Quite a bit of information is coming out fast and furiously since the arrest of Imran Awan, one of the three brothers and a wife that has been working in the IT department, for Democratic congress people, including members on theHouse Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, as well as having access to the Democratic caucus systems, and the password to Wasserman-Schultz's IPad when she was the DNC chairwoman.
Since February when the news first broke about the Awan brothers, former DNC chairman and current Florida congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has acted oddly, and in many cases in a way not in her own best interest.
When other Democratic members cut ties with the Awan brothers, after they were barred from accessing any more of the congressional networks, taking them directly off their payroll, Wasserman-Schultz continued employing Imran Awan and kept him on payroll. Wasserman-Schultz did not terminate that arrangement until after Irman Awan's arrest, despite the multiple criminal investigations.
In all, six months of actions reveal a decision to continue paying a man who seemingly could not have been providing services to her, and who a mountain of evidence suggests was a liability. The man long had access to all of Wasserman Schultzs computer files, work emails and personal emails, and he was recently accused by a relative in court documents of wiretapping and extortion.
Records also raise questions about whether the Florida Democrat permitted Awan to continue to access computers after House-wide authorities banned him from the network Feb. 2. Not only did she keep him on staff after the ban, but she also did not have any other IT person to perform necessary work that presumably would have arisen during a months-long period, according to payroll records.
Wasserman Schultz employed Pakistani-born Awan and his wife Hina Alvi, and refused to fire either of them even after U.S. Capitol Police said in February 2017 that they were targets of the criminal investigation. She said police wouldnt show her evidence against the couple and, without it, she assumed they might be victims of anti-Muslim profiling.
Another very interesting piece of the puzzle is how after authorities confiscateda laptop used by Imran,hidden in an unused crevice of the Rayburn House Office Building, which is a separate building than the one that houses Wasserman-Schultz's office, the congresswoman used her position on the Committee on Appropriations Legislative Branch subcommittee, to threaten "consequences" for the DC police budget, for the department's refusal to return the laptop, even after being told it was part of an "ongoing investigation."
That was before Imran Awan was arrested just days after the reports came out that authorities had confiscated smashed hard-drives from his former residence. Since then, Wasserman-Schultz's reported behavior has become even more odd.
John Cardillo, a former New York officer, who now lives in Florida and is asyndicated host of The John Cardillo Show, is reporting that "FL politicos who have known @DWStweets for years are telling me she's a nervous wreck, barely able to function, since #ImranAwan's arrest."
The Daily Caller also reports that they have heard "multiple reports from witnesses who say that Wasserman Schultz has appeared despondent and jumpy since Awans arrest." The DC also states in that same article that Wasserman-Schultz "walked down the House Capitol steps late Wednesday afternoon following remarks she made on the floor, caught site of The Daily Callers reporter and nervously turned around and ran back up the steps with her staffer in tow." The Miami Herald reports thather spokesman, David Damron, has indicated that Wasserman-Schultz will "not take questions about her former employee." Last but not least, TheBlaze is reporting that "The protectiveness of the Awans by House Democrats prompted suspicions by IT company managers working both on and off Capitol Hill that the Awans had blackmail material on Democratic lawmakers. "
Imran began working for Wasserman-Schultz in 2005, meaning he has had access to her computer systems for over a decade, as well as he, his brothers and wife, having access to dozens of other Democratic members of Congress computer systems over the years.
On May 22, 2017, the Daily Caller highlighted the fact that Imran Awan's wife,Hina Alvi's family "has significant assets and VIP-level protection" in Pakistan, which becomes a little more ominous as we learned fromRetired US Army Reserve Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer when he joinedLaura Ingraham when she guest hosted the Tucker Carlson show, and they discussedthe Wasserman Schultz/Awan brothers scandal, that the information the Awans obtained from Democratic congress members was put onto a third database and the reason the FBI are part of the investigation is because evidence has come to light that a "foreign intelligence service may the recipient" of said information. Then he drops the bombshell of what "foreign intelligence service" that was..... the Muslim Brotherhood.
Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer offers two very critical points in the interview above, the one about the Muslim Brotherhood connection and the information that the Awan brothers help Wasserman-Schultz make "voice change" calls.
We will address those issues separately because they are each pieces of a bigger picture that is starting to emerge.
Muslim Brotherhood: The "breach" that involved the FBI, being the information put into a third database to be transmitted to a foreign intelligence service, the Muslim Brotherhood, is by far one of the most disturbing parts of this who fiasco, as the MB's stated goals are " eliminating and destoying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers"
That is a direct translated quote from a document entered as evidence in the 2008 Holyland Terror Funding Trial.Federal investigators found the document in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search. The document which was presented as evidence in that trial is from a 1991 meeting which outlines the Muslim Brotherhood's strategic goals for North America. The full document, along with a translated version of it, can be seen over at The Clarion Project, along with a lit of organizations listed as Muslim Brotherhood "front groups in the U.S.," to help accomplish the goal of destroying America from within.
To that end, it is important to listen to Brigitte Gabriel, who details just a few of those organizations as well as their direct connection and influence (as advisors) to the Obama administration on Middle East policies.
What kind of information did the Awans have access to that Americans should definitely worry about being transmitted to the Muslim Brotherhood?
All three of the Pakistani brothers had been employed by Democrats. The offices that employed them included HPSCI minority members Speier, Carson and Joaqun Castro. Congressman Castro, who also sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, utilized the services of Jamal Moiz Awan. Speier and Carsons offices utilized Imran Awan.
Abid A. Awan was employed by Lois Frankel and Ted Lieu: members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Also on the committee is Castro. As is Robin Kelly whose office employed Jamal Awan. Lieu also sits on the subcommittees on National Security and Information Technology of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
Tammy Duckworths office had also employed Abid. Before Duckworth successfully played on the sympathy of voters to become Senator Tammy Duckworth, she had been on the Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces of the Armed Services Committee.
Gwen Graham, who had also been on the Armed Services Committee and on the Tactical Air and Land Forces subcommittee, had employed Jamal Awan. Jamal was also employed by Cedric Richmonds office. Richmond sits on the Committee on Homeland Security and on its Terrorism and Cybersecurity subcommittee. He is a ranking member of the latter subcommittee. Also employing Jamal was Mark Takano of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.
Imran had worked for the office of John Sarbanes who sits on the House Energy and Commerce Committee that oversees, among other things, the nuclear industry. Other members of the Committee employing the brothers included Yvette Clarke, who also sits on the Bipartisan Encryption Working Group, Diana DeGette, Dave Loebsack and Tony Cardenas.
Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer touched on how the Awan brothers helped Wasserman-Schultz with the use of a "voice changer," which is a reference to the fact that someone from Wasserman-Schultz's office called theattorneys representing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) supporters suing the DNC and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), in order to obtain information, and they were using a "voice changer."
Attorney Elizabeth Lee Beck explains in an email about the alleged event:
Defense counsel:
At 4:54 p.m. today, an individual called our law office from 305-936-5724. See attached photo of the caller I.D.
The caller refused to identify himself/herself, but asked my secretary about the Wilding et al. v. DNC et al. lawsuit. My secretary stated that it sounded like the caller was using a voice changer, because the voice sounded robotic and genderless along the lines of the voice changers used when television show interviews are kept anonymous. The caller concluded with Okey dokey, after my secretary gave the caller public information about the case.
After the call ended, a simple Google search of the phone number 305-936-5724 shows that it is the phone number for Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz Aventura office, https://wassermanschultz.house.gov/contact/. See attached screenshot.
What just occurred is highly irregular and we will be filing the instant e-mail with the court forthwith.
Court document 55 filed with the Florida Southern District on June 1, 2017, shows a photo of the caller ID and a screenshot from a Google search which purports to show the phone number belonging to the office of Wasserman Schultz.
For those unaware of that lawsuit because the MSM has not been reporting on it, the plaintiffs are Bernie Sanders supporters suing the DNC and Wasserman Schultz, for fraud due to the information released by Wikileaks which provided evidence that the DNC and Wasserman-Schultz actively worked against Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primaries to choose their presidential candidate for the 2016 presidential election.
