

One thing we can say with certainty is that the gay mafia is after our nation's children and it is up to the adults to provide oversight into what their children are watching and what their schools are teaching them.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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