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July 3, 2018

Unhinged Resistance: 'Paypal Me $50 And I'll Punch Her In The Head' - Another Arrested For Threatening To 'Chop Up' Family of GOP Senator With An Axe

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

The so-called #resistance, a term seen a number of social media profiles as well as consistently pushed by the media, has quite literally become dangerous to not just Trump administration officials, but to Republicans/conservatives as a whole.

Recently a female conservative and second amendment supporter, Kaitlin Bennett, who was highlighted in the news (Wapo link)  after legally carrying a weapon on campus after graduation, went to a restaurant in Ohio, just to have another diner snap photos of her, then post them to social media, then attempt to solicit $50 dollars from her followers to "punch her in the head."


This is not the first time liberals have threatened to do Kaitlin Bennett harm as she received a number of death threats after the image of her went viral, but it is a pattern of behavior we are noting happening with increasing frequency, all over the country.

On Monday it was reported that a man had been arrested after calling Republican Senator Rand Paul and threatening to kill him and "chop up" his family.


This is a trend that we have noted playing out more and more over the last two years. The media targets someone or a group of people, mixing truth with outright false information (such as the 2014 images of children in cages, claiming it was happening now), Democratic "resistance" politicians and liberals then carry those narratives to their supporters, which in turn encourages them to start accosting, attacking and threatening the group the media decided to target to begin with.

Make no mistake, the media is colluding on these narratives and targeted people/groups, as we recently reported on the Google Group of over 400 "left-of-center journalists, authors, academics, and wonks," showing the similarity between this "listserv" group and the one that produced a major media scandal in 2009-2010, which was disbanded in 2010 after their collusion on narratives was exposed. Disbanded the same year this newer group was created.

More on that in my video below.

This harassment campaign has successfully targeted multiple Trump administration officials who have been accosted and harassed while out in public, with the new favorite line of attack to be to confront and verbally attack people trying to have a simple meal at a restaurant. The latest example of that is a woman posting a video of her harassing EPA chief Scott Pruitt at a restaurant. This has happened to DHS Secretary Nielsen, and Sarah Sanders, with Sanders having been asked to leave the Red Hen Lexington in Virginia.

Then protesters, after all the media incitement, targeted the homes of both DHS Secretary Nielsen and White House adviser Stephen Miller's homes.

Now think about having a mob outside your home, where your family lives, in light of the recent arrest of the man that threatened to kill Rand Paul and chop up his family with an axe, and you can imagine how dangerous this level of escalation is.

In the midst of this very volatile atmosphere, people like Democratic Representative Maxine (Mad Max) Waters is publicly calling for people to gather "crowds" aka mobs, and to publicly confront all Trump administration officials, while the media is openly allowing all Trump supporters to be labeled racist Nazis.

Key Quotes via AZ Central:

“If you see anybody from the Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, and a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd to push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Waters said to the cheering crowd.

Waters happily encouraged the progressive mobs that had already begun chasing Trump officials out of public spaces.


Physical confrontation escalation is dangerous

Those are hardly life-and-death issues. Nevertheless, both officials required physical protection after their support for mainstream positions.

The obvious worry about these physical confrontations is escalation. Groups of screaming protesters may just be exercising their First Amendment rights. Or, perhaps they have a James Hodgkinson among them. A nervous security detail might make the wrong assessment — as might a politician with a concealed carry permit. The slightest misstep in these situations could lead to tragic results.

A more political concern, however, is how utterly self-defeating these aggressive protests are. If blue mobs harass Republican politicians, how long until red mobs harass Democratic politicians? And if public officials are fair game, why not average citizens?

When it comes to the midterm elections, angry protests are a political loser for Democrats. The best thing going for Democratic candidates is the enthusiasm of their voters compared with indifferent Republicans. By making GOP voters feel under siege, progressive harassers are damaging their own chances in the fall.

The harassment campaigns are not the only thing harming the Democratic party as a whole.

The next target the media has converged on seems to a possible Supreme Court Justice nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, who apparently is unacceptable to Democrats because she is a Christian conservative mother of seven, with CNN publishing what has been criticized as being a sexist line of attack, with others directly attacking her religion.



