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March 28, 2023
Army Of 'MK-Ultracated' Trans-Slaves Turned Into 'Killing Machines' As Globalists Try Gun Grab Once And For All - CIA MK-Ultra Proven & WEF Bragged Of Mind Control Using Sound Waves
- Trans Declare 'Day Of Vengeance' For March 31st And April 1st
Over nearly the past 50 years, the American people got a deep peek into the 'deep state' with the unveiling ofProject MKUltra, the CIA's secretive program of research in behavioral modification, through a United States Senate Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, all the way back in August of 1977. You can see that 173-page US Senate document embedded in its entirety at the very bottom of this story below videos.
Detailed in this wikipedia entry as an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used in interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture,we're a bit surprised that in a time gone by, so many mainstream outlets did stories on MKUltra, such as the following all with links to the stories.
And while those are just a few of the many that gave us absolute, 100% proof that the 'deep state' was heavily dabbling in 'mind control,' with the work started back in 1953, and ALLEGEDLY halted back in 1973, we'll show you in this story the work was never stopped and is still being used to this day, with the CIA now having a brand new army of mind-controlled, aka 'MK-Ultracated slaves,' they can use to carry out mass murder across America as they try to grab Americans guns, an insane army of trannies all across America, as seen horrifically yesterday in Tennessee.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
With this wikipedia entry proving that the CIA in MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects' mental states and brain functions, such as the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals without the subjects' consent, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and other forms of torture, who really knows just what was in those 'shots,' with us having heavy evidence of the 'deep state' being involved in 'big pharma,' and the heavy mind control and conditioning for decades now taking place in schools all across America, quite literally creating ticking time bombs who are totally out of touch with reality if they think a male can become a female and vice versa.
Titled The Top 10 Creepiest and Most Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF), as their story warned, while "Mind control using sound waves? We ask a scientist how it works" was the actual title of the story published on the WEF's official website, it was deleted for 'obscure reasons'. Perhaps it gave patriotic Americans far too much proof of their sinister plans to completely control humanity? It's still right here for you to see at Archive. From this 2022 Vigilant Citizen story.:
In 2018, one of the topics of discussion at the WEF was Mind Control Using Sound Waves (read my full article about it here). I did not alter this title for sensationalism, those are exactly the words used by the WEF.
In the article, the technology is touted as a possible treatment for Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease. However, the article also states that it can cure you, it can get you addicted, and it can kill you. It can also be used to completely control a persons mind, remotely. The article states:
I can see the day coming where a scientist will be able to control what a person sees in their minds eye, by sending the right waves to the right place in their brain. My guess is that most objections will be similar to those we hear today about subliminal messages in advertisements, only much more vehement.
This technology is not without its risks of misuse. It could be a revolutionary healthcare technology for the sick, or a perfect controlling tool with which the ruthless control the weak. This time though, the control would be literal.
The conclusion of the article: Nobody can stop scientists from developing this technology. To prevent misuse, it should be regulated by organizations such as the WEF. Thats convenient because some companies developing this technology are part of the WEF. Do you see where this is going?
So while even the WEF in that article called for such technologies to be highly regulated to ensure they wouldn't be used a 'perfect controlling tool' to carry out 'ruthless control of the weak,' have you heard of any such calls from politicians or activists or the media for such 'regulation,' or EVEN REPORTS of THE VERY EXISTENCE of these 'tools for tyranny?'
HUGE THANKS go out to The Vigilant Citizen for putting out those absolutely crucial stories to understand what the globalists now have to control an army of people who've been conditioned to believe their being completely out of touch with reality is 'the new normal' as we pointed out in this March 26th ANP story, we're witnessing in 2023 'biden's lunatic nation' redefining the very meaning of the word 'insanity.'
And as Steve Quayle warned us in an email conversation, according to a 'deep background source' of his, at last count there were approx 6.6 million people who had been fully 'programmed' by the deep state into their MKUltra program, with an additional 60,000 who'd been at least 'partially programmed.' Making that an alarming 6.66 million 'mind bent' people ready to launch evil at any time against America, we're also warned that in the 'deep state,' each 'mind controlled assassin' has a 'deep state handler/controller' very nearby as they're carrying out such shootings, making sure each 'shooter' is also the 'victim' of 'suicide,' being programmed to ensure all evidence to their crimes is 'eliminated.'
