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October 27, 2014

MSM Caught In Huge Ebola Lie!60 Minutes Exposes 1st Ebola Patient Died Days Before We Were Told!

By Live Free or Die

On Sunday, October 5th I wrote a story called 1st US Ebola Patient Dead? Why Hasnt The MSM Told Us? in which I quoted a story from the Israeli National News that stated Thomas Eric Duncan had just died. Officially, Thomas Eric Duncan didnt die until Wednesday, October 8thhowever, if you watch the brand new video featuring the new 60 Minutes show excerpted below with THE LAST PERSON TO SEE Thomas Duncan alive, you will learn that Thomas Duncan died on Saturday, October 4th. Listen to him tell us what REALLY happened in the video below. Screenshot taken of CBS story excerpt below video.

John Mulligan: Early Saturday morning he had become very critically ill and was placed on a respirator.

Scott Pelley: He was intubated.
John Mulligan: He was intubated.
Scott Pelley: Tube down his throat?
John Mulligan: Tube down his throat. He had a dialysis catheter placed because he was not making any urine, but he needed to. He was heavily sedated and he had tears running down his eyes, rolling down his face, not just normal watering from a sedated person. This was in the form of tears. And I grabbed a tissue and I wiped his eyes and I said, Youre going to be okay. You just get the rest that you need. Let us do the rest for you. And it wasnt 15 minutes later I couldnt find a pulse. And I lost him. And it was the worst day of my life. This man that we cared for, that fought just as hard with us, lost his fight. And his family couldnt be there. And we were the last three people to see him alive. And I was the last one to leave the room. And I held him in my arms. He was alone.


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