Going back to when President Trump first announced his candidacy, the media not only colluded by misrepresenting his message, often using selectively edited portions of his statements without context in order to attack him and attempt to kill his campaign, but they also ran with wall-to-wall coverage with the same goal. With every attack, they elevated his message so more and more people heard it, and then watched it resonate as his poll numbers started rising.

They have learned nothing since then.

Only this time they are not only elevating his message to attack President Trump, but they are elevating some of the more radical responses on the part of the liberal resistance, which has been 1) Defending the murdering, raping, MS-13 gang members because president Trump called them "animals; 2) Pushing for open borders; 3) Highlighting the campaign to "Abolish ICE; 4) The open calls to harass Trump administration officials, and; 5) Arguing against President Trump naming a a Supreme Court Justice nominee, then attacking his potential choices.

Is it any wonder why the #Walkaway campaign of liberals all explaining why they felt forced to "walk away" from the Democratic party after it became synonymous with radical behaviors and platforms, is going viral?

Let us take a look at how that is working out for the media, liberals, and Democratic politicians.

A number of polls have been released recently and while the actual numbers can never again be totally trusted after the polling fiasco during the 2016 presidential election, polls are good to see a "direction" public opinion is heading.

The media and open border, Abolish ICE liberals, are not fairing well, as a new Harvard-Harris polls show that a majority of registered voters, 64 percent, when asked "Do you think that people who make it across our border illegally should be allowed to stay in the country or sent home?" said they should be sent home. Only 36 percent said they should be allowed to stay. The breakdown is also noteworthy: "83 percent of Republicans, 47 percent of Democrats, and 66 percent of independents," chose the send them home option. An even more astounding number is that "51 percent of Hispanics want stricter laws, as do 53 percent of blacks."

Also thanks to the media's convergence on these topics, highlighting the differences in President Trump's position compared to the open borders-abolish ICE liberals, 50 percent of likely U.S. voters side with President Trump in saying that immigration policy should be "merit based," rather than the current "family based" policy. Only 34 percent want to keep the same system. 16 percent are undecided, according to Rasmussen.

Also, after weeks of solid, wall-to-wall coverage over President Trump's zero-tolerance policy, where those arrested entering illegally were detained and a percentage of minor aliens were sent to shelters, where all major media outlets decided to push the term "concentration camps," a policy President Trump issued an EO to stop until Congress acts,  the president's poll numbers continued to rise, rather than decline.

John Nolte over at Breitbart offers the following:

Imagine being the establishment media today, imagine knowing you threw everything you had at the president; that you coordinated a perfect narrative-storm using recordings of crying children and hoax photographs; that you poured all your hopes, your dreams, and resources into manufacturing that one bulletproof story that would finally bring this guy down.

And what happened in the end…?

Not only is Trump in better shape now than before this fake news jihad, the public is increasingly siding with him on border and immigration issues, (including 51 percent support for the wall).

As to the issue of Democratic politicians, liberals across social media, and the Mockingbird Media's campaign over the past week to argue against President Trump nominating a Supreme Court Justice before midterms, it appears the public is again rejecting their attempts at manipulation, as a NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll finds 62 percent, said Trump's nominee, who will be announced on Monday, should be confirmed or rejected before the elections in which control of the House and Senate are at stake. (Source- NBC News)

In regards to the President calling MS-13 gang members, that have been arrested and convicted of murder, rape and mutilating their victims, "animals," 56 percent of American adults say that is a "fair" description. This is despite the fact that many media outlets originally claimed President Trump called all immigrants animals, then had to issue corrections admitting he was only referencing MS-13 gang members.


The media has learned nothing since 2016. They collude on a narrative, all pushing it at the same time, in order to attack President Trump's positions, claiming they are not popular. Then the media positively highlights the liberal/Democratic resistance members positions. When the public compares the two, their opinion on which position is radical and which sounds more in line with public opinion, is that Trump's position comes out on top.

This has been consistent and yet, the liberal attack-Trump media is unable to "see" the pattern, time after time, of this same thing happening, in large part thanks to the very media trying to destroy President Trump with consistent 90 percent hostile coverage on every single thing he says and does. 

Bottom line: At this point President Trump should send them a thank you basket for all the help.


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