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September 15, 2021

It's 'Waiting Like A Ticking Time Bomb': Why This 'Great Mountain Burning With Fire Thrown Into The Sea' Would Cause The Worst Natural Disaster In Ages

- Quake Swarms And Magma Rising At Cumbre Vieja Are Signs Of A Biblical Catastrophe Ahead

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While Democrats in America are more worried about 'the unvaccinated' and 'President Trump supporters' as 'threats to the nation' than they are about the Taliban, Russia, or China according to a recent Rasmussen poll, another potential threat to America that didn't even receive a blip on the radar of that poll may be playing out before our eyes, though thousands of miles away. 

And as that poll pointed out, Republicans and Independents see the world in a much different light than Democrats do, with the  top 3 concerns of Republicans being the Taliban (heavily armed by Joe Biden with US weaponry), far-left 'defund the police activists' and China, and the top the top three concerns for Independents the same as the GOP (though in a different order), with the Taliban their biggest concern followed by China and then the anti-police activists. Yet all of those concerns would instantly become 'back burner material' should this 'worst case scenario' play out. 

Because while an eruption of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano on the Island of La Palma in the Canary Islands might not seem like something Americans should be the least bit concerned about in this day and age of election theft, Covid-19 tyranny, and the 'ongoing vax wars' that are taking place across America, along with the loss of our Civil Liberties, as INVOLCAN recently warned, "sooner or later, there will be a volcanic eruption on La Palma", an eruption that could send a massive chunk of Earth into the sea, leading to a crippling wall of water barreling towards the East Coast of the United States at speeds of up to 500 miles per hour or more. 

And while we definitely won't be losing any sleep over the possibility that the Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canary Islands could erupt, as we'd reported on ANP all the way back in 2018, one of the previous times a huge Earthquake swarm hit the region:

While the Canary Islands seem to be a world away to most Americans, so why should they care about what's going on more than 3,000 miles away, those paying attention know that in a worst-case scenario, a volcanic eruption of Cumbre Vieja could nearly instantly send a crippling wall of water towards the US East coast and across the entire Atlantic ocean, moving at speed estimates of up to 500 miles per hour, as a 'mountain of fire' crumbles into the sea

Ensuring that a tsunami could arrive in metropolitan coastal areas such as New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC and south to Atlanta and Miami, it's long been warned that a catastrophic failure of the Western flank of the volcano could send millions of tons of earth crashing into the surrounding ocean.

In the first video at the bottom of this story, we're shown why an eruption of Cumbre Vieja could cause the greatest natural disaster in our modern world's history, with our videographers giving us a tour of the Volcano and showing us why it's a disaster just waiting to happen before showing us a simulation of what a volcanic eruption of Cumbre Vieja could do to America, Europe and the world. And as that video clearly points out, it would be nothing less than a Biblical catastrophe as a wall of water over 100' high crashes down upon the US East coast, likely killing millions and causing chaos, massive disruption and displacement of people everywhere the tsunami hits. 

As the website Volcano Discovery had reported in this September 13th storya very strong earthquake swarm has been ongoing beneath Cumbre Vieja, and now PEVOLCA has raised the alert level to Yellow, citing the repeated occurrences of earthquake swarms since 2017, with this one being the strongest and also the shallowest, suggesting magma is slowly rising into the edifice. Measurements of Helium-3 gas flux are also indicating this.

In the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, we're warned why magma moving to the surface right now, along with all of these earthquakes underneath it, are huge signs that an eruption of Cumbre Vieja may be imminent in our near futures. The excerpt below comes to us from this story over at the Canarian Weekly before we continue.: 

The National Geographic Institute (IGN) has reported that during the early hours of this morning (Tuesday) there have been more than a hundred seismic movements on La Palma, one of which has a magnitude of 3.9 and was detected in the municipality of El Paso. This earthquake, which was felt by the population at 6am, was located at a depth of just 9 kilometres. Three movements of 3.1 magnitude were also detected this morning. 

These seismic movements come the day after the Canary Islands Special Plan for Civil Protection and Attention to Emergencies due to Volcanic Risk (Pevolca) activated the yellow traffic light for volcanic risk, which is the second level of alert on a scale of 4, at the Cumbra Vieja de La Palma due to the increase in activity and earthquakes.

The director of the Volcanic Surveillance Area of the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (Involcan), Luca D'Auria, explained in an interview with COPE Canarias that “La Palma is an active volcano, so sooner or later there will be an eruption, however, it could be in a week, in a month or in 50 years time, we just can’t tell yet

In the last century, there were two eruptions and, without a doubt, we must be prepared for the next one, as even though we don't know when it will happen or how intense it will be, the big increase in activity in the last few days makes the probability much, much, higher.

He added that there are not yet "many elements to make an accurate forecast in the medium or long term, we will have to wait for the next few days to see how it evolves." Although he acknowledges that "on Saturday there was a change in Cumbre Vieja that indicates a process of magmatic ascent to shallower depths compared to previous years."

