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June 12, 2022

Directed Energy Weaponry Attacks Upon Americans Are Part Of The Strategically Accelerated Takedown Of America, No Longer In The Planning Stage But In The Implementation Stage

- Former Spook Warned: 'If You're A Target, There's Virtually Nothing You Can Do'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

According to a June 2nd story over at the Washington Post (saved at archive), foreign governments have been aggressively targeting their dissidents who are now living on U.S. soil with this MSN story reporting "those repressive governments are aggressively avoiding US laws" to do so.

Warning within that story that authoritarianism is creeping across the world and that social media has granted dissidents a border-crossing megaphone,that story neglected to mention the 'creeping authoritarianism' here in America but did report that 'think tank' and 'watchdog' Freedom House claimed it had at least 85 new proven incidents of such 'targeting', in the form 'public, direct, physical incidents of transnational repression,' in the year 2021 alone.

And while we'd never expect the Washington Post, nor any other mainstream media outlets, to report upon the very real incidents of 'targeted individuals' or very real 'gang stalking' happening right here in America carried out by our own 'secretive military/deep state agencies', as we'd warned all the way back in November of 2019 in this ANP story titled "Humanity In For Devastating Shock: Investigative Report Finds 5G Will Make Us ALL Into 'Targeted Individuals' For 'Electronic Harassment' On Steroids - Nothing Less Than 'Modern Day Shock Therapy'," America was in for a very unpleasant surprise once 5G was fully rolled out across the country.

As we'd also reported in that story, according toa November 18th of 2019 story over at Technocracy written by Joseph Mercola MD, "there is NO SAFE WAY to implement 5G in our communities; rather, there are only bad ways and worse ways".

Reporting within his story that mounting research suggestedthe proliferation of 5G for the sake of faster wireless internet could be a public health disaster, as we'll explore in this ANP story, there is more and more evidence it has become so with the dangers of 5G totally covered up by the mainstream media and US govt.

With those dangers of 5G also completely censored by the wireless industry and 'big tech' who saw lots and lots of $$$$$ signs dancing in their heads with its' unveiling, Dr. Mercola reported then of what we're increasingly witnessing today, nearly 3 years later, with 5G being quickly rolled out just about everywhere to 'replace cable internet for good'.

So with thestrategically accelerating takedown of America no longer in the planning stage but in the implementation stage as we'll explore more in the next section of this story below, who else finds it interesting that even Democrats are trying to push Barack Obama's 'puppet,' Joe Biden, out of the White House at a time when even Democrats see the utter damage he's being doing to this country? No doubt that everything now happening to America politically, socially and economically is part of their strategic plan to destroy America from within.

(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

So with all of those foreign governments which are targeting dissidents here in America likely having the complete approval of the US govt as it itself moves closer and closer to a 'boot stamping upon our faces forever' as George Orwell long ago warned, and those govts 'marching in lockstep' as we've reported time and again on ANP, who'd really put it past those secret NWO societies from targeting and killing what they might consider 'dissident' Americans here on our own home turf? Yeah, we wouldn't either.

Especially considering the globalists all out war upon America now happening, with COVID weaponized by the deep state to lock down the country, condition the masses to accept medical tyranny and used to start the collapse of our supply chain that we're now seeing still growing under Joe Biden and Democrats, with runaway inflation, skyrocketing gas prices and less and less food in the stores.

And with more and more on the left now pushing Joe out of office, knowing he'd probably get clobbered in the 2024 election if Republicans put up almost anyone at all if the Dems can't figure out how to steal that election like they stole 2020, as this July of 2020 story over at the Washington Times had predicted, Biden would be nothing but a 'puppet' for the Obama administration, anyways, with the complete wreckage of the country we're witnessing now the results of that plan.

So with the globalists inside and outside of America having declared a full-scale covert war upon us, as this PDF document from People Against Covert Torture and Surveillance had warned, they've got the weaponry to target specific individuals with these 'futuristic weapons' any time they want, and they have. From that document briefly.

I am President of a human rights organization called People Against Covert Torture and Surveillance, International. We were formed to assist targeted individuals with situations that amount to psychological torture and/or cybertorture as coined by your office. We feel it is important that our society realize that there are organized groups of people who intentionally target others for torture or ill-treatment for a variety of reasons and often for no apparent reason at all.

The torture most often manifests with some type of directed energy weapon or microwave weapon attack similar to what happened to the United States diplomats to Cuba and China recently. It is widely believed by doctors and scientists that they suffered and are still suffering from the effects of microwave weapons. This same scenario, however is happening to perhaps millions of people globally with often very serious health effects, such as heart attacks, strokes, cancers, headaches, blurred vision, sleep deprivation, loss of balance, impaired speech, memory loss, breathing difficulties, muscle cramps, and more.

The 24-hour surveillance and harassment activities that often accompany the weapons attacks amount to psychological torture and manifest in the following ways: workplace harassment, vehicular stalking, staged accidents, group stalking, surreptitious home entries, appliance tampering, vandalism, computer hacking, sabotage of relationships with family and friends, compromise of business contacts and much more.

