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February 9, 2021
MSM Has Become Unhinged Without Trump To Obsess Over - After Years Of MSM Programming To See 'Racism' Everywhere, They Are Now Calling Each Other Racist
Less than a month after President Trump left office, the liberal media having spent so long programming their writers and readers to see racism in everything Trump and/or Trump supporters did and said, that now they are screeching racism at each other.
That is only one way they are attacking each other now that they no longer have a "Trump administration" to obsess over.
Democrats are still targeting conservative social media platforms, and conservatives in general, but they appear to be missing a large part of themselves which was designated as their "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS) space.
It is like an empty hole inside of their bodies, specifically their brains, that cannot seem to get around their TDS and regroup to focus on other issues than the ones they themselves manufactured outrage over for so long.
Racism is the biggest.
From the day Trump announced his candidacy, the MSM colluded on one concept... "Trump is racist," which later became "Orange Man Bad," no matter what he did, even if it matched 100% with a previous position said "journalist" or liberal took.
The constant lookout for something, anything to complain about, particularly looking for anything they can twist enough to screech "racism."
Well, other NYT staffers took offense at the firing of one of their own, despite the majority of their own claims against conservatives for the same type idiotic reasoning.
McNeils ouster came nearly two years after the incident that precipitated it. While chaperoning high school students on a pricey trip to Peru, the science reporter responded to a question from a student about whether one of her classmates should have been suspended for using the n-word. In the process, he uttered the offending syllables himself. An internal Times investigation found his judgment wanting but stopped short of firing him.
Only after the Daily Beast published an account of the incident, thrusting it into the public realm for the first time, was McNeil pushed out. "We do not tolerate racist language regardless of intent," Dean Baquet, the papers executive editor, told staff in an email.
McNeil's resignation on Fridayand Baquet's post hoc explanation that intent doesnt matterrenewed the bitter debate among staff, with reporters warring with each other in public and private.
A Times spokeswoman muddied the waters further on Sunday, telling the Free Beacon that racial epithets had no place "in the newspaper." The paper printed the same epithet as recently as last week in a magazine profile of the Princeton classics professor Dan-el Padilla Peralta.
"Even in ironic or self-mocking quotations about a speakers own group (in rap lyrics, for example), their use erodes the worthy inhibition against brutality in public discourse," Danielle Rhoades Ha told the Free Beacon. She declined to say if that policy extends to social media, where other New York Times writers, including Nikole Hannah-Jones and Astead Herndon, have quoted the slur.
Baquets statement in particular came in for scathing criticism in the Facebook discussion. "We do not tolerate racist language regardless of intent might be the most racist statement Ive ever read," said Lawrence De Maria, an award-winning crime and finance reporter. "It demeans ALL races."
That quote is only a very small portion of The Blaze piece, read the entire piece at this link.
Another noteworthy point is the Facebook internal squabbling by so-called journalists, over the paper treating their own employee the way they themselves treat conservatives for the same type of non-offense, shows the height of absurdity.
So basically, the reporter is treated as a racist for simply repeating a student's question. The paper is being treated as racist for their statement about the "intent" of using a racist term. The firing was racist. The Facebook group discussion was therefore racist simply for discussing someone using the racist term. The........................ nevermind.
I am giving myself a headache here, but I think the point has been made. These people have spent so long seeing and looking for racism, they are now seeing it everywhere.
Without Trump to focus on, the left is now infighting over who among their own peers are racist.
Seriously, I am not sure the media will ever recover from the loss of their 'Golden Goose," aka Trump.
Not financially. Not ethically. Not morally. Certainly not mentally.
For those who doubt that liberals apparently see "racism," in almost every part of life, from food to real estate terminology, a few samples below.
According to a CNN (Archive.is link) report from July 2020, the following terms are racist: Master bedroom, blacklist and whitelist,The Masters Tournament, peanut gallery, to "grandfather" in to a position, cakewalk, uppity, blackball, and sold down the river.
After having been allowed to throw all objectivity out the window for five-plus years, we are seeing fractures happening across the liberal media landscape.
A landscape I might add they created themselves,
Rather than taking step back, regrouping, looking into their own problematic behavior and working towards more normalcy, the media, and liberals across the internet have decided to double down, but they are rapidly loosing the one group they created this narrative to attack, they are turning on each other.
I repeat, it has been less than a month since President Trump left the White House, and already career journalists with over 40 years of experience, from back when the media was still partially trusted, have been thrown out with the trash in the name of "virtue signaling."
The attitude, the "fake news" (as long as it hurts conservatives), the constant search for racism in every faction of life and every demographic, has become so baked in the cake for liberals that becoming a screaming Mimi that constantly howls about racism, is who they are.
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