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December 19, 2015

'Terror Blitz' Planned - ISIS Planning 'Series Of Coordinated Attacks' Says Former ISIS Terrorist - U.S. Plot Exposed


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Two related recent news stories should make it very clear that everyone needs to be vigilant, keep their eyes open, especially during the Christmas and New Year holidays, with a former ISIS member revealing that plans are in the works for a "series of coordinated attacks" across Europe as a ISIS supporter in the U.S. is arrested with the official criminal complaint stating hemay have been preparing to conduct or assist others in conducting an attack in the United States, according to a criminal complaint dated December 17, 2015.

The search warrant and complaint, both dated December 17, 2015, will be embedded below the article.

Via ABC News:

Thursday, The U.S. Department of Justice announced the arrest of 19-year-old Jalil Ibn Ameer Aziz, who lived in a home with his parents in the 1700 block of Fulton Street in Harrisburg.

According to an affidavit, Aziz was preparing to conduct or assist in an attack in the U.S. An investigation also revealed that Aziz attempted to aid ISIS supporters in traveling to Syria for the purpose of becoming ISIS fighters.

On November 27, investigators raided Azizs home and found five loaded M4-style high-capacity magazines, a modified kitchen knife, a thumb drive, medication and a balaclava inside a backpack Azizs kept inside a closet.

Interestingly enough we find when looking at the actual affidavit (linked above) that Aziz had been "Conspiring, and attempting to provide, material support or resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization," since July 2014.


In January 2015, investigators say Aziz using the handle @Colonel_Shami, tweeted #IS Know O Obama, that we are coming to America and know that we will sever your head in the White House. The post also included a photo a masked militant about to behead a soldier.

Investigators determined that Aziz posted a hyperlink containing identification information of 100 reported members of the U.S. military, calling for violence against them.

On at least three occasions, Aziz also allegedly used his Twitter accounts and other electronic communication services to assist persons seeking to travel to and fight for ISIS. Allegations in the affidavit state that Aziz passed location information, including maps and a telephone number, between ISIS supporters.

We also see he had been using at least 57 different Twitter accounts.

Witht this arrest of a jihadist in PA that had been allowed to help plan coordinated attacks within America for over a year, the newly released information of a former ISIS terrorist, identified as Harry S, informing investigators that ISIS is planning a series of coordinated attacks across Europe, shows that the simultaneous attacks in multiple locations in France, killing 130 people, might have just been the terror groups opening salvo.

The German terrorist witnessed beheadings and executions in Syria for three months but fled after he could no longer stand its brutality. They want something that happens everywhere at the same time. All you need is to take a big knife, and go down to the streets and slaughter every infidel you encounter, he has reportedly told his interrogators.

The UK Express reports "The terror blitz will be happen "all at once" according to a former propaganda mastermind of the Islamic State group" as they plan to turn the streets into bloody carnarge.


We have seen the Obama administration insist that Americans are safe from the same type of coordinated attacks seen in Paris on November 13, 2015, but as the arrest of Jalil Ibn Ameer Aziz proves, they are actively planning attacks on U.S. soil and while this 19 year old was arrested, those he was "conspiring" with have not been.... they are out there.

As was made abundantly clear by Harry S, the ISIS terrorist, these attacks could some in any form, including randomly killing people in the streets.

Be aware of your surroundings, be alert and vigilant, and as many law enforcement officials are now encouraging, if you have a weapon, if the laws in yoru state allow it, carry and be ready to help defend against a terror attack if it happens where you are.

U.S. District Court Complaint against Jalil Ibn Ameer Aziz by HafizRashid

Search warrant for Jalil Ibn Ameer Aziz by PennLive


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