As the lawsuit has worked its way through court, the attorneys and others have asked the court for protection due to threats they have received and specifically cited the suspicious deaths of Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas, and Beranton Whisenant, saying they believed Seth Rich, who was murdered on July 10, 2016, would have been a witness had he survived.
Beck, the attorney, said in the video: After much consideration and deliberation, we have concluded that it is time to bring these concerns to the courts attention. Today we filed a motion asking judge William Zloch to provide protection of the plaintiffs, their counsel and their families, as well as all of the witnesses in the DNC Fraud lawsuit. In support of this motion, we have cited the following events: the untimely death of our process server Shawn Lucas, the unsolved murder of DNC employee Seth Rich.
They cited Rich because they, like many others believe there is a strong case to be made that Seth Rich, who was a data analyst for the DNC, was the leaker that provided Wikileaks with the DNC/Podesta emails which were published during the presidential campaign and roiled the Clinton campaign. Wikileaks and the founder Julian Assange have implied the same.
Then we have the recent tweet by former DC homicide dective, Rod Wheeler, who was hired to independently investigate Seth Rich's murder, who had previously suggested he had information that Seth Rich's laptop contained emails to Wikileaks, telling people to "Follow the arrest of Awan closely. Connect the dots to "other" cases. (hint, hint) Just the beginning. Stay tuned."
A day later, Wheeler spoke to WND and further highligted the connection between Seth Rich and the Awans, telling WND during one of Wheelers own discussions with House investigators probing the Russia case, he claims, they asked him: What do you know about the Awan brothers?
Wheeler claims a thorough investigation of the Democrats IT hacking scandal involving the Awan brothers may reveal more information about Richs murder, the 2016 email breach of the Democratic National Committee and the Awan family.
Ive been following the arrest of Awan this is a guy whose name came up a couple of times in my investigation as someone that I should look at, he said in a phone call to WND Wednesday. I never really got a chance to look at them in the investigation but what I did do I met with the Capitol Hill investigators.
Another interesting piece of news that has recently come to light is that somehow Imran Awan has managed to retain the services of Chris Gowen as his attorney. Gowen just happens to have been a formercampaigner for former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who states in his bio that he left the Public Defenders office to work for former President William Jefferson Clinton and then-Senator Hillary Clinton." It also states "He also served as a traveling aid for President Clintons national and international trips. Chris finished his tenure with the Clintons by directing the advance operations for then-Senator Hillary Clinton during her 2008 presidential campaign."
Add that odd coincidence to the fact that the person who officially speaks for the family of Seth Rich, is a Democratic crisis agent, who claims he is working for them pro-bono.
Frankly there are so many connections, coincidences and puzzle pieces, right now this who affair is a jumbled mess, but we are left with some interesting questions, like: Was Awan attempting to leave the country because he trying to avoid prosecution because in Pakinstan his wife's family has VIP status and government protection, or because he knows too much?
His lawyers statement says he was leaving because "he and his wife we abruptly and unjustly fired, leaving them without a reliable source of income to pay typical U.S. living expenses," yet we know that over the years the family had worked for Democratic congress members they collected four million dollars, and that Awan transferred over $283,000 to Pakistan before he attempted to leave the country, while his wife had $12,000 in cash when she left.
Sounds to me like they could easily afford living expenses.
The same questions could be asked about why Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is freaking out these days, and has been since the initial criminal investigation into the Awans began.... is she scared they could turn and implicate her in criminal wrong-doings, or she is too scared because she knows too much about what the Awans were really doing while working for congressional Democrats?
Why was she so determined to get that original laptop back?
Perhaps the most important question, to which the answer could blow everything wide open, is what is the connection between the Imran Awan story and the Seth Rich murder that Rod Wheeler keeps bringing up?
So many questions and so few answers and yet the MSM continues to blandly report about one tenth of the whole story to their audience.
At the 2:17 minutes mark below, Geraldo Rivera highlights this issue, saying "I think Sean that what we should ignore is right now is everything but this story of Imran Awan."