We believe the source of these attacks to stem from federal government agencies and major corporations, as explained to us a few years ago by a corporate whistleblower who defected from a company that he claims performed such targeting upon homeless men and innocent citizens in the Seattle, Washington area. We have attempted resolution of these issues through legislators in our United States Congress, as well as state, and local officials, however, most seem to be unaware of the existence and importance of addressing our claims. This hesitance to acknowledge our predicament has led to the perpetuation of this covert targeting program and to the continued suffering and actual physical and/or psychological torture and ill-treatment of tens of thousands of targeted individuals in our global community.

And as we see in this story over at the website EMF Protection, the health risks of 5g and other sources of wireless radiation are great to the individual as also seen in the graphic directly below.

5G Health Risks

5G Health Risks are many and some very serious. Learning how to protect yourself from 5G radiation is so important now. You can see what it does to palm trees when it is turned on (shown above.) 5G frequencies are EMF waves and all EMF waves penetrate the human body and can disrupt DNA (how your cells make themselves into new tissues.) 5G is known to be a carcinogen as it can cause tumors when in close proximity (close to 5G towers.) I personally can feel the mental pressure when I get close to them.

It is known to worsen your vision (eye problems,) cause skin problems (rashes, burns similar to sunburn, bumps,) allergy symptoms, lowered immunity, bone pain and joint pain as in arthritis. The particularly dangerous risk of 5G is the lowered immunity because viruses are known to be activated by this band of frequency! You (and every other person on the planet) have viruses that are dormant living inside of you. Only when your immune cells are weakened or compromised can they be activated and cause a serious infection or cancer in your body.

Side Effects of 5G

Side effects of 5G are still being discovered and reported but there are some common 5G side effects that are known now. Here are the most common side effects of 5G radiation:

- Eye pressure

- Cataracts

- Vision worsening

- Headaches

- Dizziness

- Depression

- Anxiety

- Memory Loss

- Muscle Spasms

- Joint Pain

- Heart Palpitations

- Chest Pain

- Hypertension

- Sinusitis

- Asthma

- Bronchitis

And these are the the side effects of 5G radiation that we know now. It could be even worse WHEN it is rolled out more and more in the coming months. Id avoid living near these towers and use the 5G protection devices for protection and take the natural supplements recommended if you do get affected by 5G radiation poisoning symptoms.

So in this final section of this story here, we'll be taking a look at just that, protecting ourselves from either the overt or covert attacks upon us by wireless radiation that now seemingly surrounds us. Once again,from this story over at EMF Protection.:

5G Radiation Poisoning

You can get 5G radiation poisoning by being in close proximity to the 5G cell phone towers or even by carrying your 5G enabled cell phone or other WiFi device next to your head, heart or body. Thats why knowing how to protect yourself from 5G radiation and EMFs are so important now. Always use some of the shielding and 5G blocking devices shown below to prevent 5G EMF radiation poisoning.

If you do feel any of the negative symptoms or side effects that are listed above you can take the following natural remedies for radiation poisoning:

- Thyroid Support is a natural blend of the top herbs, minerals and nutrients that protect your thyroid from radiation uptake and boost thyroid and metabolism

- Zeolite is a natural alkaline crystal mineral that is the #1 radiation, heavy metal and chemical detox

- Nascent Iodine detoxes, protects and balances your thyroid gland, prevents radiation uptake and thyroid cancers

- EDTA Chelation Therapy is a powerful radiation detox method, that is not absorbed well orally but has 100% effectivity in suppository form

You can also take them preventatively if you are around any 5G towers or devices. Prevention is better than cure so learning how to protect yourself from 5G radiation is something you will want to do asap. Use the protection devices below to prevent DNA, brain, heart and immune system damage before it happens.

How to Protect Yourself from 5G Radiation

How to protect yourself from 5G radiation and how to block 5G waves using natural metals in specific gemstones and crystals along with technology can stop these harmful waves. Using and appropriate 5G blocking device like 5G Ultra Armo an help protect your body and brain from serious health risks. The closer to your body the 5G EMF protection device, the better the grounding so the waves dont penetrate your body.

It is best to know how to protect yourself from 5G radiation and have multi level protection (home, cell phone and some type of 5G EMF pendant, or bracelet.)

- EMF Protection for Cell Phones protect you while talking on your cell phone, using your tablet, laptop or gaming device. If you wear earbuds to talk there are safe earbuds that block EMF radiation as well. The Neutralizer is the a great cell phone EMF blocker that is relatively inexpensive and works well

- EMF Protection for Home These include EMF Meter Testers, Smart Meter Covers, Whole House EMF Protection Devices, EMF blankets and devices protect your home from internal and external sources of EMF, Microwave, 5G, and dirty electricity

- Earthing Pad Grounding or Earthing allows EMF waves to pass through instead of into you (like the static pad you use when youre on a computer.) This can be tested to show how when youre touching it while using a WiFi device the meter reading drops down to almost zero

- 5G EMF Blocking devices help you avoid being a receptor (something that absorbs these waves) and instead has them blocked so they go around you instead of into you.

The videos below take a look at the topics discussed within this story, including the 1st one below which features former NSA Technical Director William Binney telling us quite bluntly, "if you're a target, there's virtually nothing you can do." Though as the final video below gets into, there are ways that people can go about protecting themselves as also seen in the excerpt above, especially at time when practically anyone who has been censored by 'big tech' or who is seen by 'the regime' as a 'political dissident,' is likely being somehow targeted by these devils, often without even knowing it.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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