So while an eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano will remain to most a backseat or non-existent concern in comparison to everything else that is going on in America and the world, we were warned of just such a future event in Revelation 8:8,9

"Then the second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned to blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed"

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we'll be running an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

And as this story over at The Express (saved at archive) from back in 2019 had warned, it wouldn't only be the United States that would be inundated should that volcano blow, with experts warning an  'enormous mega-tsunami' could also drown the UK and huge parts of Coastal Europe. From that 2019 story before our conclusion.: 

Professor Stephen Sparks, based at the University of Bristol, made the revelation about Cumbre Vieja, a very active volcano on the island of La Palma, adjacent to the popular holiday destination of Tenerife. He explained to Express Online: 

"When you have volcanic islands sticking out of the sea, they’re very unstable. And, in some cases, you can get gigantic landslides when part of the island essentially collapses into the sea.

“And you can get tsunamis from that and they’re quite significant. “In neighboring islands, they could be enormous. “It’s quite difficult to know how dramatic these tsunamis would be around the Atlantic Ocean - on the east coast of the USA or Europe. “I mean they could be quite significant."

“Why it’s difficult to know is: if you have a bath and you create a wave by pushing the water from one end of the bath to the other with your hand, if you push it quickly you’re going to get a larger wave than if you push it slowly. 

"The problem is, we don’t really know enough about how rapidly these islands collapse into the sea. “If they collapse relatively slowly then you won’t get a big wave. “But if they collapse very fast, then maybe you do get a really big wave.”

And that very real possibility isn't being overlooked by the insurance agencies, no matter how small the chance of it happening might be. The excerpt below comes to us from this 2018 story over at the website Risk & Insurance.: 

A Mega-Tsunami Is Coming; Can the East Coast Even Prepare? Could a tsunami destroy everything from Boston to Miami? If it did, would we even stand a chance?

Scenario: La Palma earned the nickname “the beautiful island” — white sand beaches highlighted by black volcanic soil. An endless night sky filled with stars as far as the eye can see. 

But beauty here is only skin deep. 

Nestled on the western side of La Palma sits the Cumbre Vieja volcano, like a pot of water waiting to boil over. Its last big eruption was more than 50 years ago, but everyone knows it’s only a matter of time before it unleashes the beast inside. 

And the beginning of the next section of that story sounds very familiar to what we're now witnessing today. We hope the remainder of what that story warns about never comes to pass.: 

It starts with tremors. Glasses rattle on kitchen tables while picture frames skew left and right. Tourists to La Palma brush it off, calling the jelly feeling “sea legs” — they are, after all, on an island. 

But the locals know better and they hold their breath. When it does happen, the ash and lava spill out of the volcano’s mouth like a giant sigh. No one could have predicted what happens next. 

The western side of the volcano cracks and splits; the steam builds up inside and pushes against the volcano’s walls. The pressure is too much; the entire western flank breaks off, the Atlantic Ocean eagerly swallowing every rock, stone and pebble as they freefall into its deep blue depths. The earth rumbles and the water begins to slosh around as its calm ebb and flow turns into frenzied splashing and crashing. 

The waves grow. And they grow and they grow. To the naked eye, it looks like the heavens unleashed a curtain made of water — somehow the volcano’s landslide has produced a tsunami that reaches the sky. 

And this mega-tsunami moves fast. 

All 3,000 feet of water roars as it barrels away from La Palma’s coast toward the United States. As the most western island of the Canary Islands, La Palma sits eight to 10 hours away from the eastern shore by plane. It’s the one piece of good news: Residents have a window of time to evacuate. 

But chaos breeds chaos, and soon the highways are clogged with cars, frightened families from Boston to Miami trying to flee inland. A final silver lining: The wave decreases as it sojourns across the Atlantic from a staggering 3,000 to a mere 160 feet. 

The wave touches down, flowing onto beaches and flooding bays. Coastal buildings don’t stand a chance; water rushes inland 10 miles along the entire eastern seaboard. Homes are destroyed, countless hotels crumble under the force. Chemical plants that once churned out product by the oceanside spill their toxic waste into the sea. 

Beaches up and down the coast account for billions of dollars in tourism revenue each summer. It looks like vacationers might not be able to return for decades thanks to the amount of oils and solvents released. 

On top of that, the East Coast is home to 29 percent of the U.S. population. Now they are displaced — their homes destroyed, their cities flooded. Not everyone made it out in time. 

It’s not the end of the world, but it very much feels like it. 

Analysis: La Palma’s mega-tsunami is a disaster, no doubt. And — scarily enough — it’s not impossible. 

In 1949, the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupted along the coast of La Palma and caused an earthquake that created a mile-long fissure on its east side. 

The force of the fissure then caused the volcano’s west side to slip six feet into the Atlantic Ocean. It has since remained in this position, its estimated 1.5 trillion metric tons waiting like a ticking time bomb. 

So while this latest earthquake swarm in the Canary Islands, and directly under Cumbre Vieja, could very well just be another swarm that leads to a 'settling down of sorts' in the days and weeks ahead, with everything else that's unfolding in this world of ours in 2021, a devastating eruption of that volcano could also be the completion of the great undoing, putting 112 million Americans directly in the 'line of fire' and taking everything else off the front page with nothing less than a 'Biblical event' unfolding, what would be the worst natural disaster in modern history.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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