As I mentioned immediately after I learned of the shooting in Tennessee, there was no doubt at all in my mind that joe biden and the left would immediately seize upon it in another attempt to grab Americans guns, and of course, he immediately did while dreaming about ice cream as heard in the final video below. So with that overall goal of biden and the globalists in mind, to take away Americans guns because they can never unveil a full-scale tyrannical government here as long as Americans have 475 million+ ways to defend themselves against tyranny, this potentially gets worse as we head towards this weekend.
With that 'lunatic fringe' seen heavily represented in joe biden's government and cabinet and even in the military nowadays as Susan Duclos pointed out in this March 6th ANP story, 'sane' Americans 'en masse' no longer wanting to enlist in the services because they embrace 'the woke,' and Biden quite literally decimating the military as Susan had also pointed out in this story, its as if the 'deep state' had planned this out long ago, creating a lunatic fringe, out of touch with reality and easily 'programmed.'
And now we learn in the twitter post seen above from a'Trans Radical Activist Network' that there is a 'trans day of vengeance' planned this coming weekend, beginning sometime on March 31st and going through April 1st. Will that look like Tennessee? Or will it be like the left's version of 'The Purge' movies where they think they can do anything they want and get away with it since they're allegedly doing it 'for vengeance?' Please join us in praying for peace in America while being ready for anything.
And how many of these trans, already out of touch with reality, have been 'programmed' to carry out tasks for the deep state, believing they need a 'day of vengeance?' What a mess.
And as the New York Post reported in this new story, 'social contagion' is making girls in 2023 heavily depressed, with the social engineering being carried out in America's schools turning far too many of them 'trans.' Reporting within their story that at some point in the future, we'll be sure to be looking back at this period of time and wonder how, as a society, we failed young girls so badly,you won't be wondering that if you got your news from the independent media as we've long been seeing and reporting the direction we're being herded. From the New York Post story.:
Between social media and fashionable gender theories, we are making teenage girls depressed, anxious and trans.
In a Substack essay the other day, a mother wrote of her daughter, She was among the last of her small group of biologically female friends to socially transition. It was mid-pandemic, and she spent most of her time with her best friend, who had, unbeknownst to me, shown her hours upon end of transgender entertainment on YouTube and TikTok.
Of course, that is going to have an effect, although there is a massive effort to deny it among trans activists and in much of the media.
The Geico gecko can persuade us to buy car insurance.....
But what cant possibly happen, we are supposed to believe, is that the constant discussion and celebration of transgenderism might persuade confused young people to decide they are nonbinary or trans.
With that New York Post story reporting there are many transgenders who are allegedly persuaded to harm themselves if someone uses the wrong 'pronoun' while conversing with them, and that actually being the epitome of 'crazy,' as someone can call me whatever nasty name they'd like and I'd never even think about hurting them for doing so, much less hurting myself or anyone else, why are people being conditioned to be offended about anything and everything as Susan Duclos pointed out in this March 27th ANP story?
With such 'conditioning' and 'indoctrination' turning 'the woke' into the perfect 'target' for the deep state and globalists to use mind control upon as they 'train' potential terrorists to carry out such heinous terror as we saw Monday in Tennessee against Americans, all of the videos below take a look at the topics discussed within this story, with the top-voted comment on the video by 'Huckleberry Finn' perfectly pointing out: "Funny how we know the CIA did insane sh!t back in the day, but when we mention something happening nowadays, we are labeled a "conspiracy theorist."
And with the next top-voted comment from 'Pixel Pixel' pointing out: "Honestly, I don't think MK Ultra stopped. I think it evolved. I think with the advent of social media, they started using that to radicalize people,"who'd put it past the deep state/globalists to once again use their sinister programs to launch another round of terror upon Americans, using mind controlled slaves to attack us in an attempt to demonize the 2nd Amendment, to try to take away Americans guns, once and for all? Nope, neither would we.
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