A confluence of issues, including the shut down of states across America, contributed to the limitations in obtaining certain food items, or seeing signs explaining limits on meats, paper and a variety of other products.
During the initial phase of food and product shortages, some stores limited the amount of certain types of meats that one could buy, other sections were left dangerously light as readers told us of shortages of flour, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, hand sanitizers, and pharmacy items, just to name a few.
After ANP's "Back/Still in supply articles, we saw responses by email asking if we could help locate other items, because the local stores in those areas stopped carrying the items.
Those in areas that have not seen shortages, are few but lucky.
The media first acted like the pandemic was nothing, "move along now there is nothing to see here" and did not even warn their viewers/listeners/readers that they should stock up early, so they weren't part of the mad rush later when the unprepared started panic shopping and emptying shelves, Independent News readers got a little bit of a head start and topped off the supplies they already had, or gathered some they knew they would need in the coming weeks.
The media then moved straight into "politicize" the pandemic mode, casting blame, pointing fingers, never at themselves for so misinforming the public originally though, and have spent the majority of their time attacking rather than paying attention to the more recent food supply developments, or downplaying it all so they could get right back to politics (as if they cannot do both!), yet from what we are learning, a whole new set of food shortages are coming.
While the meat shortage have been affected by the shutting down of restaurants and schools, because when they stopped ordering large supplies, much had to be destroyed because processing plants were shutting down to handle infected employees, and couldn't process the animals, that was not the only issue in play.
With the mid-west flooding which effected both farmers and ranchers, followed by an early freeze, in 2019, Independent Media encouraged their readers/followers to stick up, or resupply, or simply top off what they already had, because the following year (this year) was when the shortages would be seen and felt.
That was before the COVID-19 issue. That is why we didn't just see a few empty shelves here and there, but signs like the one above, limiting consumers purchases because of a shortage of supply.
The media may have stopped, or slowed down on reporting about food issue, an election year tends to make them ignore anything but their own political activism, but the situation is still an issue, and it is getting worse.
June's job reports were much better than expected, but since the lock down of states across America, tens of millions of people became jobless over the past few months, leaving many not knowing where their next meal will come from.
With states opening up again, the supplemental income being provided to millions of families is ending in August, which has food banks bracing themselves for even worse than what they have already been dealing with in terms of feeding the hungry.
Lines began to calm down a bit in mid-April as Americans started receiving their stimulus checks, as well as an additional $600 in weekly unemployment benefits, thanks to the $2.2 trillion stimulus package known as the CARES Act, Jocelyn Lantrip, communications and marketing director for the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, said.
Lantrip thinks the worst may be yet to come. More than 25% of Nevadas labor force is unemployed, the highest unemployment rate of any state, and Lantrip said shes anticipating even higher need for food assistance in August than at the onset of the pandemic.
As some media has touched on the issue before burying it under a ton of political, culture war, and liberal activism, we do have some randomly written informative pieces here and there, not enough to trend as top news, but enough to see that not only is the original issue not "fixed," but what they will call a "new" food crisis is about to hit.
June 12, 2020:Meat prices are going up and grocers are putting limits on your purchases
June 19, 2020:Food scarcity is on the rise in America as the economy reels
June 21, 2020:Food Shortage: Why Shelves are Empty & What to Do
June 27 2020: Farmers to Families program is sending help to food banks running dangerously low on items.
June 29, 2020:Minnesota Food Shelves Go Mobile to Fight Hunger -Relief groups are fighting soaring food insecurity with pop-up distribution sites to make access easier for those in need.
July 1, 2020:Prepare For Food Shortages: Meat Processing Plants Are Hotspots For COVID-19
July 2, 2020:Pandemic Pushes Meat Purchases Online
July 5, 2020:How to Prepare For the Coming Food Crisis- There Are Countries And Regions Which Are Going through One Right Now
For those thinking "I haven't seen much about this on MSM, so it can't be that bad," take a look at the Daily Mail images, published on July 2-3, 2020, of700 cars waiting in two-mile-long food bank line in Miami.
That is just one food bank, in one city.
It isn't just the unemployed either having a food issue.
Food items: Brisket Limit 2 Non-food items: Bath Tissue Multipack limit 2 Bath tissue singles limit 2 Paper towels limit 2 Acetaminophen 2 items total (includes baby, trial and travel sizes, OTC) H-E-B Acid Controller/Famotidine and Pepcid 50ct and larger Limit 1 H-E-B Acid Controller/Famotidine and Pepcid smaller than 50ct Limit 2 Disinfecting & antibacterial sprays 2 items Disinfecting & antibacterial wipes 2 items Trial and travel size disinfecting & antibacterial sprays/wipes 2 items Hand sanitizer 10 items Hand soap 4 items Hydrogen peroxide 2 items Rubbing (Isopropyl) Alcohol/swabs 2 items First Aid and Cleaning Gloves 2 items The following only apply to H-E-B stores located in the Border Region: Baby wipes limit 2 Eggs, less than 30 count limit 4 Eggs, 30 count or greater limit 2
Of course finding establishment media mention of this is difficult, the quote above came from their local news.
So, we have the unemployed having food insecurity, stores are still seeing shortages and limiting supplies of certain products. What those specific products are, seems to be dependent on the store itself and the geographical location.
Then we see meat prices have already risen and are expected to rise more.
For those suffering from food insecurity, the two links below will allow you to enter your zip code or state and find a food bank near you.
Having seen the writing on the wall, and knowing that some stores are beginning another round of limiting purchases, we have continued keeping track of items that are either back in stock, or still in stock for delivery. We also added the items listed above from the H-E-B limitations to our "hunt it down" list, because if one store sees a need to pre-emptively start limiting supply, others will follow suit.
As always, if there is an item or items that you are having an issue finding locally, feel free to email Susan at [email protected], and I will find it for you online for delivery.
With some establishments still limiting purchases of some products, whether food, cleaning supplies, paper products, or whatever, and other stores starting to ration again, it is time to either stock up before the panic buying begins, resupply if you have used your stores, or just top off your supplies with a little extra so you are prepared.
By the time the MSM tells you what is coming, the shelves will already be stripped again.
God bless and stay free everyone.
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