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March 11, 2025

The Covid Revolution - For Those Suspicious Of Coincidences, Consider This Small But Curious Data Point: The 'Freedom Convoy' Ended On February 23, 2022, The Ukraine War Started The Very Next Day

By J.B. Shurk (American Thinker) -All News Pipeline

Lets revisit the tumultuous second half of 2021.Dementia-addled President Joe Biden executed a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan in August that resulted in the killing of thirteen servicemembers.Having spectacularly failed Americas warfighters, he transitioned quickly to the ongoing fight against COVID.

No cost was too great or burden too onerous in the federal governments war against microscopic organisms.Billions were funneled to pharmaceutical companies (akaDemocrat Party donors) to pay for witch doctors experimental elixirs. Billions more were funneled to news platforms and non-governmental organizations (all on the USAID dole) to push the White Houses preferred COVID narratives and censor dissent.In-class learning remained strictly limited.School desks were transformed into walled enclosures discouraging human contact.Masking requirements became only more elaborate and superstitious with time.Any restaurants or small businesses that wished to avoid bankruptcy were forced to comply with ever-changing COVID edicts.Members of the military were sacrificed as gene-therapy guinea pigs for Big Pharma.The Occupational Safety and Health Administration threatened to prevent un-vaccinated workers from making a living.Crazy Joe Biden promised a winter of severe illness and death for any American refusing to be a biochemical test subject.

It was twenty-first-century totalitarianism disguised as health policy.It was the unholy alliance of State and corporate power (whats that called again? oh, right, fascism!).It was persecution in the name of Science.It was total insanity.

And just as the whole thing looked as if it were going to spiral out of control when it seemed likely that just-following-orders medical doctors and troupes of dancing nurses would goose-step across the country with poison-dripping needles in their hands in search of the noncompliant the COVID police state began crumbling.One moment Bidens Antifa shock troops were doxxing dissenting scientists and terrorizing their families online, and the next moment the loony-leftist brownshirts all time-traveled back to Nazi Germany.One moment Democrats were erecting COVID concentration camps and threatening to separate un-vaccinated parents from their children, and the next moment the tyrants-in-training shelved those plans for a later date.One moment the Department of Labor was forcing Americans to choose between medical experimentation and unemployment, and the next moment the Biden administration was pretending that it would never bully Americans into becoming pharmaceutical pincushions against their will.It was as if the COVID clowns packed up their crazy circus and skedaddled out of town in the dead of night.

To be sure, the circus left a trail of destruction in its wake.Grocery store floors were still painted with arrows meant to direct human-cattle along the most antiseptic paths.Government buildings still proudly displayed signs cautioning visitors to stand six feet apart while simultaneously assuring everyone, Were all in this together.Big Pharma radio and television commercials continue to sell fear to this day.Even in more liberated Republican-leaning areas of the country, its not unusual to run into stray hypochondriacs hurling insults at strangers for refusing to cover their faces with thin paper masks.The COVID Nazis mass-produced crazy, and the most delusional among us made sure to stock up for decades.Still, 2022 marked the beginning of the end of COVIDs relentless pressure campaign.

The Reign of COVID Terror did not come to an end because high-ranking members of the Biden administration saw the error of their ways.The pandemic-loving sadists did not wake up one morning, look at the COVID police state that they had constructed with a toxic mixture of threats and censorship, and conclude, Wow, we really are some evil fascists.Some observers have argued that Democrats began to pull back on their COVID authoritarianism because they were fearful of the prospect of huge midterm election losses later in the year, but that explanation doesnt quite pass muster.COVID fearmongering, after all, was the electoral gift that allowed Democrat operatives to flood the 2020 election with fraudulent mail-in ballots.Theres no reason to think that they had become skittish about rigging future elections with never-ending health emergencies.

What seems most probable to me is that an unreported phenomenon emerged in the winter of 21-22.I think that public resistance to the governments COVID tyranny was quietly reaching a fever pitch, and those in power were becoming increasingly worried about losing control.The first reports of vaccine-related injuries were making it past the Biden regimes censorship protocols, and Americans had begun to learn that contrary to public health officials slurry of lies the mRNA injections were neither safe nor effective.The propaganda press was struggling to cover-up stories of young, healthy athletes having heart attacks on playing fields because thousands of horrified viewers were witnessing the tragedies in person.As the Biden administration was gearing up to mandate these experimental injections on children, parents had begun to suspect that the much vaunted vaccines might not be the medical miracles that the government had long claimed.Social consciousness regarding both COVID and the governments response to the virus rapidly changed during this short interval.

Remember, the National Security Agency and similar espionage organizations around the world monitor all of our electronic communications.Every phone call, text message, email, and social media post that we create is collected, stored, and analyzed.The CIA, FBI, and NSA pretend that they dont spy on Americans, and the Supreme Court pretends that the federal government isnt violating Americans Fourth Amendment rights every minute of the day, but the national security surveillance state tracks everything we say.As appalling as that reality is, it is a statistical goldmine for predicting human behavior.The ongoing aggregation of trillions of data points reflecting the moods and concerns of the human population in real time must provide a kind of crystal ball for those empowered to spy on the world.With that kind of insight, predicting trends in the stock market would be relatively easy.No wonder central banks and spy agencies seem to employ so many of the same people.

Ive always wondered exactly what that data was saying at the beginning of 2022.What was the NSA reading in Americans private emails and digitized phone conversations that persuaded the Intelligence Community to temper its strategic exploitation of COVID fanaticism?I have a feeling that public opinion was shifting so quickly against COVID authoritarianism that there were predictive indicators for mass rebellion in the United States and elsewhere.

Interestingly, this was also the time period when Freedom Convoy truckers began forcefully protesting COVID mandates in Canada.By successfully closing down trade routes between Canada and the U.S., organizers forced tyrant Justin Trudeau to take the extraordinary step of invoking the Emergencies Act, a type of martial law action that Canadas COVID authoritarians used to seize protesters bank accounts and other assets.The government response was such an over-the-top assault against free speech and political dissent that many politicians in Europe and America denounced Trudeaus actions as deeply undemocratic.Although Canadian leftists succeeded in dispersing the Freedom Convoy, they provided a glaring example of thuggish government behavior during the Reign of COVID Terror.

If Western governments intended to use COVID as an excuse to introduce mandatory digital passports and central bank digital currencies and to justify government-directed censorship of dangerous disinformation, those dystopian dreams suffered real setbacks at the beginning of 22.COVID propaganda was backfiring.The World Economic Forums cabal of globalists was forced to find a new reason for Westerners to submit to its twenty-first-century brand of technocratic totalitarianism.For those suspicious of coincidences, consider this small but curious data point: the Freedom Convoy ended on February 23, 2022.The War in Ukraine started the very next day.

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