April 30, 2024
Looking At The Deagel Report's Apocalyptic Depopulation Forecast As We Near 2025: Deagel Warned America Of 'A Horrible Death Toll' & A 'Confluence Of Crisis With A Devastating Result'
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
With America now racing towards 2025, these first 4 months of 2024 seemingly going by in record time, meaning 1/3 of the year prior to the year the absolutely bizarre Deagel forecast was supposed to 'come true' has already passed, we've got to take a look back at that 'forecast' in light of what's happening today, with American women giving birth at record low rates in 2023 while 'excess deaths' keep exploding across the country, with One America CEO Scott Davison recentlyrevealing he had seen 40% excess mortality for people between the ages of 25 through 64, and while a 10% increase would have been a once in a 200-year event, that 40% increase was off the charts.
And while Deagel's forecasts from several years ago for a 2025 America to have a population of only between 54 million and 99 million might not seem to many like something we'll hit at the current moment, especially with countless millions now flowing freely into the country on Joe Biden's watch, a literal 'invasion force,' we've still got a long way to go.
Especially in a year which has been called 'the most dangerous of our lifetimes,' with college students joining illegal aliens to cry out 'death to America' while what's been called by many on both sides of the political aisle 'the most important presidential election' of our lifetimes being dead ahead and what could be 'Civil War #2' unfolding whoever wins that election, if not before, especially if we stay on the same path we're now on, with WW3 also being warned of by many.
With 'enemies of America within' deliberately shattering the ties that once held America together, setting us on the path that we're on where we'd argue we can no longer trust our political representatives from either political party, and now the mainstream media apparatus screaming out about another 'pandemic' dead ahead (of course they'd be planning such a thing in another election year!,) we've also been warned that 2024 will be the year a 'tsunami of death' due to the COVID vaxxes comes rolling over us.
So with Joe Biden's presidential approval rating at a pathetic 38.7% in 2024, the worst presidential approval rating in 70 years, STILL being WAAAAAY ahead of Congress's 2024 job approval rating of an absolutely horrible 7%, showing Americans of all political parties ARE UNITED in realizing that our government is failing us catastrophically.
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So before we continue, let's take a look back at just why 'Deagel' was 'forecasting' America to be greatly 'depopulated' by the year 2025 and that this 'depopulation forecast' wasn't just some crazy, right wing conspiracy theory. And as you'll see by their remarks, this forecast wasn't divided into 'left' and 'right,' but took a look at ALL Americans and people living in Western countries all around the world.
First of all, as the website The Expose has pointed out, the man behind Deagel, Dr. Edwin Deagle, who had passed away back on February 16th of 2021,served as the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and as the Deputy Secretary of Defense. Also serving as the Director of International Relations for The Rockefeller Foundation, an influential global philanthropic organization, in 1993, Dr. Deagle was nominated by President Bill Clinton to be the Under Secretary of the United States Air Force.
And as The Expose story reports, the intrigue deepens.:
Declassified documents, released via Freedom of Information Act requests, reveal Deagles communication with the then United States Director of Central Intelligence, Stansfield Turner, hinting at a relationship with the CIA.
One document, dated 1977, intriguingly refers to an event described as the most significant in the intelligence field since 1947.
Reporting also thatthe CIA has released 23 FOIA articles relating to Dr Deagle, the Rockefeller Foundation, the U.S. DOD and the former director of the CIA, as The Expose story reports, this strongly suggests that Deagel.com isnt just the work of one man, but is in fact the work of a U.S. Military Industrial Complex consisting of the CIA, the U.S. Department of Defense and the shady Rockefeller Foundation. Making its apocalyptic depopulation forecasts all the more concerning.
Deagels Forecasts & Current Events:
Deagels apocalyptic depopulation forecasts for 2025 predict significant population declines in various countries, stirring unease given the current excess death data being recorded around the world.
Deagel.coms [infamous] 2025 forecast was removed from their website sometime in 2020. However, thanks to the Wayback Machine / Internet Archive, we are able to view the original predictions before discovered by critical thinkers and thereafter censored.
Deagel predicted in 2020 that the United Kingdom would see its population decline by 77.1% by the year 2025.
Deagel predicted in 2020 that the United States would see its population decline by 68.5 % by the year 2025.
Deagel predicted in 2020 that Germany would see its population decline by 65.1% by the year 2025.
Deagel predicted in 2020 that Australia would see its population decline by 34.6% by the year 2025.
While also predicting a huge decline among many other Western countries.
A full list of Deagels original apocalyptic depopulation predictions can be viewed here.
Regrettably, the unfolding events strongly suggest that Deagels ominous depopulation estimates may not be merely speculative. Real-world data appear to align disconcertingly with these figures, primarily driven by the severe and deadly consequences of Covid-19 vaccination.
But the widespread distribution of these experimental vaccines, allowed under emergency use authorization, would not have been possible without the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic.
So the fact the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) issued a COVID-19 Research contract in Ukraine, three months prior to the official recognition of the Covid-19 virus, raises some seriously unsettling questions.
Especially when we consider the U.S. Department of Defense is now known to be intricately connected to Deagel.com, along with the CIA and The Rockefeller Foundation.
So exactly WHY did the Deagel Report put out a 'forecast' that America would ONLY have million people living here by the year 2025, down a whopping 270 million people? Let's take a look back at what Deagel had to say.:
There have been many questions about the countries forecast specially the one focusing on the United States of America (USA). They won't be answered one by one but below you can find some explanation, thoughts and reflections. We are going to keep this as short as possible.
The majority of the economic and demographic data used in the making of the forecasts is widely available by institutions such as the CIA, IMF, UN, USG, etc. You can see the most relevant data at every single country's page.
Historically it is well known that the former Soviet Union was making up fake statistics years before its collapse. Western as well as other countries are making up their numbers today to conceal their real state of affairs. We are sure that many people out there can find government statistics in their own countries that by their own personal experience are hard to believe or are so optimistic that may belong to a different country.
The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy.
Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union's population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say "Twice the pride, double the fall"? Nope. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union's one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.
So while all of the questions we might have will definitely NOT be answered by the Deagel Report's statement seen above, and it doesn't touch upon the COVID vax bioweapon attack upon America's and the world's population, and neither does it touch upon the very high likelihood that World War 3 will take place in our lifetime, nor upon the US government actually TURNING AGAINST the American people, they did touch upon the fact that they forecast the US death toll to be horrible, as well as the fact that they believed America's downfall will be far worse than the Soviet Union's.
Is THAT where we are headed right now and why the globalist mass murderers 'selected' Joe Biden to be in the office that he is now in? We pray that everyone is prepared for what is clearly now dead ahead of us.
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